My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1795: Childhood sweethearts, you are the most beautiful in my eyes

Chapter 1797: Childhood sweethearts, you are the most beautiful in my eyes

There was nothing to be busy with today. Chi Yangyang got off work early and rushed to the hospital to visit her grandpa. Unexpectedly, no one was found in the ward. Even the patients next door who had a good relationship with her grandpa did not know where her grandpa had gone.

Chi Yangyang was about to go find doctors and nurses. Hang Jin came back to protect Grandpa Chi. Chi Yangyang quickly stepped forward to support Grandpa Chi and said worriedly: "Grandpa, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Before Grandpa Chi could speak, she smelled the smell of cigarette smoke on Grandpa Chi's body. She instantly knew what was going on: "Grandpa, you secretly smoke again. How many times have I told you that smoking is harmful to your health. Even children You understand, why don’t you listen?”

Just now, Hang Jin crossed the river and demolished the bridge. Chi Wai was aggrieved but did not complain. Now he was scolded by his granddaughter like a child. He really wanted to sing a song about how wronged he was.

So Grandpa Chi said aggrievedly: "I have been quitting smoking for a long time. Today, the young master of the Hang family bought a pack of cigarettes and forced me to take a few puffs with him. You also know that I am a big smoker and can't stand the temptation."

Hang Jin: "I..."

How could the old man do this?

"Hang Jin!" Chi Yangyang glared at Hang Jin and said fiercely, "You said it's not enough for you to harm me in one day. How can you buy cigarettes for the old man to smoke? What do you want to do all day long?"

It was difficult for Hang Jin to argue. He was indeed the one who bought the cigarette and smoked it with the old man. The key point was that the elder opposite him was the one he couldn't mess with the most, so he had no choice but to shut up.

Fortunately, Grandpa Chi didn't have any conscience, so he helped Hang Jin out: "Yangyang, grandpa is a little hungry. Please call and ask Aunt Hu if she has sent food."

"Grandpa, please lie down for a while. I'll call Aunt Hu right away to ask if Aunt Hu is here." After Fu Chi's grandpa lay down, Chi Yangyang quietly pinched Hang Jin and gave him a warning look, which seemed to say that he would go back in the evening. Deal with him again.

Hang Jin: "..."


This little idiot's courage is really getting fatter and fatter.

When Chi Yangyang was about to make a call, Aunt Hu pushed the door open with a thermos box. When she saw that Chi Yangyang and Hang Jin were there, she smiled and said, "Yang Yang, your boyfriend is so good-looking."

Chi Yangyang: "He is not..."

Before Chi Yangyang finished speaking, Hang Jin grabbed the words: "Aunt Hu, your eyes are so good. When Yang Yang and I get married one day, you must come for the wedding banquet."

Chi Yangyang said disgustedly: "Hang Jin, don't..."

Grandpa Chi interrupted Chi Yangyang again: "Okay, okay, if you two are going to quarrel, go out and quarrel, and don't bother me here anymore." He quietly gave Hang Jin a look and asked him to take away his sweetheart quickly, don't Spend time with this old guy.

Hang Jin received the message and grabbed Chi Yangyang: "Grandpa, let's leave today and come back to accompany you another day."

Before Chi Yangyang could have a few words with Grandpa Chi, she was dragged out of the hospital by Hang Jin. She didn't say a word until she got into the car. Hang Jin noticed something was wrong with her: "Little four eyes, Who do you show your bitter face to?"

Chi Yangyang turned her head and looked out the car window, not intending to respond to him.

Hang Jin added: "Were you scolded by your boss?"

Chi Yangyang still ignored it.

Hang Jin reached out and pinched her face: "It's not a good habit to take your anger out on me when your boss scolds me. But you can tell me which bastard made you unhappy, and I will clean him up for you. .”

"It was your father's bastard named Hang Zhenshan who made me angry." Chi Yangyang wanted to say this, but her reason told her that she couldn't, so she still ignored the chirping Hang Jin.

Chi Yangyang ignored her, but Hang Jin would not give up because of her indifference: "If my Queen Mother sees you like this, she will definitely think that I bullied you."

Chi Yangyang finally spoke: "Didn't you bully me?"

Hang Jin: "I didn't provoke you today."

Chi Yangyang: "You knew grandpa was in poor health and you bought cigarettes for him to smoke. How dare you say you didn't provoke me."

Hang Jin: "I just want to make the old man happy and make him agree to pursue you. But don't worry, he only smoked two cigarettes. As soon as he let go, I snatched away the half of the cigarettes he hadn't finished."

Chi Yangyang found it funny again: "If you dare to snatch cigarettes from grandpa, you won't be afraid that he will fight for you."

Hang Jin said with a playful smile: "I'm not afraid if he fights with me. I'm just afraid that his old man won't agree with you being with me."

Chi Yangyang: "Hang Jin, do you really think we are suitable?"

Hang Jin glared at her: "Little idiot, you are going to be stupid again."

Chi Yangyang: "Sister Eryue is prettier than me and has higher emotional intelligence than me. Why don't you look down on her?"

Hang Jin: "Who is blind and says Jiang Eryue is prettier than you?"

Chi Yangyang: "Don't you think so?"

Hang Jin: "In my eyes, you are the most beautiful in the world."

"You can talk." Regardless of whether Hang Jin's words were true or false, Chi Yangyang was very happy to hear it. After all, this was the first time Hang Jin praised her for her good looks.

In fact, she is not ugly, but she is often called ugly by Hang Jin, which makes her lose a bit of confidence.

"I finally laughed." Hang Jin speeded up the car and said, "My queen mother specially made a delicious soup for you and asked me to take you home for dinner tonight."

"Thank you Auntie for your kindness, but can I not go?" When she goes to Hang's house, she will definitely meet Hang Zhenshan again. After talking to Chi Yangyang in Hang Zhenshan, she doesn't know what kind of attitude she should use to face Hang Zhenshan. Zhenshan.

"If you don't go, my Queen Mother will definitely kill me." Hang Jin glanced sideways at Chi Yangyang. Seeing that Chi Yangyang really didn't want to go, he added, "If you really don't want to go, just don't go. I'll fight with the Queen Mother later." Just call me and say I'm busy."

"Hang Jin..."

"What happened to you today?"

"Hang Jin, we are only more than 20 years old and we are still young. Are you willing to hand over your life to me at a young age and never look at another woman again?" After asking, Chi Yangyang said firmly. Looking at Hang Jin, she only had one word to say.

Hang Jin: "I am such a dedicated person, can't I do it?"

Hang Jin's words are enough.

Chi Yangyang put down the big stone in her heart and smiled: "Let's go to your house for dinner. Auntie will be sad if she doesn't go."

Hang Jin: "Women are such fickle animals."

Chi Yangyang: "Yes, women are fickle, so what can you do to me?"

Hang Jin: "I can eat you."

Chi Yangyang: "Rogue!"

In about half an hour, Hang Jin drove Chi Yangyang to Hang's house. As soon as he got off the car, Hang's mother Yin Nianxiao hurried over and took Chi Yangyang's hand: "Yangyang, you are here."

Yin Nian smiled sincerely, and Chi Yangyang could detect it. She smiled and replied: "Auntie, I was just here two days ago, and I'm here to disturb you again today."

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