My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1747: Childhood sweethearts, the murderer appears (2)

Chapter 1749: Childhood sweethearts chapter, the murderer appears (2)

It would be a lie to say he wasn't nervous when someone pointed a gun at his head, but Zhao Ziqian has been crawling around among criminals for many years. He has wandered around ghost gates many times, and his nervousness can't be shown on his face: "Who are you?" people?"

The intruder sneered: "The person who wants your life."

Zhao Ziqian: "You have to understand that home invasion and robbery are completely different in nature from home invasion and murder. If you stop making a big mistake now, it's still too late."

"Is there enough time?" The intruder laughed loudly, "Killing one person is a murderer, killing four people is a murderer, what does it matter if you kill two more people? Captain Zhao, do you think this is true?"

"Are you the murderer of the headless female corpse case?"

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, Captain Zhao, you have no chance to catch the murderer yourself."

"Why did you kill them?"

"Why? Because they deserve to die." The murderer smiled, "Captain Zhao, I didn't originally intend to kill you. Who told you to be at home at this time?"

"You want to kill my wife..." At this moment, Zhao Ziqian finally understood why Hang Jin wanted him to go home, but it was too late. His gun was in the hands of the murderer. As long as the murderer pulled the gun valve , his life is very likely to be in the hands of the murderer.

As a people's policeman, he shoulders the mission of protecting the people. Now that the murderer has come to his door, if he lets the murderer escape again, then he is not qualified to be a policeman again.

Since Hang Jin asked him to come back, Hang Jin should have the next move, but I don't know if Hang Jin is outside at this time. But the murderer didn't have time to think about it for Zhao Ziqian, so he took the gun and said, "Captain Zhao, take the first step, and I will ask your wife to accompany you soon."


Gunshots rang out, but it was not the murderer who fired the bullet, but Hang Jin who broke in. Hang Jin shot the murderer's hand holding the gun, causing the murderer to scream and drop the gun in pain.

Zhao Ziqian reacted quickly, immediately rushed forward, picked up the gun with one hand, grabbed the handcuffs on the sofa with the other, quickly cuffed the murderer, and then punched the murderer hard in the face: "I told you to fucking kill."

Hang Jin said: "The murderer will be taken back to others. You first see if Mrs. Zhao is okay."

The police officers who rushed in later caught the murderer. Zhao Ziqian immediately checked Mrs. Zhao's injuries. Fortunately, she only suffered a skin injury and was temporarily comatose, and did not cause more damage.

If he doesn't come back tonight, then... Zhao Ziqian didn't dare to continue thinking. He looked up at Hang Jin: "Captain Hang, thank you for saving my wife's life."

Hang Jin: "You are the one who saved her, not someone else. You have to thank yourself."

Hang Jin did not take credit, and Zhao Ziqian did not continue. He asked the question in his heart: "Captain Hang, I just want to ask, how did you know that the murderer would come to my house to commit murder?"

"Send Mrs. Zhao to the hospital first." Hang Jin put away the gun and said, "As for why the murderer came to your house to commit murder, as well as why the murderer killed the four victims and how he killed them, I will leave it to you, Captain Zhao. "Interrogation, I have other things to do, so I won't accompany you."

Before going out, he locked the little idiot Chi Yangyang at home. Half a day had passed, and the girl was probably getting impatient. If he didn't go back, the little idiot would probably have to call the police.

When Hang Jin returned home, Chi Yangyang was sitting on the sofa in the living room, curled up in a ball, looking pitiful like an abandoned stray dog.

Seeing her like this, Hang Jin's heart suddenly hurt: "I'm back."

Chi Yangyang ignored him and didn't even raise his head.

Hang Jin walked to her, stretched out his long arms and took her into his arms: "Little idiot, the murderer has been caught, and what you are worried about will not happen again."

Hearing that the murderer had been caught, Chi Yangyang finally reacted. She slowly raised her head to look at him: "Give me my phone."

Hang Jin gave her her mobile phone, and she immediately called Zhao Ziqian's phone number. When she learned from Zhao Ziqian that the murderer had been caught, she just let go of her worries: "How did you catch the murderer?"

Hang Jin smiled: "Chi Yangyang, you don't believe me so much?"

He told her that he had caught the murderer, but she didn't believe it. Instead, she called Zhao Ziqian to confirm before she believed him. How bad is he, Hang Jin, in her heart?

"As long as the murderer is caught." Chi Yangyang stood up and walked to the room. As soon as he took a step, he was pulled back by Hang Jin, "Chi Yangyang, I'm asking you a question."

Chi Yangyang: "Hang Jin, is it that important whether I believe you or not? Anyway, no matter what my opinion is, you won't listen, and you won't do it if you hear it."

"You still have a reputation for being self-aware." His heart was obviously bleeding, but Hang Jin still raised an indifferent smile, "I'm hungry, so go eat with me."

Chi Yangyang: "I have no appetite."

Hang Jin: "I asked you if you have an appetite?"

Chi Yangyang: "..."

Chi Yangyang didn't know what kind of cramp Hang Jin had, so he drove her for dozens of kilometers in the middle of the night to the "Chi Ke Kai" farmhouse.

Ye Zhiyang's farmhouse is particularly lively today because all their friends who grew up together are here. As soon as Hang Jin arrived, he was immediately invited to sit in the middle.

Chi Yangyang is from Hang Jin, and everyone knows it well. The seat next to Hang Jin is naturally for Chi Yangyang. He has been sitting like this since he was a child, and Chi Yangyang didn't realize anything was wrong.

Sitting next to Chi Yangyang was Lan Feiyang. As soon as Chi Yangyang sat down, she helped Chi Yangyang fill a bowl of soup: "Yang Yang, you haven't eaten well this day. First, drink a bowl of soup to warm yourself up." Stomach."

"Thank you Sister Feiyang!" Chi Yangyang took two sips of soup while holding the bowl, and then slowly realized, "Sister Feiyang, how do you know I didn't eat well all day?"

"Of course I don't know. It's not the fourth brother who called in advance to explain it." Hang Jin told Lan Feiyang not to talk nonsense when he did these things, but Lan Feiyang felt that if he didn't say a few nice words to Hang Jin, he would chase after him. Without my wife, they are the ones who have the hard work, so I have an extra word.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, he received a warning look from Hang Jin.

Lan Feiyang quickly stopped talking and pretended that he had said nothing just now: "Yangyang, this soup is made by old hens raised on our own farm. It is nutritious and healthy. Please drink one more bowl."

"Thank you..." Chi Yangyang looked at Hang Jin, but before he said the word "thank you", he saw Hang Jin looking at Xie Yuanbo who was sitting aside, "Has the girl named Jian Ran been to your store recently?" ?”

Xie Yuanbo: "..."

Where does he remember the girl named Jian Ran?

Chi Yangyang withdrew his gaze and lowered his head to drink the soup. His thoughts were a little confused for a while, and suddenly he heard Zhu Zhangfan say: "Er Yue will return to China next week. Let's think about how to celebrate."

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