My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1755: Childhood sweethearts, why?

Chapter 1757: Childhood sweethearts, why?

Chi Yangyang didn't ask any more about why Jiang Zhen appeared here, and immediately called the police.

After the call was made, the two of them waited in place, and no one moved again, because as forensic doctors, they all knew the importance of protecting the murder scene.

Seeing Chi Yangyang trembling, Jiang Zhen quickly walked to her side and patted her gently on the back: "Yangyang, don't be afraid, the police should be here soon."

"Teacher, I'm fine, don't worry about me." Chi Yangyang looked at the deceased lying on the ground steadily. The man looked to be in his early thirties, still very young.

Who would choose to kill him on a night like this?

What was written on the half piece of paper he was holding tightly in his hand?

Could he be the witness who saw her parents murdered two years ago?

If so, does that prove that the murderer of her parents knew that she had been secretly investigating the murder of her parents?

Chi Yangyang told Jiang Zhen not to worry, but how could Jiang Zhen not be worried when he saw her being fragile but pretending to be strong: "Yangyang, stop staring, come and sit next to her for a while."

Chi Yangyang didn't respond.

Jiang Zhen opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he swallowed the words back.

Jiang Zhen knew that Chi Yangyang might compromise on anything, but when it came to the murder of her parents, she would not compromise under any circumstances, and no one could persuade her.

Even though it was raining heavily, it didn't take long for the police to come.

The captain of the criminal police detachment in charge of this area was named Li Shijian. After briefly inspecting the scene, he asked routinely: "Which of you was the first to discover the deceased? And which of you called the police?"

Jiang Zhen and Chi Yangyang showed their ID cards.

Chi Yangyang remembered this policeman because she had met him once in the memory that she least wanted to remember: "Captain Li, I was the first person to find the deceased. I was also the one who called the police. "

Li Shijian took Chi Yangyang's ID and looked at it: "Are you two forensic doctors from the Jiangbei Cangshan Criminal Police Detachment?"

Chi Yangyang nodded: "Yes. We are all forensic doctors."

Li Shijian stared at Chi Yangyang suspiciously and asked: "It's the middle of the night and it's raining so heavily. How could you show up at an abandoned farm more than a hundred kilometers away from Cangshan District? And you met a murderer by such a coincidence. case?"

Jiang Zhen was dissatisfied with Li Shijian's attitude in interrogating the prisoners. He took two steps forward, stood in front of Chi Yangyang, and then said: "Officer, we are the reporters, not the suspects. Please pay attention to your tone."

Li Shijian returned the certificates to them and said, "As forensic doctors, you two know very well that evidence must speak for itself in any case, so please follow me back to the police station to record a detailed confession."

It's not that Li Shijian doesn't want to believe the two of them, but that any criminal case must be based on facts and evidence, and it's really strange that the two of them would appear here in the middle of the night.

The Western Suburbs Criminal Police Detachment was about five or six kilometers away from the crime scene, which was not far away. Chi Yangyang and Jiang Zhen were soon brought back to the detachment, and they were arranged to record statements for them in two rooms.

It was Li Shijian, captain of the western suburbs detachment, who recorded Chi Yangyang's statement: "Miss Chi, please tell me why you showed up at the abandoned farm at this time?"

Although Chi Yangyang didn't want to let others know that she was secretly searching for her parents' murder case, it was now related to a criminal case. If she didn't tell the truth, it would be easy to mislead the police in handling the case, resulting in the inability to find the real murderer in time.

She told the truth: "I received an anonymous text message at noon today. Someone told me that I could find the witnesses of the corpse dismemberment case at Jiuhara Farm two years ago here."

Suddenly someone mentioned the corpse dismemberment case at Jiuhara Farm two years ago. Li Shijian was also shaken and almost dropped the pen in his hand, just because he was the first to take over the murder case that happened on that heavy rainy night two years ago. Later, due to various reasons The reason handed the case over: "You..."

Li Shijian stared at Chi Yangyang for a while and said uncertainly: "Are you the daughter of the two deceased people?"

After working as a criminal police officer for many years, Li Shijian has met many family members of the deceased, and there are not many people who can make an impression on him long afterward. Even Chi Yangyang he did not recognize.

What left a deep impression on him was that the girl two years ago didn't shed a single tear when she looked at her parents' pieced-together corpses. She was so strong that it made people feel distressed... Now when he looked at Chi Yangyang carefully, he did have some similarities with the girl back then. She had glasses. The words brave and stubborn are written between the lower eyebrows.

Whenever she mentioned her parents, Chi Yangyang felt as if someone was stabbing her heart with a knife, but no matter how painful it was, she didn't show it on her face. She nodded lightly: "Yes. .”

After knowing Chi Yangyang's identity, Li Shijian also felt some sympathy, and his tone was much softer when he asked again: "Please tell me in detail what you saw and heard at the crime scene."

"Okay." In order not to miss any useful details and clues, Chi Yangyang thought about it for a while and then said, "I set off from the Cangshan District Criminal Police Detachment at about seven o'clock in the evening and rushed to the western suburbs of Jiuyuan Farm because of the heavy rain. , it took about two or three hours to reach the destination.”

"After arriving at the destination, I stopped the car and turned off the engine. I turned on the flashlight on my phone before getting out of the car. As soon as I got off the car, I saw a black shadow running past my eyes and quickly ran into the rainy night." Chi Yangyang shook his hand. He clenched his fists and tried to suppress the inexplicable resentment rising in his heart. "Before I could react, I saw blood on the ground again. I instinctively followed the blood stains and walked away, and then I saw the deceased."

Chi Yangyang unclenched his fist, took a breath, and then said, "Because I am a forensic doctor, I thought about saving the deceased, but when I saw the deceased, he was already dead."

Li Shijian stared at her, and could almost feel the sadness hidden in her heart, which made him want to end the interview immediately, but he also understood that the investigators could not abuse their sympathy: "Who is the man with you? He? Why are you here?"

Chi Yangyang said: "He is my leader and my teacher Jiang Zhen. He is a well-known young forensic doctor in Jiangbei City."

Jiang Zhen is well-known, and everyone in the police stations in Jiangbei City knows him. Of course, Li Shijian is an exception, but now that it is related to a criminal case, we have to start from the beginning: "Did he come with you?"

"No. He just appeared after I found the deceased. I don't know how he appeared here." Chi Yangyang shook his head and then remembered that he had asked Jiang Zhen this question just now, but Jiang Zhen did not answer.

At the same time, Jiang Zhen was also undergoing routine questioning in another room.

The police officer asked: "Why did you show up at the abandoned farm in the middle of the night?"

Jiang Zhen looked at the police officer and replied calmly: "Because I'm worried about her."

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