My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1778: Childhood sweethearts, who am I to you?

Chapter 1780: Childhood sweethearts, who am I to you?

Hang Jin stuffed two marriage certificates into Chi Yangyang's hands: "Idiot, take a good look at what these are?"

Chi Yangyang was holding two marriage certificates. She felt a little hot and wanted to throw them away. But when she saw Hang Jin's sharp eyes, she didn't dare to throw them away. She could only hold them stiffly in her hands: "What are you doing with this?"

As soon as she saw these two certificates, she would be reminded of the night she was drunk and did something wrong, so that everything that happened later could not be changed.

"Open the notebook and see whose name is written in it and whose photo is pasted." Hang Jin was originally taller than Chi Yangyang, but now he was looking at her condescendingly, making Chi Yangyang feel even more oppressed. .

Chi Yangyang didn't want to turn around and stuttered: "You, what exactly do you want to say?"

"You don't want to open it and look at it?" The tight string in Hang Jin's head suddenly fell off. He grabbed the marriage certificate and showed it to Chi Yangyang, "This is what we went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register together. Marriage certificate."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

She is not blind, the three characters on the marriage certificate are so big, how could she not know that it is a marriage certificate.

Hang Jin continued to roar: "From the moment the two steel seals are stamped on the certificate, you idiot and I are a legal couple protected by national law."

"It's not like you don't know why we got the marriage certificate for other reasons. You didn't do it voluntarily. I am responsible for the wrong things I did while drunk. I also paid a large sum of money to compensate you." Thinking of all the savings, After giving it to Hang Jin, Chi Yangyang still felt a little sad, feeling sad that the money she had worked so hard to earn was gone.

If she was awake that night and knew what she had done, the money wouldn't be unfair. The problem was that she didn't feel anything that night.

I have lived for more than twenty years, and this is the first time that I have disappeared so inexplicably...

Hang Jin was so angry that he swore again: "The marriage certificate you and I received is responsibility in your heart, and has no other meaning?"

"Does it mean something else in your heart?" Hang Jin looked like he was about to explode. Chi Yangyang moved back again, trying to distance him. If he wanted to hit her, she would have a chance to run away. .

What do you mean he didn't do it voluntarily?

Who the hell could force him to marry her if he didn't want to?

Everyone else, including Jiang Eryue, understood him, but this idiot didn't.

This idiot was born to be his nemesis. A few words to her would make him lose two pounds of blood.

Hang Jin clenched his fists and tried to restrain his anger: "Xiao Siyan, do you know who I am to you?"

"What answer do you want to hear?" Chi Yangyang was stunned and asked tentatively, "Legal husband?"

"You also know that I am your legal husband." This idiot finally said the right thing, and Hang Jin felt a little relieved. "Now that someone says they want to pursue your man, what should you do?"

Chi Yangyang still said the same thing: "I told you, you make your own decision."

Hang Jin: "You idiot!"

I'm sorry that what he said for so long was in vain.

So angry!

So angry!

He originally planned to pretend not to hear the conversation between Chi Yangyang and Jiang Eryue. As long as Chi Yangyang asked him to go to Jiang Eryue's appointment, he would obey her and go to the appointment. But when he saw this idiot woman, he I can't pretend not to know, and I can't calmly go to an appointment with a woman who has thoughts about me.

This woman Chi Yangyang is an idiot, should he still be an idiot with her?

Now he regrets it!

"Oh..." In response to Hang Jin's fierce reaction, Chi Yangyang said oh, neither hot nor cold, nor softly. It seemed that Hang Jin's anger had nothing to do with her.

Don't tell me, she really doesn't think Hang Jin's anger has anything to do with her.

Hang Jin usually gets angry at every turn. It's not like she hasn't seen him before. If she sees him too much, he won't be surprised. It's hard to attract her special attention.

"Time and place." Since she had no objection to his appointment with Jiang Eryue, then he would go there openly, so why should he worry about her blindly.

"What?" Hang Jin changed the topic too quickly, causing Chi Yangyang to fail to follow his brain.

Hang Jin said angrily: "Where did Jiang Eryue ask me to meet?"

"Ah...she didn't say this." Chi Yangyang looked at Hang Jin carefully and stammered, "Do you want me to send a message to ask?"

Hang Jin: "..."


He seemed to hear the sound of his lungs exploding.

Even if it hasn't exploded yet, it's not far away, so he can't stay any longer.

Only when Chi Yangyang heard the sound of Hang Jin slamming the door and leaving did he slowly come back to his senses, and even knew what he had just done.

She dullly discovered that Hang Jin seemed angrier today than she had ever seen him before.

But she didn't know where his anger came from? What does it have to do with her?

After leaving home, Hang Jin called Jiang Eryue directly and made an appointment to meet at a coffee shop near Jiang's house.

When Hang Jin arrived at the agreed place, Jiang Eryue had been sitting in the coffee shop waiting for a while. When she saw Hang Jin appear, she immediately greeted him with a smile: "Hang Jin, you are here."

But Hang Jin didn't give Jiang Eryue a good look. He didn't even sit down, so he directly stated his purpose: "Jiang Eryue, I said that even if all the women in the world are dead, I can't like you and be with you."

Hang Jin's words were as direct as a sharp blade, cutting straight into Jiang Eryue's heart. It hurt, but she still kept smiling: "Hang Jin, we are only in our twenties, and we still have a long way to go in life. . People’s thoughts will change as they grow older, so don’t say it so harshly at a young age.”

Hang Jin doesn't know if other thoughts will change, but he is sure that he will never let go of that idiot Chi Yangyang in his life: "Jiang Eryue, don't talk to me about these things. I will come out to see you alone this time, I just want to tell you two things. One is that I won't like you, and the other is that if you use Chi Yangyang again, don't blame me for being rude to you. "

Not only did he speak rudely to her, but now he even used threats.

Jiang Eryue still tried to keep smiling, but it was really difficult: "Hang Jin, you and Chi Yangyang grew up together. Didn't you and I grow up together? Why can you protect her like a calf, but treat me like a calf? Like an enemy? Have I done anything to hurt you and Yangyang? "

"No." Jiang Eryue smiled bitterly and continued, "No matter before or now, I regard Yangyang as my best sister. No matter what I do, I will take her feelings into consideration."

"Do you take her feelings into consideration? Chi Yangyang doesn't know what your intentions are. Do you think you can deceive me?" Hang Jin sneered, "If it weren't for the sake of everyone growing up together, I wouldn't let you get close at all. Her chance."

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