My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1751: Childhood sweethearts, be kind

Chapter 1753: Childhood sweethearts, be kind


Chi Yangyang secretly screamed that something was wrong, but was powerless to stop him: "Hang Jin, don't do this."

Hang Jin didn't stop: "What can't be done?"

Chi Yangyang blocked her chest with both hands, holding on to the last line of defense: "You can't take off my clothes anymore." If you take it off again, she will be like him, and she will be ashamed.

Hang Jin raised his head slightly, but he was still very close to her, so close that Chi Yangyang could feel his breath: "What? You are only allowed to take off my clothes, but I can't take off yours?"

Chi Yangyang blushed anxiously: "I was drunk that time, and I didn't know what I did. Besides, you are stronger than me, and you can completely stop me."

Hang Jin: "Chi Yangyang, you have to be kind and not domineering. Some things have been done before. You can't use the excuse that you were drunk and didn't know that you are not responsible for me."

"Who said I'm not responsible for you? Didn't I get married with you? What else do you want me to do?" If something hadn't fallen into his hands, Chi Yangyang swore that even if he held a knife against her neck, she would not stupidly go to get a marriage certificate with Hang Jin.

When two people who don't love each other get married, they are not only responsible for each other, but also irresponsible to society. This mistake is really wrong. She wants to end it early, but Hang Jin is not tired of playing this game yet, so the end is naturally not hers The final say.

After thinking about it, Chi Yangyang softened his attitude and tried to ease the atmosphere first: "Uncle Hang, let me go first, and we will discuss this issue slowly."

Hang Jin: "Don't let it go."

Chi Yangyang: "What do you want?"

Hang Jin: "Have a baby with you."

Chi Yangyang shook his head: "No, there's no need to give birth. Hang Jin, we have already missed it once. We can't make the same mistake again and again."

"Chi Yangyang!" Hang Jin suddenly called her name in a deep voice and tapped her forehead with one hand. "When will you, an idiot, take a closer look?"

Chi Yangyang: "What are you looking at?"

Hang Jin knew this would be the result, but he was still angry when he heard her say it so straightforwardly. He was so angry that he turned over and lay aside: "Watch me sleep."

Chi Yangyang: "I'll watch you while you sleep?"

Hang Jin: "Is there a problem?"

Chi Yangyang: "No, no problem."

What problems could she have in front of Uncle Hang?

So, the result was that Hang Jin fell asleep, and Chi Yangyang sat pitifully next to him, obviously very sleepy, but could only watch the old man sleep.

Of course, in order not to get needle holes, Chi Yangyang still pulled up the quilt to cover him very considerately.

But out of the corner of her eye, she still saw something she shouldn't have seen. Chi Yangyang couldn't help but sigh in her heart - it seemed much bigger than when she held it in her hand when she was a child.

I don't know if Hang Jin is made of steel. He didn't have a good rest for several nights. At dawn, he was still as energetic as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

Chi Yangyang put breakfast in front of him and couldn't help but look at him a few more times: "I said Fourth Young Master Hang, you have nothing to do, what are you doing up so early?"

The key is that since he got up so early, she had to prepare breakfast. She was very tired, okay?

Hang Jin took a sip of the porridge, but it was still as unpalatable as before. If it weren't for the fact that she cooked it by herself, he would definitely not drink it: "I'll take you to work."

"I have my own car, so you don't need to get up so early to see me off. You saw that you slept so late last night. You should sleep a little longer to catch up on your sleep, otherwise you will age quickly." Chi Yangyang knew that if she directly said that he didn't need to see him off, He would definitely not give her a good look, so he thought of a more tactful way to refuse:

Sure enough, this trick is still very effective for Hang Jin: "Do you feel sorry for me?"

Chi Yangyang nodded without conscience: "Yes."

But Hang Jin stared at her dissatisfied: "Little idiot, pay attention to your eyes when you lie."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

This person is not doing his job all day long, but his eyes are so accurate when looking at people, it is simply poisonous.

Seeing the embarrassment of being exposed on Chi Yangyang's face, Hang Jin proudly blew a loud whistle: "Xiao Siyan, work hard. I will pick you up from get off work tonight."

Chi Yangyang: "Let's forget it."

Hang Jin: "Don't talk nonsense. I said I would pick you up and didn't ask for your opinion."

Well, if you can’t refuse, you can only accept it.

Chi Yangyang watched him finish the porridge quickly and change his clothes. He seemed to be in a hurry to go out: "Where are you going now?"

Hang Jin: "Go and steal people."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

Hang Jin: "Are you jealous?"


would not.

Chi Yangyang wished that he would find someone else and stop pestering her, but she didn't dare to say: "I'm going to work. Drive slower, don't always occupy two parking spaces with one car. The parking spaces are tight now, you are like that It’s very annoying.”

Hang Jin: "I can't do my own thing well, but I still meddle in my own business."

He said this, but Hang Jin will park his car honestly from now on, and no car will occupy two parking spaces anymore. This is all the credit of Chi Yangyang.

A restaurant in Jiangbei.

Hang Jin knew that Qin Yue was the most punctual person. Even though he had not had a good rest, he still arrived at the appointment place on time. Seeing his friend whom he had not seen for many days, Hang Jin was in a good mood. He stepped forward and gave Qin Yue a big smile. Hug: "I admire you. Long time no see. I miss you so much."

After being hugged by Hang Jin, Qin Yue did not refuse or respond. Instead, he revealed it mercilessly: "You just met before you returned home."

Hang Jin looked at Qin Yue dissatisfied: "Oh, why don't you, the leader of the Shengtian Group, have no humor at all?"

Qin Yue asked him to sit down, and he just sat down: "What do you want to drink?"

"Just decide what you like to drink." As he said this, Hang Jin still took the menu in his hand, "I am a native of Jiangbei. Of course I treat you when you come to Jiangbei."

Qin Yue said, "Thank you."

"It's just a meal, why are you so polite?" Hang Jin called the waiter, "Give me a dish from your restaurant. The taste should be lighter. No onions can be put in any dish."

After ordering, Hang Jin looked at Qin Yue with a smile: "Look, Mu Zhi, how much I love you. I know you are allergic to onions, so I keep it in my heart."

Qin Yue: "I mean Jian Ran's matter."

"Jian Ran?" Hang Jin was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Qin Yue's thank you was referring to Jian Ran's affairs. He had to look at Qin Yue carefully, "How many girls in our school wanted to chase you in the past, but you never Take another look at those people. Now I have come all the way to Jiangbei for a woman. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it.”

However, Qin Yue just refused to answer Hang Jin's words and expressed his intention very directly: "I will personally take over Jian Ran's affairs. You should leave her affairs alone in the future."

"No problem." Hang Jin has never been a meddlesome person, and he also trusts his friends. Qin Yue asked him to leave it alone, so he would stop being meddlesome. "Then how do you plan to pursue her?"

Qin Yue said calmly: "We have obtained the marriage certificate."

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