My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1777: Childhood sweethearts, do you want me to date someone else?

Chapter 1779: Childhood sweethearts chapter, do you want me to date someone else?

Lan Feiyang: "You are different."

"How are we different?" Jiang Eryue took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "In the end, he and I are just the same kind of people. We are both working hard for what we love."

Lan Feiyang added: "You like fourth brother, and fourth brother likes Yangyang... Regardless of whether Yangyang likes fourth brother now, at least Yangyang doesn't have another man in her heart. This is different for you."

Jiang Eryue looked at Lan Feiyang and said emotionally: "Feiyang, the seven of us grew up together. Yangyang is three years younger than the six of us. When she was young, we all took care of her. I can understand. But now she has grown up. Now, she is an adult, why do you all still protect her? It’s okay for you to protect her, but why do you reject me?”

"Er Yue, look at what you said, when did we reject you?" Lan Feiyang attaches great importance to the relationship between the seven of them. He has protected Chi Yangyang since he was a child, firstly because of Hang Jin's relationship, and secondly because of Chi Yangyang is actually younger than some of them.

Now that everyone has grown up, it has become a habit for everyone to protect Chi Yangyang. It is difficult to change for a while, but no one has ever thought of rejecting Jiang Eryue.

"Feiyang, liking Hang Jin is my business. Hang Jin can't care about it, and neither can anyone else. Don't worry about it. We will still be good friends and sisters in the future." Jiang Eryue tried to calm down her emotions again, "Everyone is tired today. , let’s go back and meet again some other time when we have time.”

"Er Yue..." Lan Feiyang wanted to say something else, but Jiang Er Yue had already taken a few steps away. She could only look at her back, worrying silently.

Hang Jin is not very good at dealing with personal feelings, Chi Yangyang is emotionally slow, and Jiang Eryue is very stubborn about feelings. These three people.

Many people have used practical experience to tell future generations that the relationship between the three of them will never have a good outcome. Lan Feiyang and them have been her childhood friends since childhood, and she does not want to see any of the three of them get hurt.

Chi Yangyang refused Ye Zhiyang's offer to take her home. She drove to the hospital first to accompany Grandpa Chi. Grandpa Chi was in good spirits, and Chi Yangyang was in a much better mood.

With Chi Yangyang accompanying him, Grandpa Chi also talked a lot, pulling Chi Yangyang to talk about things, and the afternoon passed before he knew it. Chi Yangyang stayed in the hospital to have dinner with Grandpa Chi, and she drove home when it was almost dark.

One afternoon, Hang Jin didn't call her, and she didn't know if he had gone home?

Thinking of Hang Jin, Chi Yangyang couldn't help but speed up and rush towards home.

In less than half an hour, Chi Yangyang had arrived at the underground parking garage and parked her car. She hurriedly walked to the elevator, went straight to their floor, opened the door, and the room did not turn on the lights. It seemed that Hang Jin did not. After returning, Chi Yangyang felt a little disappointed for no reason.

But just when she turned on the light and was about to change her shoes, a gloomy voice came from the room, and she knew she was getting angry: "You still know how to come back."

"So you're at home, why don't you turn on the light?" Hang Jin never loses his temper. If he stops losing his temper, Chi Yangyang is not used to it, and she doesn't take his words seriously, " Have you had dinner?"

Hang Jin was sitting on the sofa in the living room, but he looked out the window and did not respond to Chi Yangyang's words.

Chi Yangyang said again: "I'm asking you something."

Hang Jin still didn't respond.

Chi Yangyang walked to him and reached out to touch his forehead: "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Hang Jin still didn't answer, but raised his hand and slapped her hand away.

His strength was so strong that it hurt Chi Yangyang: "Why are you so angry again?"

Hang Jin retracted his gaze, looked at Chi Yangyang coldly, and said lightly: "Chi Yangyang, you heartless and stupid woman, if this young master dies one day, you won't shed a tear."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Suddenly hearing the word "death", Chi Yangyang's heart suddenly hurt, and the image of Hang Jin appearing in front of her covered in blood a few days ago suddenly appeared in her mind, "Uncle Hang, Fu Da If you have great fortune, the God of Death will give in when he looks at you, so you will definitely live a long life.”

Chi Yangyang didn't know why. Her heart ached when she thought of Hang Jin being injured. She was afraid that Hang Jin would be like her parents and suddenly disappear from her life one day. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get them back.

"I thought your heart was really as hard as stone." Hang Jin took a long breath and tried his best to talk to her in a calm tone, "Chi Yangyang, you are so anxious to push me to someone else." woman?"

"What?" She was so anxious to push him to another woman, "What nonsense are you talking about? Why can't I understand it well?"

Hang Jin pulled her to sit next to him and asked her to look into his eyes: "Jiang Eryue asked you to ask me out for her, didn't you agree? Jiang Eryue told you that she was going to pursue me, didn't you agree?"

Chi Yangyang's first reaction was: "Hang Jin, how could you eavesdrop on us?"

Hang Jin was so angry that he gently held her hand and said, "Don't change the topic."

"Let go of me, it hurts a little." He was very strong, and Chi Yangyang's hand was held tightly by him, which hurt a little, "I, I promised her to help her date you, and I also promised her to pursue you. , but you are completely free to choose whether to go to the appointment or whether to agree to her pursuit."

"What about you?" Although he was very angry, Hang Jin quietly relaxed the strength in his hands. He looked at her eyes intently, "Do you want me to go to the appointment? Do you want me to agree to her pursuit?"

"I..." She was reluctant, but it was not good to do so. After all, Jiang Eryue and Hang Jin were friends who grew up with her. "This is your business. You choose it yourself. There is no need to ask." My opinion."

In Chi Yangyang's view, feelings are a personal matter. She hopes that Hang Jin can choose what he loves according to what he wants in his heart, and not to be affected by other people's opinions, nor because the person he pursues is a friend who grew up together. Force yourself.

"Fuck!" Hang Jin jumped up so angry that he wanted to grab Chi Yangyang and throw her out of the window. "Chi Yangyang, do you know what the hell you are talking about?"

"Whether you want to go to Sister Eryue's appointment or whether you want to agree to Sister Eryue's pursuit is your business. Only you can make the decision." Chi Yangyang was frightened by his anger and moved back. He moved and said cautiously, "Did I say something wrong again?"

"Idiot!" Hang Jin was so angry that he turned around and walked into the study. When he came out of the study, he held two red books in his hand. Below the books were written three big golden characters - marriage certificate!

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