My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1775: Childhood sweethearts, likes and dislikes

Chapter 1777: Childhood sweethearts, likes and dislikes

Chi Yangyang moved awkwardly to the right, and Hang Jin's sharp eyes immediately shot at her, warning her in a dangerous tone: "Xiao Siyan, please move a little bit more and try."

"Hang Jin, long time no see!" Hang Jin never looked at Jiang Eryue from the moment he entered the room, and he had no intention of taking the initiative to talk to her, so she had to talk to him first.

Hang Jin really looked at her, but as soon as he opened his mouth, everyone present was speechless, "Jiang Eryue, if you have anything to do from now on, just call me. I'm not yours, and I don't have time to care about you." .”

Hang Jin has always been like this, and he has never said a few nice words to Chi Yangyang. Everyone is used to it, and they don't think his words are too much, but Jiang Eryue's face changes with embarrassment.

Chi Yangyang noticed it and bumped into Hang Jin quietly. She didn't know whether Hang Jin really didn't understand or didn't want to understand. He looked at Chi Yangyang fiercely: "If you have something to say, just say it. What are you bumping into?"

Chi Yangyang: "..."

She found that the smile on Jiang Eryue's face became even more unbearable.

It was a good friend's dinner party, but Hang Jin made such a fuss, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing for a while.

Soon, the waiter knocked on the door and came in, serving dishes one after another.

When everyone was trying to ease the atmosphere, Hang Jin spoke again: "Bring up the soup first and give her a bowl of soup."

She, of course, refers to Chi Yangyang.

Hang Jin not only directed the waiter to serve soup to Chi Yangyang, but also put Chi Yangyang's favorite dishes in front of her.

Chi Yangyang was often taken care of by Hang Jin. Hang Jin helped bring her soup and her favorite dishes, so she accepted it naturally and didn't think there was anything wrong.

These small details were still so dazzling in Jiang Eryue's eyes. The man she tried so hard to catch could not even touch the hem of his clothes.

But Chi Yangyang never worked hard, but she could get all his care and tenderness.

Over the years, she has been wondering why?

After thinking about it for so many years, I still don’t understand why?

Apart from being younger than them, how is Chi Yangyang different from her?

There were many doubts in her mind that she couldn't understand, but Jiang Eryue still tried to calm down her emotions. Hang Jin put Chi Yangyang's favorite dishes in front of Chi Yangyang, and then she helped pick up the dishes: "Yang Yang, you are so thin. You should eat more meat.”

She put a piece of pork belly in Chiyang's bowl, but Chiyang couldn't swallow it, because she was usually very averse to eating meat after her autopsy, but Hang Jin was the only one among these people who knew it.

When Hang Jin saw the idiot Chi Yangyang, he didn't know how to refuse. He had to endure the nausea and ate it. He stretched out his long arm and snatched Chi Yangyang's bowl away and handed it to the waiter who just entered the room: "She doesn't eat meat, give it to her." She changed the bowl."

Chi Yangyang doesn’t eat meat?

As soon as Hang Jin said this, the rest of the people's eyes were on Chi Yangyang. Zhu Zhangfan said without thinking, "Yangyang, when did you stop eating meat?"

They grew up together. How could they not know that Chi Yangyang doesn't eat meat?

"Sorry! I have to go to the bathroom." Jiang Eryue tried her best to smile, but still couldn't hide the tears in her eyes. She got up and hurriedly went to the bathroom.

As soon as Jiang Eryue left, the other people turned their attention to Hang Jin again. Although they did not dare to say words of blame, everyone looked at Hang Jin with eyes full of blame.

"Hang Jin, Sister Er Yue has just returned to China today. Can you be more polite to her? You see, you almost make other girls cry." Chi looked at Hang Jin reproachfully and followed her to the bathroom. .

"I..." Being angry here at Chi Yangyang, Hang Jin's anger can only be spread on the other people. "Tell me, you guys, what did I say wrong?"

Lan Feiyang hesitated for a while and felt that he should express his opinion: "Fourth brother, we know that you only care about Yangyang in your heart and cannot tolerate Er Yue at all, but can you reject her in another way?"

After listening to Lan Feiyang's words, Hang Jin nodded: "Okay, then I'll tell her directly that I won't like her, and tell her not to use that idiot Xiao Siyan'er to date me in the future."

The other four people raised their hands to wipe their foreheads at the same time.

Oh my God, there is such a man in this world. He deserves to be unable to pursue the girl he likes.

Seeing the silence of the other people, Hang Jin said dissatisfied: "This doesn't work either? What else do you want me to do?"

The other three boys turned their attention to Lan Feiyang and asked her to be their representative. Lan Feiyang had no choice but to say: "Fourth brother, people have to save face. You'd better not refuse in front of us. Why don't you find another day?" Let’s meet her alone some time and have a good talk with her.”

"Talk? What do I have to talk about with her? I told her before that I won't like her... But what did she say? She said it doesn't matter whether I like her or not, but I can't deprive her of the right to like me. She It is her freedom to like someone." Hang Jin was very angry about this at that time, and because of this, he never met Jiang Eryue alone again.

Lan Feiyang said again: "Fourth brother, does Yangyang like you?"

"Of course..." As soon as the word "Of course" came out, Hang Jin gradually lost his confidence. To be honest, she really didn't know what kind of feelings that little idiot Chi Yangyang felt towards him.

"Fourth brother, Yangyang has also rejected you..." Seeing that Hang Jin didn't change his face, Lan Feiyang quietly took a breath of cold air, and then he had the courage to continue, "You haven't given up, and you still stick to her every day. "Wherever she appears, you will appear."

"Nonsense! What is the relationship between me and Chi Yangyang? What is the relationship between Jiang Eryue and me?" He said it harshly, but Hang Jin felt a little weak in his heart. Could it be that he is just as weak in Chi Yangyang's eyes as Jiang Eryue is in his eyes? Is it the same here? Are they all so annoying and boring?

"It's not all because we grew up together." This was what Zhu Zhanfan said. After saying this, he felt a cool breeze blowing behind him, which made people's hair stand on end. He added hurriedly, "But we all know that the four Brother, you have the best relationship with Yangyang. You even helped her change diapers when she was a child. "

"I've lost my appetite because of you guys, so I won't eat!" Hang Jin suddenly felt uneasy. As soon as he put down his chopsticks, he got up and walked to the bathroom. He didn't mean to listen to the corner, but he was still outside the door of the women's bathroom. Stop.

The door of the women's restroom was not closed tightly, and the conversation inside floated so lightly to Hang Jin's ears.

Jiang Eryue said: "Yangyang, you don't like Hang Jin. You hate that Hang Jin keeps pestering you, right?"

"Ah..." Chi Yangyang didn't expect Jiang Eryue to say this. Her mind didn't turn around for a moment. When her mind turned around and she didn't have time to speak, she heard Jiang Eryue say, "Yangyang, I like Hang Jin. I have always liked him and have liked him for many years, but he is not willing to talk to me at all. Can you tell him this for me? "

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