My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1785: Childhood sweethearts, then give me the money back

Chapter 1787: Childhood sweethearts, then give me the money back

"I'm scaring you?" Confessing to a woman can frighten the other person. Hang Jin feels that maybe he is the only one in the world who can encounter such a thing.

"Do you really like me?" Chi Yangyang was still skeptical, "I am scolded, bullied and made angry every day, but you still have the nerve to say that you like me. You are not a three-year-old child anymore. If you like someone, you just want to Find ways to bully."

Hang Jin: "I..."

An idea flashed in Chi Yangyang's mind, and he said with a playful smile: "If what you said is true, then you must not have rejected me that night when I was drunk. So what happened that night was consensual, not mine Force you."

She just said that he was taller and stronger than her. How could he forcefully do something to her when she was drunk? In the final analysis, it was because he was very cooperative.

Hang Jin had a bad premonition, but he still followed her words and asked, "So what?"

Chi Yangyang leaned closer to Hang Jin and softened his voice again: "If we are both in love, then I don't need to compensate you for your mental and physical losses. Can you transfer the last time I gave it to you?" Transfer your money back to me."

Upon hearing this, Hang Jin was instantly furious: "Chi Yangyang, I confess to you that you are thinking of money. Can you have some fucking conscience?"

Chi Yangyang smiled at him, his smile was silly, but it made people feel a little cunning: "I am so poor that I almost have no money to eat, what kind of conscience do you tell me."

Hang Jin stared at her: "In your heart, money is more important than me, right?"

Chi Yangyang smiled softly: "What else?"

"Idiot!" Hang Jin gritted his teeth angrily, started the car again and drove back. Without saying a word on the way, Chi Yangyang was thinking about how to get Hang Jin to spit out the money.

After all, no one's money falls from the sky. Those money are all her hard-earned money. It would be a shame to not get it back.

Not long after, they finally arrived home, and to Chi Yangyang's surprise, meals were prepared at home. Of the four dishes, three are what she likes to eat, and the remaining one is what Hang Jin likes.

Chi Yangyang looked around and saw no one at home. He wondered: "Hang Jin, we haven't gotten home yet. How can we get the food delivered to the door?"

Hang Jin just finished washing his hands and came out of the kitchen: "Idiot."

Hang Jin didn't say anything, and Chi Yangyang didn't ask again. He picked up the chopsticks and ate. Anyway, she believed that he wouldn't poison her to death.

As soon as the food entered the mouth, it had a very familiar taste. Chi Yangyang immediately knew who made the food: "Hang Jin, are these meals sent by Aunt Yin?"

Hang Jin replied to her with her words: "What else?"

Upon hearing this, Chi Yangyang became anxious: "Hang Jin, why do you keep your word? We agreed not to tell our elders about our relationship, why do you still say it?"

Hang Jin threw his chopsticks heavily on the table: "You are not married, I am not married, and now we are getting married and getting a certificate to become a legal couple. Tell me why we can't let the elders know?"

Besides, this was not what he told his mother at all. His mother was as smart as one person. The two of them went home and had dinner together that day, and her mother became suspicious. It’s just that this idiot thought that his elders knew everything. Not aware of it.

She is an idiot. Do she still think that everyone in the world is as idiotic as her?

Chi Yangyang: "I..."

Before, she always thought that Hang Jin had another girl in his heart. She was afraid that she would delay him, so she especially didn't want a third person to know that the two of them had obtained a marriage certificate.

But it's different now. Hang Jin has told her more than once that the girl he likes is her. It has always been her, only her. Then there are no other girls. There is only her in his love world.

Since she is the only one in his love world, can she try to accept this marriage and treat Hang Jin as her lover?

Although her inner ideal person is definitely not Hang Jin, Hang Jin is the person closest to her in the world besides her grandfather.

In addition, Hang Jin has good looks and a fairly high IQ. The genes of his offspring should not be much different...

Thinking of this, Chi Yangyang felt that it was actually quite good to continue this marriage with Hang Jin.

Hang Jin didn't know Chi Yangyang's inner thoughts and shouted, "What are you?"

Chi Yangyang rolled her eyes: "You like me and you are cruel to me, how can I believe that you really like me?"

Hang Jin: "I..."

"Okay, don't worry!" Seeing him speechless, Chi Yangyang suddenly felt that he was about to turn over. He was so happy that he suppressed his inner excitement and patted him on the shoulder. "As long as you change your temper in the future, Be kind to me, we can still live a good life as husband and wife."

She said she wanted to live a good life with him as husband and wife.

Hang Jin suddenly felt a little elated.

Chi Yangyang has never seen Hang Jin looking so stupid. It seems that he likes her. She can't leave: "Since you told auntie, let's talk about it. But you are not allowed to talk nonsense at my grandpa's place. You have to wait for me to do some ideological work for him."

Hang Jin couldn't believe what he saw and heard more and more: "Xiao Siyaner, do you accept our marriage?"

Seeing Hang Jin being stupid, Chi Yangyang was happy: "We are already a real husband and wife. You have liked me for so many years, why don't I accept it. However, you must remember that you have to be nicer to me in the future, not to I’m fierce, otherwise I might change my mind at any time.”

"Okay." Hang Jin only heard the first half of the sentence. He couldn't hear what Chi Yangyang said later, but it didn't matter if he heard it. There was nothing greater than this idiot accepting him.

But Hang Jin was still worried, worried that he was dreaming: "Xiao Siyaner, do you understand what you are talking about?"

Chi Yangyang couldn't help laughing: "I'm not drunk tonight, why don't I know what I'm talking about?"

Hang Jin suddenly felt at a loss and needed to calm down: "Eat, eat!"

Seeing his stupid look, Chi Yangyang sent him two words in his heart: "Idiot!"

Chi Yangyang had made it very clear, but Hang Jin still didn't believe it. After dinner, he came to the study alone, looking for someone to help him understand Chi Yangyang's thoughts, but he thought there were all rough guys around him.

After much deliberation, he still had to call Lan Feiyang, but when he called, Lan Feiyang's phone kept saying that he was on a call, so he had to call Ye Zhiyang's cell phone instead.

Ye Zhiyang has a strong desire to survive and is never slow to answer Hang Jin's calls: "Fourth brother, are you going to bring Yangyang over for dinner again? When will you arrive? I'll prepare a few of Yangyang's favorite dishes in advance."

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