My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1776: Childhood sweethearts, I am very selfish

Chapter 1778: Childhood sweethearts, I am very selfish

"Ah..." Jiang Eryue's words made Chi Yangyang stunned again. She felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she did not investigate where the inner comfort came from, and said, "But, there is something that Brother Jin likes." It’s a girl.”

"Then do you know that the girl Hang Jin likes likes him?" Jiang Eryue certainly knows that there is a girl Hang Jin likes, and this girl is right in front of her, and only this girl can give her the answer she wants.

"This, this... maybe I don't like it." Chi Yangyang remembered that she had met the girl Hang Jin liked.

That day at Lao Xie's restaurant, she saw with her own eyes the girl pouring boiling water from the cup onto Hang Jin. If that girl liked Hang Jin, she wouldn't splash Hang Jin in front of so many people in the restaurant.

"I don't like it!" Jiang Eryue's eyes lit up instantly when she heard Chi Yangyang's words, but she couldn't believe it, "Yangyang, are you serious and tell me clearly and clearly that you really don't like Hang Jin? "

"Ah..." Chi Yangyang was confused again and asked confusedly, "Sister Eryue, we are talking about the girl that Brother Jin likes, why did you suddenly bring the topic to me again? ?”

This time Jiang Eryue was confused. Did Chi Yangyang not know that the girl Hang Jin liked was her?

But Jiang Eryue responded quickly, at least faster than Chi Yangyang who was confused and confused about the situation: "Okay, let's not talk about the girl Hang Jin likes. So, Yang Yang, tell me, do you like Hang Jin?"

Chi Yangyang: "I..."

Does she like Hang Jin?

She didn't know either. She only knew that she hated Hang Jin for bullying her every day, but if he wasn't around, she would be afraid of never seeing him again. This kind of psychology was so contradictory that she couldn't figure it out after thinking about it several times. I don't want to think about it anymore.

Jiang Eryue hoped to hear Chi Yangyang say she didn't like it, so before Chi Yangyang gave an answer, she said, "Yang Yang, I can tell you with certainty that I like Hang Jin."

"I, I know you like him, you just told me once." Chi Yangyang suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, just like the sour feeling when he heard that Jiang Eryue was going to return to China a few days ago.

Jiang Eryue said again: "Yangyang, I come back this time to get an answer. If you like Hang Jin, then I will leave and never appear in front of you again. If you don't like him, I have no scruples. I will do whatever it takes to pursue him."

"Sister Er Yue, it's your business whether you like him or not. It has nothing to do with whether I like him or not." Chi Yangyang didn't like Jiang Er Yue's statement very much and frowned subconsciously.

Jiang Eryue said: "Because you are my best sister, I will take your feelings into consideration before making any choice."

"Sister Eryue..." Chi Yangyang didn't want to accept Jiang Eryue's deep feelings because she didn't have such a great love. In the past two years, all she cared about was finding out her parents' murderer, and she rarely had the energy to think about other people. Make peace.

Jiang Eryue asked: "Yangyang, let me ask you again, do you like Hang Jin?"

Is this what Jiang Eryue said?

Can Chi Yangyang still say that she likes it?

What's more, she doesn't know whether she likes Hang Jin or not?

Chi Yangyang hesitated: "I, I probably don't like it."

Jiang Eryue was very happy to hear Chi Yangyang personally say that she didn't like Hang Jin: "Yang Yang, since you don't like Hang Jin, then I will let go and pursue him."

"Okay..." Chi Yangyang nodded vaguely.

Hearing this, Hang Jin wanted to kick open the door and rush in to question Chi Yangyang, the heartless person, but he didn't do that this time.

He turned around and walked away quickly.

He left, but the conversation between Jiang Eryue and Chi Yangyang continued.

"But Sister Eryue, I want to make it clear to you. It's your business if you like Hang Jin. You don't need to consider my feelings. Of course, whether I like Hang Jin or not is also my business. It has nothing to do with you, and I won't Consider your feelings. If you want to pursue him, don't depend on whether I like him or not." After going around for a long time, Chi Yangyang finally got out of the circle, "Because he is not an object, he is a human being, and he has the right to choose him. If we like a girl, we should respect her choice.”

Jiang Eryue never expected that Chi Yangyang would say such words: "Yangyang, I..."

Chi Yangyang smiled as if she was relieved: "Sister Eryue, I am just a common person or a selfish person. I can't think so much for others. I will make an appointment with Hang Jin for you. This is also the last time I will help You ask him."

"Yangyang..." Chi Yangyang has indeed changed. She is no longer the little girl who followed a group of people around him and was protected by them. She has her own ideas and thoughts. Fortunately, she agreed to help her make an appointment with Hang. Jin meets.

As long as Chi Yangyang goes to make an appointment with Hang Jin, it doesn't matter whether Hang Jin sees her Jiang Eryue. What's important is to let Hang Jin understand that no matter how many years he works hard, Chi Yangyang will never have the love between a man and a woman for him.

After clearly understanding Chi Yangyang's thoughts, even if Hang Jin still won't give up, it will have some impact.

If, if...

Forget it, there should be no ifs, no man can withstand such an emotional test.

The gathering broke up unhappy because Hang Jin left without saying a word.

Before leaving, Lan Feiyang grabbed Jiang Eryue and said, "Eryue, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Why don't we find a place to sit down, have a cup of coffee, and catch up on old times."

Jiang Eryue looked at Chi Yangyang who followed Ye Zhiyang and said, "Why don't we call Yang Yang together? We are the only three girls among the seven of us. We can't go chatting and leave Yang Yang behind."

"I just asked Yangyang, she still has work to do." Chiyangyang's mood was not right after she came back from the toilet. Lan Feiyang noticed it, so he thought about asking Ye Zhiyang to send her back to rest first, not to mention that she was looking for Jiang Eryue. It's not convenient for Chi Yangyang to be here to talk about Hang Jin.

"She didn't say she didn't have work today, what else can she do?"

"Er Yue, I just want to talk to you alone, why don't you give me this chance? Since you don't want to sit alone with me, I'll keep it short and make it clear to you in two sentences."

"Feiyang, we are the best sisters, why wouldn't I want to sit alone with you? Come on, let's find a place."

"Er Yue, there's no need to look for a place. I just want to ask you, have you not given up on your fourth brother yet?"

Jiang Eryue looked at Lan Feiyang in disbelief: "Feiyang, why should I give up on Hang Jin?"

Lan Feiyang said: "You and I both know that the fourth brother has always only had Yangyang in his eyes. No matter what you do, he will never have feelings for you. Why are you wasting your youth for a man who doesn't love you?" and feelings.”

"I can't waste my youth and feelings for a man who doesn't love me. What about Hang Jin?" Jiang Eryue suddenly raised her voice, "Chi Yangyang doesn't love him at all. Why doesn't he waste his youth and feelings for a woman who doesn't love him? ?”

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