My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1754: Childhood sweethearts, looking for clues and being murdered

Chapter 1756: Childhood sweethearts, looking for clues and being murdered

After identification, Chi Yangyang determined that the skull found by the police was indeed a human skull, but whether it was the skull of the four victims in the serial murder case would have to be brought back to the police station for further DNA testing before it could be determined.

Looking at the scattered bones in front of him, Zhao Ziqian was so angry: "Liu Tieliang is worse than a beast. What kind of grievances did he have that made him do such a cruel thing to these four people?"

Hearing that human skulls were found in his slaughterhouse, Boss Wang was so frightened that he walked to Zhao Ziqian with trembling legs and timidly said: "Captain Zhao, are these bones really human skulls? Are they really those of Liu Tieliang?" for?"

Zhao Ziqian looked at Boss Wang: "Boss Wang, now I would like to trouble you to go back with us to assist in the investigation."

Boss Wang pointed at himself: "Me? I don't know anything. How can I help you?"

Zhao Ziqian: "Didn't you just say that Liu Tieliang resigned from you last month? The skull of the deceased will still appear in your slaughterhouse. Do you think it has nothing to do with you?"

Boss Wang was scared, but he was still clear-headed: "He told me to resign last month, and he officially resigned on the second of this month. The day before yesterday, he came back to collect the remaining salary."

Zhao Ziqian: "Don't rush to explain. Come back to the police station with me and explain slowly."

Boss Wang: "Captain Zhao, this matter has nothing to do with me."

Zhao Ziqian: "Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

Boss Wang: "..."

"Bring me all the witnesses and physical evidence." After instructing the police, Zhao Ziqian looked at Chi Yangyang who had just finished his work, "Yang Yang, I will trouble you to verify whether these skulls belong to the four deceased. Forensic Department."

Chi Yangyang's business-like attitude: "This is the responsibility of our forensic department. Captain Zhao doesn't have to be polite."

On the way back, Hang Jin still sat next to Chi Yangyang. Chi Yangyang still ignored him. He also blocked his breath and ignored Chi Yangyang. It wasn't until he returned to the bureau that he said to Zhao Ziqian: "Have a good review." Liu Tieliang, please investigate this person named Wang."

Zhao Ziqian quickly responded: "Captain Hang, don't worry, we will handle this matter as soon as possible, give an explanation to the deceased as soon as possible, and give a satisfactory answer to the people of Jiangbei."

Before Zhao Ziqian finished speaking, Hang Jin left without saying hello to Chi Yangyang.

Chi Yangyang was so busy that he was too busy after get off work time.

Jiang Zhen watched her check the time several times, and couldn't help but said with concern: "Yangyang, if you have anything to do, please leave first. The inspection work has been completed, and we will wait for the inspection report."

"Teacher, I'll leave first." In the past, the work was not completely over, and Chi Yangyang would not leave first no matter what anyone said. Today, she agreed so readily. Jiang Zhen was a little surprised, but it was hard to ask too many questions.

Chi Yangyang hurriedly changed into plain clothes and drove to Jiuyuan Farm in the western suburbs of Jiangbei City.

Someone anonymously sent her a text message today. The text message mentioned that on the night her parents were killed, someone witnessed the whole process of the murder.

It rained heavily that night when Chi Yangyang's parents were killed. No one would go out in such heavy rain, so there were no witnesses in all the evidence chains.

The murder scene was kept very clean by the murderer. It rained heavily all night, leaving no useful clues or witnesses outside the house.

It is precisely because of this that the person in charge of the case could only classify the mutilation case as an unjust case without finding any physical evidence or witness.

It is precisely because of this that Chi Yangyang searched for two years and still found no useful clues about the murder of her parents. Just when she was almost desperate, someone sent such a text message, which instantly ignited Chi's thoughts. Yang Yang’s hope.

Regardless of whether this news is true or false, she must find the so-called witness in the text message and ask that person in person whether he witnessed the murderer committing the crime.


Thunder suddenly sounded, and it looked like there was another heavy rain.

The weather in July and August is like this. It rains at any time without any warning.

But Chi Yangyang couldn't control that much. In order to find witnesses as soon as possible, she stepped on the accelerator and accelerated her car to the western suburbs of Jiangbei City.

The rain started falling in a short while, and it got heavier and heavier. It was so heavy that Chi Yangyang could hardly see the road ahead clearly, so he had no choice but to slow down.

It usually takes about an hour to drive on the highway, but today because of the rain and darkness, Chi Yangyang drove for about three hours to reach the destination.

Chengxi Jiuhara Farm, after a murder occurred two years ago, almost no customers came to the door. The boss persisted for two months and finally couldn't hold on, so he finally had to close the door. Now it is an abandoned farmyard, looking particularly gloomy.

Chi Yangyang has been to this place countless times in the past two years. Every time she comes to this place, she feels suffocated and unable to breathe, but in order to find the murderer of her parents, she has to come.

She randomly found an open spot and parked the car. She turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone and walked into the farm in the rain.

As soon as she approached the yard, Chi Yangyang seemed to hear footsteps. She looked around and saw a black shadow flashing past her eyes, which scared Chi Yangyang.

But there was no time for her to be afraid, because she saw blood stains on the ground. She followed the blood stains and found a man lying in a pool of blood after walking a few steps.

There was a deep wound on the man's neck, and blood was flowing out from his wound...

After hurting the vital parts of the neck and bleeding so much, he was bound to die... But Chi Yangyang did not give up and stepped forward to confirm. When it was confirmed that the injured was dead, she slumped on the ground helplessly.

The body of the deceased was still soft and warm, proving that he had just been killed, and the black shadow she saw running away just now was most likely the murderer...

Chi Yangyang quickly called the police, but at this moment she saw a note tightly held in the deceased's hand. Part of the note had been torn off, and part of it was still held by the deceased.

Maybe the murderer just wanted to grab the note in the hands of the deceased, and he killed him when he couldn't get it. What kind of note made the deceased risk his life to protect it?

Chi Yangyang wanted to know, but she did not move privately, because this was the scene of a murder, and any small behavior she made could destroy the evidence at the scene, causing the police to fail to catch the murderer.


Jiang Zhen's voice suddenly came to his ears, but it didn't seem so real. Chi Yangyang looked up and saw Jiang Zhen: "Teacher, why are you here?"

"Have you called the police?" Jiang Zhen did not answer Chi Yangyang's question. He looked at the deceased on the ground and frowned, "Let's call the police first and let the police come and deal with it."

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