My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1782: Childhood Sweethearts, He Wants to Become a Corpse

Chapter 1784: Childhood Sweetheart Chapter, He Wants to Become a Corpse

Handsome is a bit handsome, but Chi Yangyang really doesn't see how Hang Jin deserves the word chic.

Xiao Wang added: "Boss, this is the forensic doctor Chiyangyangchi, a disciple of the famous forensic doctor Jiang Zhen in Jiangbei."

After introducing the two parties, Xiao Wang thought that even if his boss usually gets angry when meeting people, he should always say hello to other girls. Who knows that Hang Jin is really upset and just glanced at Chi Yangyang.

Hang Jin turned around and pointed the finger at him: "Forensic doctors are forensic doctors. You have to put someone's disciple in front. Do you look down on me or who?"

Xiao Wang: "..."

Xiao Wang was full of grievances, but had nothing to say.

Hang Jin didn't dwell too much on the introduction, and pointed to the room: "The body is there. Please ask the forensic doctor Chi to check the specific cause of death and give me a report as soon as possible."

Hang Jin's words were normal, but with his tone that sounded like Mr. Wang, Chi Yangyang felt uncomfortable hearing it, but it was working time now, and Chi Yangyang didn't care about him.

Xiao Wang suddenly screamed: "Boss, boss, why has the body changed?"

Hang Jin immediately turned his head. When he first saw it, the deceased's face was pale and not particularly ugly. Now the deceased's face has turned black, and he can almost tell with the naked eye that he died of poisoning.

He walked towards the body, but was scolded by Chi Yangyang: "Hang Jin, don't come close."

Hang Jin stopped as he said.

Xiao Wang thought to himself that no one, including the senior leaders above them, dared to speak to Boss Hang in such a commanding tone. This little girl looked very courageous despite her young age.

The key is that their boss is still obedient.

The boss's abnormal reaction interested him more than the discolored corpse.

Chi Yangyang asked: "Has the deceased been kept here all his life?"

Hang Jin nodded.

Chi Yangyang: "Has anyone touched the body since the deceased was found?"

Xiao Wang rushed to answer: "Forensic Doctor Chi, we are all waiting for you to come, and no one has moved."

"I know." Chi Yangyang quickly put on gloves, picked up tools, and carefully inspected the body.

Seeing Chi Yangyang's serious look, Hang Jin couldn't help but frown. Generally, men have to retreat three points when facing a corpse. She, a woman, saw the corpse more closely than she saw him.

He really wanted to turn into a corpse and lie here, so that Chi Yangyang could take the initiative to approach him without him taking the initiative.

Not long after, Chi Yangyang had already completed a preliminary inspection of the body. She said: "The deceased's death time was about two hours ago. The deceased's face began to turn black and there were signs of poisoning. There were injuries on the deceased's tongue. It was most likely that he was in pain after being poisoned. He bit himself. As for the specific poison that caused the fatal injury, we have to ask you to send the body to the forensic department for further autopsy. "

Xiao Wang touched his head with a puzzled look on his face: "Forensic Doctor Chi, if the deceased's face hadn't suddenly turned dark, I would have thought he committed suicide by biting his tongue."

Chi Yangyang raised his head and looked at Xiao Wang: "Biting one's tongue and committing suicide is just a legend. It has no medical basis at all. Judging from the reaction of the deceased's body, it is almost certain that his death was caused by poison, but I can't give any information without further autopsy. Your specific answer.”

Xiao Wang looked at Hang Jin nervously: "Boss, we searched his body after we caught him. We took away everything on him and left nothing behind. I don't know how he died after taking poison." ”

"So someone gave him poison? Who gave him something this morning?" Hang Jin frowned and looked steadily at the corpse whose face had indeed turned black.

If someone had poisoned the deceased's meal, it would prove that there was an insider. If not, how do drug criminals commit suicide by taking poison?

Xiao Wang said tremblingly: "Boss, he only had a bowl of porridge and two steamed buns for breakfast. The porridge and steamed buns were brought from the canteen, and I gave them to him personally... I went there while he was eating. The bathroom, he would be dead there when he came back. If I had known that this would happen, I would not have gone to the bathroom even if I choked."

Hang Jin added: "Check who has passed breakfast today, check them one by one for me. From the canteen employees to the food delivery people, no one can be spared."

Xiao Wang: "Boss, I'll go check it out right now."

Hang Jin: "Let the third son investigate. You are suspended now."

Xiao Wang: "..."

He was wronged, so wronged!

He had never done anything, so why was he suspended?

Chi Yangyang said: "I don't know if it was artificially poisoned, but I still recommend that you check the surveillance to see if there are any abnormalities. I will dissect the body as soon as possible to find out the specific cause of death of the deceased, and use the fastest time to Hand over the autopsy report to you."

Xiao Wang said blankly: "Okay."

Hang Jin: "Get out of here."

Xiao Wang: "..."

The boss can't save him some face in front of outsiders, he's also someone who wants face, okay?

Xiao Wang left, and Chi Yangyang also packed up her tools. She looked at Hang Jin: "You should probably know the situation. I will hand over the detailed autopsy report to you after the autopsy."

Hang Jin said nothing, looking like he was ignoring her.

Chi Yangyang said again: "Captain Hang, I have a personal matter to talk to you about outside of work. I wonder if you are willing to listen to me."

Hang Jin still didn't speak, and his expression probably told Chi Yangyang to fart if he had anything to say.

Chi Yangyang didn't want to see his bad face, but he had to say something: "Hang Jin, it's okay if you usually yell at me and make trouble. I've become accustomed to being bullied by you for a long time, but as a leader, you Can you be polite to your colleagues? If no one cares about you, who will work with you? If you are in danger in the future, no one will save you."

Hang Jin still ignored her and didn't know if he heard her.

Chi Yangyang sighed: "Hang Jin, did you hear what I said?"

Hang Jin said coldly: "Have you finished teaching Dr. Chi?"

Chi Yangyang: "..."

She cared about this man, but why couldn't he understand what he said.

Forget it, too lazy to care about him.

Chi Yangyang picked up the box and left, but Hang Jin's voice came from behind: "Idiot, be careful about the people around you, and don't waste your heart on everyone stupidly."

Chi Yangyang turned around: "Are you asking me to guard against Jiang Zhen?"

Hang Jin: "As long as you understand."

Chi Yangyang frowned: "Hang Jin, Jiang Zhen has almost no contact with you. He should not have offended you. Why do you have such a big prejudice against him?"

Hang Jin snorted coldly from his nostrils, what does it mean that Jiang Zhen has not offended him? That bitchy man thinks about poaching him every day and yet he doesn't offend him?

But fortunately, the idiot Chi Yangyang was not only insensitive to his feelings, but she couldn't even tell that Jiang Zhen was interested in her, which made him feel a little more balanced.

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