My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1783: Childhood Sweethearts, Brother Jin Brother Jin

Chapter 1785: Childhood Sweethearts, Brother Jin Brother Jin

Chi Yangyang worked non-stop after returning. At nine o'clock in the evening, the autopsy report came out. As expected, the deceased did die from poisoning. To be precise, the poison was the well-known arsenic.

When Hang Jin got the autopsy report, his brows were frowned so much that they could form two vertical lines. He looked up at Sanzi and said, "How's the investigation going on here?"

Seeing Hang Jin's vicious look, Sanzi instinctively took two small steps back: "Boss, the prisoners' leftover food was taken away in the trash. I didn't find any clues."

Hang Jin yelled: "You can't do anything you ask one by one. What do you think is the use of letting you wastes follow me?"

Hang Jin's roar made Sanzi take two steps back, but he still whispered: "Boss, our main job is to catch drug dealers, not criminal investigation. This kind of thing must be done by professionals. "

These words really left Hang Jin speechless, but he never cared whether you were reasonable or not. Anyway, what he said was the truth: "I haven't seen you catch more drug dealers than others."

Third son: "..."

Forget it, bear with it, his boss has such an arrogant temper, and the key people also have the capital to be arrogant and domineering, because since this boss came, their rate of catching drug dealers has increased linearly.

Now, more drug dealers are arrested in one month than in the previous six months combined. If they continue to be arrested at this rate, no one will dare to come to Jiangbei to commit crimes in the future, and they will be able to stay at home and rest every day.

No clues or suspicious persons were found on the food side, and Hang Jin personally checked on the surveillance side. No one found any clues, which means that he had worked hard for two months to finally track down the drug gang. This person died. , all the clues are broken, and everything is back to the starting point.

"Damn!" Hang Jin was so angry that he raised his hand and smashed the teacup on the table. The teacup hit the wall and shattered instantly. "If I find out who is doing this, the boss will have to skin him."

The third son cowered and said: "Boss, what should we do now?"

Hang Jin glared at him: "Cold salad."

After saying that, Hang Jin picked up the mobile phone on the table and dialed a phone number. The person answered quickly and asked, "Where is it?"

On the other end of the phone was Chi Yangyang: "Still in the office, getting ready to go home."

"Stay well in the office, I'll pick you up." His tone was still very unfriendly, but Chi Yangyang still understood that he was caring about her, so he said honestly.

There have been several puzzling cases recently, and several people have died, but no one knows where the murderer is, or who the murderer is targeting in the end.

Therefore, Zhao Ziqian told everyone at 6 o'clock tonight that everyone should pay attention to safety and arrange police officers to escort civilian staff, especially forensic doctors, home when necessary.

Jiangbei General Bureau is located in Cangshan District, only two blocks away from the Cangshan Criminal Police Detachment where Chi Yangyang is located. Hang Jin arrived within a few minutes of Chi Yangyang.

She came to the door and saw that Hang Jin was driving a mountain bike. It was not only much bigger and more powerful than his flashy red sports car. To be honest, such a car was more suitable for a bully like Hang Jin to drive. .

She got in the car and asked, "Why did you change your car today? This car is assigned to you for work?"

Hang Jin said coldly: "You are not stupid about this kind of thing." But how can this woman be as stupid as an idiot when it comes to feelings?

Seeing that he had no intention of paying attention to her, Chi Yangyang shut her mouth obediently and looked sideways out of the car window.

It's ten o'clock in the evening, which is when the night view of Jiangbei City is the most beautiful. There are many tall buildings on both sides of the street, and the lights are so beautiful that it is as beautiful as a colorful painting.

But for some reason, Chi Yangyang felt that such a beautiful picture was so unreal, like a mirage that might disappear in the blink of an eye.

Jiangbei, the place where she was born and raised, feels increasingly unfamiliar to her, as if she has never belonged to this city, and there are fewer and fewer people here who care about her.

Suddenly, Hang Jin spoke: "What are you thinking about?"

Chi Yangyang still looked at the tall buildings on both sides of the road outside the car window and said, "Hang Jin, we grew up in Jiangbei City. We are so familiar with every piece of land here. Where is there a mountain, where is a river, where can we It’s clear to see the sea view and where to eat the most authentic Jiangbei snacks, but in recent days I suddenly feel that I am becoming more and more unfamiliar with this city, as if I was not born and raised here.”

Hang Jin snorted coldly: "You little idiot, have you read too many suspense novels?"

Chi Yangyang looked back at him: "When I was a kid, I would always be frightened by some of the horrific cases in suspense novels when I read them. Since I came into contact with the profession of forensic medicine, I have discovered that the real society is actually far scarier than suspense novels. The most terrifying thing in the world is not the monsters, but the human heart.”

Hang Jin suddenly had a free hand and held Chi Yangyang's hand in his: "With a ferocious devil like me by your side, what do you have to be afraid of, little idiot?"

"Yes, I do feel a lot more at ease when you are around, but you can't be with me 24 hours a day, right?" Chi Yangyang looked at him and suddenly grinned, "Although I hate it the most It’s you, but the person I’m most grateful for is you, Brother Jin!”

Hang Jin: "..."

Damn, here we go again.

This little girl definitely didn't know how damaging her smile was to him. The key was that she still called him "Brother Jin" in a cooing voice at the end.

His soul was almost gone and he could no longer drive properly.

For the personal safety of the two of them, Hang Jin immediately took back his hand and pretended to drive seriously: "Little idiot, don't talk to me in that cooing tone. It makes me sick."

Chi Yangyang reached out and pinched him: "Who snorted? Who made you sick?"

Hang Jin was in pain, but he didn't move. He asked her to pinch him if he wanted to: "You."

Chi Yangyang punched him again: "Disgusting, right? Then I'll make you so disgusted that you'll vomit out all the breakfast you had this morning. Brother Jin, Brother Jin, Brother Jin..."

Her voice was soft and soft. Hang Jin's whole body was numb when he heard it. He almost felt like a fool because of his happiness. He still pretended to be calm on his face: "Little idiot!"

"Aren't you disgusted by what you heard?" Chi Yangyang rarely put down his burden and made a face at him, "You didn't let me shout, so I shouted to you. Brother Jin..."


Hang Jin suddenly approached the car and braked suddenly. The car stopped firmly on the side of the road. Before Chi Yangyang could react, Hang Jin held her head with both hands and kissed her domineeringly.

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