My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1791: Childhood sweethearts, I wish I could take a picture of myself

Chapter 1793: Childhood sweethearts, I wish I could take a picture of myself

Could it be that Hang Jin didn't tell her elders about getting the certificate at all, and she misunderstood him?

But if the elders in the family don’t know, what will they say about last night’s dinner?

The taste of those dishes was too familiar to her. They were cooked by Hang’s mother and she couldn’t go wrong.

Just when Chi Yangyang was confused, he heard Hang Zhenshan say: "Xiaochi, your Aunt Yin has always loved you like your own daughter."

"Uncle Hang, I know that your family is good to me." Chi Yangyang can certainly feel how good Aunt Yin is to her, but Hang Zhenshan suddenly mentioned it today. There must be some reason, "Uncle Hang, something's wrong You say."

No matter how slow Chi Yangyang is about the world, he is not stupid. Hang Zhenshan usually never contacts her privately. If he came to her so solemnly today, he should be looking for her for something.

"Actually, it's not a big deal." As he said that, Hang Zhenshan raised his glass and took a sip of tea, then slowly said, "But although it's not a big deal, no one can help except you."

Hearing that he was the only one who could help, Chiyang praised Haikou: "Uncle Hang, tell me. No matter what you want from me today, as long as I can help, I will definitely help."

Hang Zhenshan smiled and said, "He's not our boy Hang Jin. You also know that boy's temper. He's very wild. He does things based on his preferences and never cares about the people around him."

It turned out that it was really related to Hang Jin. Chi Yangyang breathed a sigh of relief: "Uncle Hang, I also told Brother Jin about this, but he said it will be difficult to change for a while."

"It doesn't matter if he can't change for a while. The key is that he has the idea of ​​​​changing." Hang Zhenshan pointed out.

"He wants to change his mind." In front of the third person, Chi Yangyang will always protect Hang Jin unconsciously.

Hang Zhenshan drank tea and scolded his son: "That boy Hang Jin is already in his twenties, and he still doesn't have the stability of a mature man."

Chi Yangyang didn't answer this. In fact, her brother Jin still has advantages and is not useless.

"Look at the Jiang family's daughter Er Yue. She was born in the same year as Hang Jin, but she is much more sensible than Hang Jin. Now that this child has returned from studying abroad, she is tall and graceful, knowledgeable and understanding..." Hang Zhenshan sighed, "Why are other people's children so good? Look at Hang Jin..."

"Uncle Hang, brother Jin is not bad." Chi Yangyang felt quite uncomfortable hearing Jiang Er being praised for being so good at Hang Jin.

"Er Yue, that kid is so cute. Last night, your Aunt Yin told me that she wanted a daughter-in-law like that." Hearing this, Chi Yangyang's head banged, and he wanted to say something, Hang Zhen Shan didn't give her a chance to interrupt, "The key is that the kid Eryue is also interested in our Hang Jin, but that kid Hang Jin is not enlightened... Xiaochi, can you please help persuade Hang Jin to get along with Jiang Eryue? look."

"Ah..." Chi Yangyang finally understood Hang Zhenshan's purpose of looking for her, but he was also dumbfounded.

She had just believed that the girl Hang Jin liked was her, and she was willing to try to accept the marriage. However, now the elders of the Hang family came to tell her that they had already chosen their favorite daughter-in-law, and asked her to persuade Hang Jin.

Did God want to play tricks on her like this? Is it fun to tease her like this?

Chi Yangyang didn't understand why they wanted her to persuade Hang Jin to do something he didn't want to do. Jiang Eryue did it, and so did Hang Zhenshan.

Hang Jin is an adult. He has his own thoughts and choices. Why should he influence his thoughts?

Moreover, Chi Yangyang feels that there is no reason to like someone or not like someone. It is right for Jiang Eryue to like Hang Jin, and it is not wrong for Hang Jin not to like Jiang Eryue.

However, Chi Yangyang couldn't understand. Jiang Eryue was obviously better than her in many aspects in everyone's eyes. Why did Hang Jin prefer her instead of Jiang Eryue?

Is it true that as Hang Jin said, he was attracted by her retarded temperament?

In any case, Chi Yangyang came to the conclusion that she could not persuade Hang Jin about this matter: "Uncle Hang, I can't get involved in brother Jin's emotional affairs."

Hang Zhenshan said: "I don't want you to intervene, I just want you to tell him that both our parents and Er Yue want them to be together. Hang Jin always listens to you. We say he doesn't listen, but you go and tell him Definitely listen. Of course, we don’t force Hang Jin to be with Er Yue. We just want him to give each other a chance and get to know each other well. Whether it’s suitable or not depends on the two of them. "

"Uncle Hang..."

"Xiaochi, are you unwilling to do this favor for Uncle Hang?"

"No, it's just me..." Chi Yangyang wanted to slap himself. Why did he put the big words first? Now he must be buried in the hole he dug.

"Xiaochi, Hang Jin has always treated you like his own sister. He will definitely listen to your words." Hang Zhenshan specially emphasized the word "sister", which made Chi Yangyang's scalp numb.

My biological sister?

Hang Jin has never regarded her as his own sister!

"No..." Chi Yangyang wanted to say that he had obtained the certificate with Hang Jin, but he couldn't say it.

Hang Jin has already told the parents of the Hang family about their marriage certificate. Uncle Hang also came to her as a lobbyist, and did not mention anything about her and Hang Jin's marriage certificate. Presumably he did not want her to marry Hang Jin.


"Uncle Hang, I'm sorry! In fact, Hang Jin and I have already received a marriage certificate. We are currently a couple protected by law." Chi Yangyang gritted his teeth and said it. After saying it, he felt that there was nothing to be afraid of. They have their favorite daughter-in-law, but she is the only one Hang Jin wants to marry.

"You have obtained the marriage certificate?" Hang Zhenshan's expression was not surprising. He still looked at Chi Yangyang kindly and kindly, "Hang Jin almost lost his life because of you last night. He told you about this. "?"

"Wha, what?" Chi Yangyang was stunned for a moment, wondering what happened last night that she didn't know about.

Hang Zhenshan said: "There are many outstanding men in the world, but your Aunt Yin and I only have one son like Hang Jin. If he makes a mistake, your Aunt Yin may not survive."

"Uncle Hang, it's not my decision. If you want us to divorce, you have to tell Hang Jin." Chi Yangyang still heard what Hang Zhenshan meant, and she refused firmly.

"Xiaochi, I always thought you were a smart child. You know what you want most, but when chatting with you today, I found that this is not the case." Hang Zhenshan still smiled softly. In the eyes of the people next to him, He is definitely an amiable elder, "If we can't do it as a favor, then let's negotiate terms."

"What, what conditions?" At this moment, Chi Yangyang had the illusion that he had never known Hang Zhenshan.

Hang Zhenshan took a sip of tea and said calmly: "The corpse dismemberment case at Jiuhara Farm that shocked the whole city two years ago has not been solved yet. Do you know the reason?"

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