My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1784: Childhood sweethearts, you have to close your eyes when kissing

Chapter 1786: Childhood sweethearts, you have to close your eyes when kissing

Chi Yangyang's eyes widened in fright. Her silly look made Hang Jin couldn't help laughing: "You are such an idiot. You don't even know how to close your eyes when a man kisses you."

"I have no experience." Chi Yangyang said, Hang Jin kissed her again. This time she learned the lesson and closed her eyes obediently, but Hang Jin stopped kissing her again, and again One sentence, "Little idiot!"

He is laughing again!

He must be laughing at her for not being able to even pick up a kiss.

Chi Yangyang wanted to prove it to him, but she really didn't know how to kiss better: "I have listened to you and closed my eyes. What's wrong with you?"

Hang Jin rubbed her head: "little idiot!"

At least this little idiot didn't object to him kissing her, which was a good sign.

"Why do you always curse?" Chi Yangyang pouted. She certainly didn't know how coquettish her voice was, and she would only be like this in front of Hang Jin.

In the eyes of the other friends, she is just a little girl who is protected by them. In the eyes of her colleagues, she is Jiang Zhen's most proud disciple. She works vigorously and resolutely, and is definitely not inferior to men.

"Idiot is not a curse." Hang Jin smiled, and his laughter was low and deep. "To me, waste is a curse."

Chi Yangyang: "Okay, you are right no matter what."

Hang Jin said again: "Do you like me to kiss you?"

Chi Yangyang nodded honestly: "It's okay."

Hang Jin said dissatisfied: "What do you mean, okay? Is it so difficult to admit that you like me to kiss you?"

"It's okay here, I just like it." After saying this, Chi Yangyang felt something was wrong, so he added, "No other man has kissed me, and I can't compare. How do I know?" Do I like you kissing me?"

"Little idiot, do you want other men to kiss you?" Hang Jin knocked on her head, his voice was evil, but he was happy in his heart. No one except him had kissed this girl.

Chi Yangyang shrank his neck in fright: "I didn't think about it."

"Idiot!" After saying that, Hang Jin held her head and kissed her again, but the car window was suddenly knocked. "Don't you know you can't park here? Drive away quickly."

Hang Jin pressed down the car window and looked at the traffic policeman coldly: "You can't park here. You can't just stick to your damn ticket. Why are you knocking on the car window? Are you tired of living?"

The traffic policeman was stunned at first when he was yelled at, and then he became angry: "I told you that you parked illegally and still refused to listen to me. Do you think I don't dare to give you a ticket or something?"

"Waste!" Hang Jin ignored it and pressed the window directly.

Chi Yangyang bumped into him: "Stop making trouble and drive home first."

Hang Jin instantly put on a naughty smile: "Can we still kiss when we go home?"

Chi Yangyang did not hesitate: "You can kiss me if you want. It's not my decision anyway."

Hang Jin poked her forehead, put the forward gear on, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped out: "What a little idiot!"

Chi Yangyang was slightly dissatisfied: "Can you please stop calling me an idiot all the time, which makes me doubt my ability to work recently."

Hang Jin: "How about that little fool?"

Chi Yangyang: "Hate!"

Hang Jin stopped teasing her and hurriedly drove back to continue what he had not finished just now, but Chi Yangyang, who was bored, suddenly talked about another thing: "Have you met Sister Er Yue?"

She could pretend that the incident had not happened without mentioning it. As soon as she said it, the things Hang Jin tried to forget came to mind again: "Chi Yangyang, don't you want to see me?"

Chi Yangyang didn't understand what he meant: "What do you mean?"

Hang Jin didn't want to pay attention to her.

But Chi Yangyang had something to say to him from the bottom of her heart: "Hang Jin, feelings are a matter between two people. In fact, you really don't have to care too much about the feelings of the people around you. As long as it's a girl you like, then work hard to pursue it. If The other person is not the girl you like, and don’t force yourself to be with her just because she likes you.”

He is not her, and he has to be stupid with a girl he doesn't like.

Hang Jin asked: "Then if the girl I like doesn't like me at all and wants to push me to other women every day, can I still pursue her with all my strength?"

Chi Yangyang has no experience in feelings. Since Hang Jin asked her, it proves that he still trusts her. She thought about it and said, "It depends on whether the girl likes anyone. If so, then you Just give up as soon as possible. If not, and she doesn’t hate you, you can still try.”

Hang Jin said again: "That girl seems to hate me a little bit."

Chi Yangyang asked: "Why does she hate you? Is it because you usually talk to her as harshly as you do to me?"

Was he being mean to her?

He doesn't think so.

But Hang Jin still snorted slightly.

Chi Yangyang shook her head with hatred: "Hang Jin, let me tell you, girls like mature and steady men, and no one likes boys who always swear at themselves. If you want to change, The image in her mind, then be gentle to her.”

Hang Jin asked: "What kind of gentle method?"

"This..." Hang Jin's question stopped Chi Yangyang again. She touched her forehead and thought about it seriously, "First of all, you can't be cruel to her. Secondly, you should pay more attention to her, especially when she is in a bad mood. I want to accompany her to relieve her boredom."

Hang Jin: "What else?"

Chi Yangyang: "That's all I can think of for the time being."

Hang Jin: "What kind of man do you like?"

"Me?" Chi Yangyang pointed to herself, "I never thought about what kind of man I would like. I have always felt that relationships are about fate. When fate comes, the person who belongs to you will naturally come."

Hang Jin: "What about me?"

"You?" Chi Yangyang almost laughed, "Don't tell me again that the girl you like is me. I'm telling you, if you like someone, you have to be dedicated and don't be careless."

Chi Yangyang once again let Hang Jin see how slow she is in terms of emotions. There is no way to insinuate such a slow person, so she can only come directly: "Xiao Siyan'er, you forgot the spouse's name on my young master's marriage certificate again." Is your name written in the column?”

Chi Yangyang: "Ah...that's not..."

Hang Jin interrupted her: "Have you forgotten that the young master said that the girl he likes is you?"

But Chi Yangyang analyzed rationally: "You said you like me, don't say I don't believe it, even sister Feiyang, brother Zhiyang and the others will not believe it."

Hang Jin parked the car on the side of the road again, held Chi Yangyang's head, let her look into his eyes, and said with great affection: "Xiao Siyan, the person I like and want to marry has always been you. You are the same person. Otherwise, do you think I am crazy after eating too much and playing the wedding game with you?”

"Hang Jin, stop scaring me!" Chi Yangyang has never seen Hang Jin look so serious and serious. For a while, she couldn't tell whether he was teasing her again.

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