My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1792: Childhood sweethearts, I have never seen such an arrogant person.

Chapter 1794: Childhood sweethearts, I have never seen such an arrogant person.

When he heard about his parents' case, Chi Yangyang stood up suddenly: "Uncle Hang, do you know the inside story of my parents' case? Who is the murderer? Why did the murderer kill my parents?"

"Xiaochi, as long as you and Hang Jin get the divorce certificate and persuade Hang Jin to date Jiang Eryue, then I will let you know the answers you want to know. Otherwise, with your ability to investigate, you will never know the truth in your life. "Hang Zhenshan said this calmly while sipping his tea.

"Why?" Chi Yangyang's eyes turned red. She didn't understand. She didn't understand how Hang Zhenshan knew the inside story of her parents' case, and she didn't know why Hang Zhenshan forced her to leave Hang Jin.

Didn't he keep saying that he treated her like his own daughter?

So isn't it the best way for her to marry Hang Jin and become a member of the Hang family?

Hang Zhenshan said unhurriedly: "I just said that as long as I see the results I want to see, then I will answer all your questions one by one. Well, you must not think Now tell Hang Jin about this. If he knows, then what I said will not count. Of course, you can also investigate slowly. One day you will find out the truth, but I don’t know how long it will take for that day. .”

Chi Yangyang didn't know how she got out of the teahouse. After returning to the detachment for a long time, her ears kept echoing what Hang Zhenshan had just said.

Hang Zhenshan occupies an important position in Jiangbei City and wins the Advanced Individual Award every year. He is a well-known good official in Jiangbei City and is loved by the citizens. Chi Yangyang also respects him very much.

Today, Chi Yangyang just realized that everyone is not what she sees on the surface. Not Hang Zhenshan. He is not as good as he appears on the surface. He has a side that is so deep that she is scared.

Neither is Hang Jin. Hang Jin is arrogant and irritable on the surface and bullies her every day, but when she is in danger, Hang Jin always rushes to her side as soon as possible to give her the greatest support.

Could it be that Hang Zhenshan prevented her from being with Hang Jin because Hang Jin cared about her and was worried that Hang Jin would be involved in the murder of her parents?

Chi Yangyang doesn't know, and doesn't know what to do next?

Push Hang Jin away?

She can do it.

But why do you ask Hang Jin to date Jiang Eryue?

Why should Hang Jin's happiness be sacrificed for her affairs?

She can't do this.


Colleagues shouted several times from the side, and Chi Yangyang finally came back to his senses: "What's the matter?"

The colleague said: "Forensic Doctor Jiang asked you to go to his office."

"Okay." Chi Yangyang shook his head, trying to put Hangzhen Shan No. 1 Middle School behind him for the time being. He simply packed up and came to Jiang Zhen's office, "Teacher, you come to me."

Jiang Zhen pointed to the seat opposite: "Sit down and talk."

Chi Yangyang was stunned for a moment, then sat down: "Teacher, what's the matter?"

Jiang Zhen handed her a cup of brewed coffee: "Yangyang, there are some things we can't change no matter how much we think about them, so don't think too much and just do the things you are doing well."

Chi Yangyang: "Teacher, I don't think about that anymore."

Jiang Zhen: "Then why have you been in a daze all morning?"

It turned out that it was his personal affairs that affected his work. Chi Yangyang apologized: "Teacher, it's because of a small personal matter. I will pay attention to it."

Jiang Zhen: "Is it because of Hang Jin?"

Chi Yangyang nodded: "That's right."

Jiang Zhen added: "Hang Jin is a bit grumpy, but he is a good person. As long as he treats you as a friend, then he will treat you well and don't hurt the friendship between you because of trivial things."

"Teacher, thank you! I know Hang Jin is a good person, and I will cherish the relationship between us." Jiang Zhen and Hang Jin have met several times. Every time they meet, Hang Jin is tit-for-tat with Jiang Zhen and warns her not to You must be too close to Jiang Zhen.

Looking at Hang Jin's treatment of others, and then looking at Jiang Zhen's treatment of others, Chi Yangyang has to say that Hang Jin is really stingy.

Jiang Zhen handed a piece of information on his desk to Chi Yangyang: "I have a piece of information here, which are the notes I took at our forensic exchange meeting yesterday. Take it back and read it. I hope it will be helpful to your future work. .”

Chi Yangyang took it with both hands: "Teacher..."

Jiang Zhen said: "Don't say thank you. Since I brought you into the industry and call me teacher, I will naturally help you if I can help you at work."

"Thank you!" Although Jiang Zhen didn't want to hear the word "thank you", Chi Yangyang still wanted to say that she was lucky to be able to take care of Jiang Zhen when she entered this industry.

In the afternoon, Chi Yangyang no longer thought about Hang Zhenshan and worked hard.

Chi Yangyang was in the detachment, and Hang Jin didn't rest.

He ate something outside at noon, then went to the supermarket to buy a lot of things. There was no shortage of food and clothing. He stuffed a lot of things in the trunk and drove to the hospital to visit Grandpa Chi.

Grandpa Chi was having a lively chat with his fellow patients. When he saw Hang Jin coming, his face immediately dropped: "Master Hang, my fourth son is not here, what are you doing here alone?"

"If Xiao Si's eyes are not there, I can't come to see your old man." Hang Jin never knows how to read people's faces. Even though Grandpa Chi had clearly written big words on his face, saying he didn't want to see him, he still He shamelessly approached the person and said, "Xiao Siyan is busy at work, but I am free, so I came to chat with you to relieve your boredom."

Grandpa Chi looked at the big and small bags in Hang Jin's hands and felt his head was pounding: "My old man has a patient to chat with and solve the problem. I don't dare to trouble you, the young master of the Hang family."

"Old man, you don't want to see me so much." Hang Jin put the things in the ward and sat down beside Mr. Chi's bed. "Old man, take a good look at me. I want good looks and talent. You are talented. If you let Xiaosi Yaner marry me, it will be decent for her to take me out in the future, don’t you think?”

Upon hearing that Hang Jin was planning to hit their little fourth child again, Grandpa Chi immediately warned: "Young master of the Hang family, don't scare my old man. My old man is old and doesn't need to be scared."

Hang Jin didn't take it seriously, and he didn't even know how to say two polite words, so he directly stated his intention: "Old man, if Xiao Siyan'er must marry me, will you stop me?"

Grandpa Chi looked at Hang Jin and felt that this boy came to propose marriage today, but he had no sense of being a junior at all. He looked angry and naturally spoke unpleasantly: "My fourth son is short-sighted, not blind. .”

Hang Jin is also very arrogant: "Old man, look at what you said. The fourth child is blind, so he can't look down on such an outstanding man like me."

Grandpa Chi: "..."

He has never seen such an arrogant, shameless person.

How can anyone praise themselves in front of others every day?

But having said that, although Hang Jin is arrogant and sometimes he doesn't like him, he still likes this kid in his heart.

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