My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1793: Childhood sweetheart, isn’t it fun to marry her?

Chapter 1795: Childhood sweetheart, isn’t it fun to marry her?

"Old man, don't be silent." Hang Jin took out a pack of cigarettes from a pile of gifts and waved them in front of Grandpa Chi's eyes. "This is what I secretly honor your old man behind my back. Please keep it." Oh, don’t smoke two and get caught and confiscated by Xiaosi.”

"Xiaosi doesn't allow me to smoke. It's for the sake of my health. You bought me cigarettes secretly, do you want my old man to die soon?" He said he was disgusted, but Grandpa Chi snatched Hang Jin away as fast as he could. He grabbed the cigarette in his hand and hid it under the pillow, "Others give me a pack of cigarettes, but you are so stingy that you only give me a pack."

"I know you have been smoking cigarettes for decades, and you will definitely feel panicked if you don't smoke a cigarette. I bought a pack to satisfy your craving." Hang Jin said with a smile, "Don't even think about it. If Xiaosi finds out, she will have to break up with me."

With a cigarette in his hand, Grandpa Chi's whole mind was focused on the cigarette. He looked around and whispered: "You brat, smoking is not allowed in the ward. You are greedy for me."

Hang Jin said: "Smoking is not allowed in the ward, but you can smoke elsewhere."

Grandpa Chi waved and motioned Hang Jin to come closer. He added, "I know a place that is a good place to smoke. That place is absolutely safe. Xiaosi won't notice it when he comes, but he can't go there without the key. "

"With me here, there is no place I can't go." Hang Jin patted his chest and promised, "As long as you say a word, I will accompany you wherever you say you will go."

So, Hang Jin quietly slipped to the rooftop with Grandpa Chi.

The door to the rooftop is usually locked, and no one is allowed to come in. I don't know what trick Hang Jin used. He quickly got the key, and now they are sitting on the rooftop watching the prosperous scene of the world.

Grandpa Chi took out a cigarette, lit it, took a strong puff, and blew out a smoke ring. One mouthful didn't satisfy his craving, so the old man took another sip with trembling hands.

Finally satisfied, the old man looked at Hang Jin and said, "You kid, have one too."

Hang Jin rarely smokes, but in order to make the old man happy, he also lit a cigarette and took a puff in his mouth: "Old man, cigarettes are harmful to health, so it's better to smoke less."

Grandpa Chi rolled his eyes at him: "It's harmful to health and you still buy it for me. It's because you have ulterior motives. Besides, smoking is obviously harmful to health, so why are there still cigarette factories? If you can't make cigarettes, then I, the old man, won't smoke."

"Well, what you always said makes sense. They can make cigarettes, why don't they let people smoke? You keep smoking to let them make money, otherwise their cigarette factory will collapse sooner or later." The old man has to be coaxed when he is young, and Hang Jin also knows How to make the old man happy? Anyway, you are right to follow what the old man said.

"Don't say such nice things to me." Grandpa Chi took two more puffs, and after exhaling the smoke, he said slowly, "You kid, you turned your back on me and looked at me. I can see that you are still a little sincere."

Hang Jin patted his heart: "I'm sincere. The heart in my chest is beating hotly. I'm just waiting for you to tell me to ask that little idiot Xiaosiyan'er to marry me."

Grandpa Chi glared at Hang Jin: "She is such an idiot, and you still let her marry you, are you stupid?"

Hang Jin was the most shameless and said with a smile: "I say this because I am afraid that others will snatch her away. In fact, you and I both know that Xiaosi has smart eyes. She is beautiful and kind-hearted, but her mouth is not sweet."

"Why is your mouth not sweet? You can say nice words to make me happy." Grandpa Chi raised his hand and patted Hang Jin on the shoulder. "If you want to marry her, you have to accept all her advantages and disadvantages." .”

"You always promised to let her marry me?" Hang Jin was so happy that his eyebrows almost danced, but the old man immediately poured a basin of cold water on her, "You think it's pretty beautiful."

Hang Jin's eyebrows drooped instantly: "Old man, can you stop talking like that? I won't be scared."

"If you don't scare me, no one will." Grandpa Chi finished smoking a cigarette and sighed, "I am getting older, and my body and bones are getting worse day by day. Today, my father and I will say a few words about Tao Xinwozi. "

"Old man, you can live a long life."

"I am old, but not old and confused. I can still believe in immortality." Grandpa Chi looked at Hang Jin and said seriously, "Actually, you are really good. As you said, you are talented and beautiful, but you have a bad temper." It’s really not likable.”

"Yes, yes... you are always right." He said so, but Hang Jin didn't feel there was anything wrong with his temper. People only live for a few decades, and they worry about other people's feelings in everything they do. How tiring it is to live.

Grandpa Chi added: "If you change your temper, be nicer to my little Fourth Eye, and take good care of her, my old man can still safely leave Little Fourth Eye to your care."

"Really?" Hang Jin never thought that Grandpa Chi could be killed with a pack of cigarettes. When did their little four eyes become so cheap?

Grandpa Chi reminded: "The premise is that you must get rid of your bad temper, and you must also treat Xiaosi well."

"I will change, I will definitely change." If he can get Grandpa Chi to agree to his marriage to Chi Yangyang, then he should change it. Anyway, he can do these two things Grandpa Chi said in front of Chi Yangyang.

"Everyone can say nice things, but I want to see the actual actions." Grandpa Chi picked up another cigarette. Hang Jin quickly lit it for him, and then listened to him say, "Hang Jin, why do you want to marry my mistress?" Son?"

Hang Jin said bluntly: "I like it!"

Grandpa Chi asked again: "What do you like about her? Do you like that she is stupid? Do you like that she can only swallow her anger when you bully her?"

"I just want to keep her by my side and protect her for the rest of my life." Hang Jin can't explain exactly what liking means, but he wants to keep Chi Yangyang by his side and protect her for the rest of his life.

"I'll let you talk about her advantages." I always hear words that hurt Chi Yangyang from Hang Jin's mouth. Grandpa Chi also childishly wants to hear words that praise Chi Yangyang from Hang Jin's mouth.

"When I was little, I thought Little Four Eyes was cute, but when I grew up, I thought she was stupid and cute. Little Four Eyes has a high IQ, but her emotional intelligence is low, so she needs an excellent man like me to stay by her side." When Chi Yangyang likes it, Hang Jin still doesn't forget to praise himself.

Anyone who knows Hang Jin also knows that he does not think this is boasting. Deep down in his heart, Hang Jin is a very good man.

Otherwise, he had made it very clear that he didn't like Jiang Eryue, so why would Jiang Eryue always stick to him? Of course, it's not just Jiang Eryue, there are many other women, but he doesn't even know what those women look like and what their names are.

Grandpa Chi asked: "You really want to marry her because you really like her? Not because she is stupid and marry her back home for fun?"

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