My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1786: Childhood sweethearts, kneeling on the washboard

Chapter 1788: Childhood Sweethearts, Kneel on the Washboard

Hang Jin said angrily: "Ask your woman to answer the phone."

"Are you looking for Feiyang?" Ye Zhiyang looked back and saw no one from Lan Feiyang, "I just called her and she went out to answer it. Fourth brother, if you want to ask her about anything, I can tell her."

Hang Jin roared louder: "Let her answer the phone."

Hang Jin's tone didn't sound very friendly, and Ye Zhiyang didn't dare to delay. He looked around for Lan Feiyang with his mobile phone, and finally found it in an empty private room, but Lan Feiyang was on the phone and chatting lively.

In front of his fiancée, Ye Zhiyang has always dared not say anything loudly, not to mention that she is still on the phone now. He can only remind her in a low voice: "Feiyang, fourth brother's phone number."

Lan Feiyang covered the phone receiver, took the phone away, and said, "Yangyang is calling me."

With Chi Yangyang here, it is simply the best protective umbrella. Ye Zhiyang quickly said: "Fourth brother, Feiyang is on the phone with Yang Yang."

Hang Jin paused and said, "Let Lan Feiyang turn on the speakerphone and let me listen to what they are talking about?"

Ye Zhiyang gave Lan Feiyang a look, and Lan Feiyang understood. He quietly clicked on the speaker, and soon Hang Jin heard Chi Yangyang's voice, or Chi Yangyang's laughter to be precise: "Sister Feiyang, Hang Jin's The bastard really likes me, I can turn over and be the master! Hahahaha..."

Lan Feiyang was speechless and wanted to turn off the speaker, but he didn't dare due to Hang Jin's power, so he had to remind him in a low voice: "Ahem... Yangyang, don't be too happy."

"Sister Feiyang, it's not like you don't know that I have been bullied by the big devil Hang Jin for more than 20 years. In the past 20 years, he asked me to stand and I dare not sit down. He asked me to go east, and I will never I dare not go west. I have been enslaved by him for more than 20 years. Today he told me seriously that he likes me and promised that he would never bully me again. Do you think I can be unhappy? "How did Chi Yangyang know that Lan Feiyang turned on the loudspeaker and what she said was broadcast live to Hang Jin.

Chi Yangyang's laughter floated into Hang Jin's ears like a magic sound one after another. He wanted to endure it, but his footsteps kept moving towards the room.

The moment he kicked the door open, the voice on the phone stopped. Chi Yangyang looked at him with an innocent look: "Hang Jin, why did you kick the door again? It's okay if the door is broken, but you scared me. .”

Look at this little idiot!

He gave her some paint, and she wanted to open a dyeing shop, right?

But seeing her silly look, he really couldn't bear to expose her: "Some habits have been developed for more than 20 years, and it is difficult to change them in a short while."

Chi Yangyang reacted quickly at this time: "Then you go kneel on the washboard."

Hang Jin: "Chi Yang Yang!"

Chi Yangyang giggled: "I'm just kidding you, why are you so serious? Go take a bath, go to bed early after washing, there are still things to be busy with tomorrow."

Hang Jin gave her another hard look before going to the bathroom.

Chi Yangyang was so happy that she rolled around on the bed a few times. After being enslaved for more than 20 years, it felt so good to suddenly turn over and become the master. If she had believed earlier that the girl in Hang Jin's heart was always her, then she could have turned around earlier.

But it's not too late now, there will still be decades to come, and she has plenty of ways to fix him.

Chi Yangyang was feeling proud when Hang Jin's cell phone on the bedside table suddenly rang. She leaned over and took a look. It was a landline number with no information saved: "Hang Jin, your phone number."

Hang Jin didn't respond, and Chi Yangyang said, "Hang Jin, someone calls you, do you want me to pick it up for you?"

Hang Jin still didn't respond, but the bathroom door opened. He walked out naked without wearing anything. He ignored Chi Yangyang and picked up the phone: "What's the matter?"

"Rogue!" Chi Yangyang didn't know what the person on the other end of the phone said. Anyway, looking at Hang Jin's face, it shouldn't be a good thing. Soon Hang Jin hung up the phone and said, "I have some work to do, you are at home." Stay well."

Chi Yangyang said worriedly: "The drug criminal died inexplicably in the detention room. You haven't found any clues yet. We don't rule out the possibility of an insider. Please be careful."

Hang Jin didn't take this matter seriously at all. He lowered his head and kissed Chi Yangyang hard on the face: "I'm still waiting for the rest of my life to be a bully for you, a little idiot. Who dares to touch me?" , I just let him walk around without food."

Chi Yangyang wiped the saliva on his face in disgust: "Hang Jin, I'm serious to you, don't be careless. When you deal with drug dealers, you know how vicious they are better than me. You must be safe when you go out. Be extra careful.”

Hang Jin raised his eyebrows happily: "Little old lady, I know."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

Alas, there is really nothing we can do about this bastard. He always behaves like this when she talks to him about business. Doesn't he know that she is worried about her safety?


After a while, Hang Jin had changed his clothes. Chi Yangyang got up to see him off. He hugged Chi Yangyang and kissed him hard: "I will take good care of you when I come back."

When he just took a shower, all he could think about was how to eat this idiot, but there were so many bullshit at work that he could only give up this idea temporarily.

Chi Yangyang watched him go out: "Be careful!"

Hang Jin said: "I know. Close the door quickly and lock it. Unless I come back, no one is allowed to open the door."

Chi Yangyang: "I know."

Hang Jin waved his hand: "Let's go."

Hang Jin had never been so happy when he went out. He almost kept whistling on the way to the team. When he arrived at the team, a group of subordinates were a little puzzled to see him so happy.

The drug dealer they finally captured died in the lockup today, and no clues have been found yet. The boss had a livid face two hours ago, looking like he was angry like "Don't mess with me."

Only two hours have passed, and now I can see that he is very happy, and I don’t know if he has some luck.

Seeing that Hang Jin was happy, the third son became a little bolder and quickly reported the collected intelligence: "Boss, I just received a tip that someone was trading on Jintang Street tonight, but we don't know how many people there are. We don’t know whether the other party has weapons.”

"Not sure?" Hang Jin raised his eyebrows, and the third son was so frightened that he took two steps back and waited patiently for Hang Jin's next curse. However, Hang Jin just asked lightly, "Are all the action team members here?" ?”

The boss didn’t curse!

The boss didn’t even curse!

So strange!

Sanzi was stunned and said cautiously: "There are still two left."

Hang Jin added: "Let the person who arrives first prepare first. Then call the other two to urge them to move faster so as not to delay the matter."

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