My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1790: Childhood Sweethearts, His Weakness

Chapter 1792: Childhood Sweethearts, His Weakness

When I got home, the night was almost over. I don't know whether it was because Hang Jin was around or because I was really tired. Chi Yangyang fell into sleep within two minutes of falling on the bed.

But Hang Jin, who was lying next to Chi Yangyang, was not sleepy at all. He was looking at her slightly tired face, and all he could think about was what happened tonight.

After what happened with Chi Yangyang, he was certain that the recordings of the two drug dealers were played to him on purpose, in order to make him turn a blind eye to his future work in Jiangbei.

As long as their "business" is easy to do, then there will naturally be no trouble with him, otherwise...

"Bullshit! I can't be threatened by you trash!" Hang Jin has never been afraid of anything in his life. No matter what he does, he only cares about his own happiness. He never cares about other people's feelings. Chi Yangyang is really an exception. .

Friends around Hang Jin all know that Chi Yangyang is the weak spot in him that no one can touch. No one can touch it except himself.

But this "weak spot" herself doesn't know how important she is to Hang Jin, nor does she realize how dangerous their situation is now.

Hang Jin thinks that Chi Yangyang must have been a pig in his previous life. If the sky falls, he will still be a pig who only knows how to eat.

Don't say he scolded her.

Look, Chi Yangyang fell on the bed and slept like a pig for a while. She had already forgotten what happened tonight.

Hang Jin suddenly felt that it was better to be a little bit stupid. After all, it was often said that stupid people are blessed with stupid things.

"Little idiot, if I hadn't protected you, you would have been eaten by the wolf!" Hang Jin poked Chi Yangyang's forehead, pulled the quilt to cover her, and then came to the study alone and opened the door The computer checked a locked document inside.

Hang Jin has read this document countless times, but he still can't find any flaws...

Someone has said that there is no perfect crime in this world... What's more, the case where Chi Yangyang's parents were killed two years ago was not perfect at all, but strangely the murderer could not be found.

That night, even though it was raining heavily, the soundproofing effect of the wooden cabin in the resort was not good. Two living adults were cut into pieces, but the nearby guests heard nothing. This is strange no matter how you think about it.

After reading the files carefully again, Hang Jin still found no effective clues.

He took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Before ten o'clock this morning, I want all the information about the two murders that happened in the western suburbs of Jiuyuan Farm and Linyang Park a few days ago."

After saying that, Hang Jin hung up the phone regardless of whether the other party heard it or not.

The official case was concluded. The deceased in Linyang Park was the murderer of the Jiuyuan Farm case. The evidence seemed to have no flaws, but Hang Jin just felt that something was wrong.

Hang Jin didn't understand what was wrong for a while, so he thought of looking through the files of these two cases. If there is a problem, he will definitely find it.

After about two or three hours of sleep, it was already dark. Chi Yangyang had to get up and rush to the detachment to work. However, when she got up, Hang Jin slept so soundly.

They almost didn't sleep last night. Now that she got up, he still slept like a pig. Chi Yangyang felt extremely unbalanced and kicked Hang Jin on the butt: "Big stupid pig, Just keep sleeping, and I hope you become a stupid pig soon."

"Xiao Siyan'er, are you looking for death?" Hang Jin yelled in an irritable voice, which scared Chi Yangyang and ran away. Wasn't this smelly man asleep? How could he still know that she kicked him?

Chi Yangyang thought that after knowing that Hang Jin liked her, she would be able to show off her power in front of him, but it seemed not to be the case. She was still the one who was bullied.

Chi Yangyang came to work with a sense of imbalance and dissatisfaction with Hang Jin. However, as soon as she got off the car, she received a call. She knew the person on the phone very well. He was Hang Jin's father, Hang Zhenshan.

Chi Yangyang has known Hang Zhenshan for many years, but because there is no direct contact between the two, they have never called each other. Today is the first call in Chi Yangyang's memory.

Hang Zhenshan asked her to meet at a teahouse across the street from the Cangshan Criminal Police Detachment. Chi Yangyang couldn't refuse the elder's invitation, so she quickly called Jiang Zhen and asked for an hour's leave.

Hang Zhenshan didn't say anything about Chang Chi Yangyang on the phone, and Chi Yangyang didn't ask any more questions. After asking for leave, she ran all the way to the teahouse across the street.

Chi Yangyang has been serving in the Cangshan Expulsion Detachment for two years. After entering this teahouse today, she just knew that there was such an elegant little teahouse so close to their detachment.

As soon as Chi Yangyang entered the room, someone led her to a small and unique private room. Hang Zhenshan, who was wearing a neat suit, sat cross-legged in front of the coffee table and drank Kung Fu tea seriously, but Chi Yangyang hadn't spoken yet. Then he said: "Xiaochi is here, sit down."

"Uncle Hang, are you looking for me?" In Chi Yangyang's impression, Hang Zhenshan rarely talks and Hang Jin simply doesn't look like a father and son. In the past, when she met Hang Zhenshan, many people were present, and they usually exchanged a few polite words. To be polite, I don’t know why he came to see her alone today.

"Son, please sit down first." Father Hang pointed to the seat opposite, made the tea in his hand, and then looked up, "Xiaochi, do you usually like to drink tea?"

Chi Yangyang replied honestly and politely: "It's okay."

Hang Zhenshan handed her a cup of tea: "Drink a cup of tea first, and then we'll talk slowly."

"Uncle Hang, if you want to say anything, it's the same as telling me on the phone. I won't bother you to make a trip." The other party's way of meeting was too formal and too secretive, which always made Chi Yangyang feel a little panicked.

The only connection between them is Hang Jin.

Does Uncle Hang want to talk to her about Hang Jin?

But Hangzhenshan shouldn’t be so boring.

Chi Yangyang held the dish and took a sip. It was not difficult to find that Hang Zhenshan was staring at her, not knowing whether he was looking at her glasses or the way she tasted tea.

Just when Chi Yangyang was in a state of confusion, Hang Zhenshan spoke: "Xiaochi, you are the child that your Aunt Yin and I have watched grow up. We all see how outstanding you are. "

Hang Zhenshan spoke very slowly and spoke clearly, a bit like a leader speaking on the stage: "Especially your Aunt Yin, she has already treated you as our biological daughter. When you were in school, she helped I'm looking for you to go to school. Because of your parents' accident two years ago, she has been helping out a lot. Recently, she has been asking people to introduce an outstanding boy to you."

Chi Yangyang was stunned: "Ah?"

Didn't Hang Jin tell his parents that he and she were married?

Why does Aunt Yin ask someone to help her find a partner?

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