My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1750: Childhood sweethearts, kicked out of bed if disobedient

Chapter 1752: Childhood sweethearts, kicked out of bed if disobedient

Liu Tianliang swallowed nervously: "The person who contacted me is a man named Wen San. I receive all my goods from him. And you have already captured all my downlines."

Hang Jin didn't say a word. His slender fingers tapped the tabletop intentionally or unintentionally, making a thumping sound. The ordinary voice made Liu Tianliang's scalp numb: "Delivery at Jiangbei Huangtian Wharf at 10:30 in the evening on the 9th. The joint code is [ Life is only a few decades, and I will live with you until you grow old."

"It's just a fucking secret code. It's quite poetic." Hang Jin got up and strode out. As he walked, he asked the men following him, "Do I need to say more about what to do next?"

Xiao Wang: "Boss, this person is very cunning. I'm afraid his password is fake."

Hang Jin was noncommittal, raised his watch and looked at the time: "What's the date today?"

Xiao Wang: "No. 6."

Hang Jin: "You were right in your analysis just now. I don't rule out that the bastard is still thinking of informing people outside at this time. Make arrangements well and make a few more plans. I will definitely catch Wen San back in three days." .”

Xiao Wang was so happy that he was praised by his boss for the first time: "Yes!"

Hang Jin looked at Xiao Wang, thinking that he could make this kid so happy just by saying a word. However, the little idiot at home never saw her appreciate it no matter how much he did.

Although the little idiot at home didn't appreciate it, Hang Jin rushed home as soon as he finished his work.

"Yangyang..." In his sleep, Chi Yangyang seemed to hear his mother calling his name, "Mom? Is that you, mom? Where are you? Can you answer Yangyang?"

"Yangyang, it hurts so much. Please help us, please help us..." Her mother's voice calling for help was in her ears, but Chi Yangyang couldn't see where her mother was. The night was as dark as ink. I can't see my fingers.

Chi Yangyang was so anxious: "Mom, where are you? Why can't I see you?"

"Yangyang, those murderers are not human. Not only did they kill your dad and me, they didn't even leave us a complete body..." My mother's voice was very close, but if you listen carefully, it felt very far away, as if it was floating in the horizon. It's so light that it can fall apart at any time.

"Mom, don't be afraid. Yangyang will definitely find the murderer and let you and my dad rest in peace... Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." Although I have no personal experience, the despair of having parents killed and quartered often makes Chi Yangyang Just thinking about it makes me feel so distressed that I feel like I'm about to die.


Once again, someone kicked her butt. Chi Yangyang fell from the bed to the ground and woke up. She opened her eyes and met Hang Jin's complicated and distressed eyes as soon as she raised her head.

Feeling distressed?

He feels sorry for her?

Chi Yangyang thought he was dazzled, so he quickly rubbed his eyes and looked again. Every cell in Hang Jin's body was written with the word arrogance: "Oh, little four-eyed boy, you are so brave again."

It was clearly him who kicked her out of bed just now, so why did it seem like she had done something wrong?

She stammered: "Why are you staring at me? What did I do?"

Hang Jin: "What did I tell you before I went out?"

Chi Yangyang: "A lot." But she doesn't seem to remember a word.

Hang Jin: "But you don't remember a word."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

Is this person the roundworm in her belly?

Hang Jin: "I asked you to lock the door, why not?"

Chi Yangyang: "You kicked me out of bed just because of this?"

Hang Jin: "What else?"

"You..." Chi Yangyang was so angry that she couldn't speak, but when Hang Jin made such a fuss, she couldn't even remember that she had another nightmare just now.

Hang Jin: "I want to take a bath."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

Hang Jin: "Go get me pajamas."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

Not taking it, right?

Hang Jin didn't force her. He turned around and went to the bathroom. When he came out of the bathroom after a while, he was naked.

He doesn't mind "being honest" with Chi Yangyang at all.

But when Chi Yangyang saw this, he was so scared that he rolled out of bed and crawled to bring him pajamas: "Uncle Hang, can we have some face in the future?"

Hang Jin just didn't accept the pajamas she handed him: "Why am I so shameless?"

Chi Yangyang looked away: "Hurry up and put on your pajamas."

Hang Jin took the pajamas and threw them aside: "Lying next to you, is there any difference between wearing it or not?"

Chi Yangyang gritted his teeth in anger.

Just as she gritted her teeth, Hang Jin added, "I was fully dressed that night, but you didn't strip me naked afterwards, so I think it's easier for you to do things if I don't wear them."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

In Chi Yangyang's silence, Hang Jin seemed to have opened up a chatterbox: "Xiao Siyan'er, you didn't say you wanted to have a child with me. I have thought about it and I promise you."

Upon hearing this, Chi Yangyang was so frightened that he backed away: "What I said that day was nonsense. Your uncle just listened to it after a lot of it. Don't take it to heart."

Hang Jin raised his eyebrows: "What? I promised you, but you are still unwilling?"

Chi Yangyang didn't understand what he was thinking: "Didn't you reject me that day? Later, I thought about it carefully. It is necessary for both parties to have children. If you force it, you will suffer for yourself and the child. .”

Hang Jin: "Do you have other ideas?"

Chi Yangyang shook his head: "No."

Hang Jin: "Chi Yangyang, I'm warning you, you can't even think about finding another man to have a baby."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

Did he implant some chip in her brain?

Why could he even know what she was thinking.

"Chi Yangyang, how dare you fucking think about it!" Looking at Chi Yangyang's stupid expression, Hang Jin knew that he was right. It seems that he has to keep a close eye on this little idiot in the future, otherwise where will she be? God had cuckolded him, and he didn't even know it.

"I didn't..." It was over. Uncle Hang looked very angry, and the consequences would be serious.

Sure enough, Uncle Hang's punishment came in the next second.

"Ah, you..." He grabbed her like a hungry wolf, held her and "gnawed" her, a typical sheep falling into the tiger's mouth.

Chi Yangyang felt that she was even more pitiful than the sheep, because Hang Jin's bastard was so strong. When he held her in his arms, she had no room to struggle: "Relax a little, I'm about to suffocate." ”

But he ignored her at all and still "bited her" and "gnawed her". What was even more hateful was that Chi Yangyang thought this feeling was pretty good.

Chi Yangyang was frightened by the thoughts that popped into her head, and quickly reached out to push him, but he was pressing on her like a mountain. She couldn't push him away or move, she could only let him do whatever he wanted.

At this time, Chi Yangyang discovered that not only was Hang Jin naked, but he was also about to strip her naked.

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