My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1796: Childhood sweethearts, I will support you

Chapter 1798: Childhood sweethearts, I will support you

Yin Nianxiao held Chi Yangyang's hand and patted it again and again: "Silly boy, we are all a family. You are here to go home. If you say anything to disturb me, don't say such stupid things again in the future."

Chi Yangyang smiled and nodded: "Okay."

But, can she really come and go freely as if this is her own home?

I'm afraid it won't be possible in this life.

Yin Nianxiao really likes her, but there is another person in the Hang family who doesn't want to see her lose at all.

Hang Jin said, "Queen Mother, can you please bring people in? If you stop people at the door, people who don't know may think you want to keep Xiao Siyan out."

Yin Nianxiao stared at Hang Jin and said dissatisfied: "I asked you to bring Yangyang. You just brought me people now. I haven't settled the accounts with you yet, so you dare to talk too much."

Dissatisfied with Hang Jin, Yin Nianxiao did not forget to lead Chi Yangyang in: "Yangyang, yangyang, you don't know how happy I have been these two days. I can wake up laughing even when I fall asleep and dreaming."

"Auntie, what makes you so happy?"

"What else can it be? It's you and Hang Jin... Oh, forget it, I won't tell you anymore. When you two want to tell me, it won't be too late for me to know."

Yin Nianxiao wanted to tell everyone that her son had married her favorite girl, but she still took into account the thoughts of the two younger generations and did not reveal a word of the news.

"Auntie, didn't Brother Jin tell you this?" Chi Yangyang vaguely realized that he seemed to have misunderstood Hang Jin again.

"You don't agree, can that boy Hang Jin tell me?" Although his son treats his daughter-in-law better than his own mother, Yin Nianxiao is not jealous. After all, it is only natural that a husband treats his wife well.

"Hang Jin, I'm sorry!" Chi Yangyang quietly blinked at Hang Jin to apologize, but Hang Jin raised his head arrogantly, with an expression that said I just won't forgive you.

Chi Yangyang didn't care about him. After all, it was her fault first.

As soon as she stepped into the living room, Chi Yangyang looked forward and saw Hang Zhenshan sitting on the sofa in the living room reading the newspaper. Just when she didn't know how to greet Hang Shan, Hang Zhenshan also looked over. He smiled: "Xiaochi is here."

His expression and tone were completely unchanged from before, almost making Chi Yangyang think that the person who talked to her this morning to ask her to leave Hang Jin was not Hang Zhenshan.

However, since Hang Zhenshan wants to maintain a superficial friendly relationship with her, what reason does she have for not cooperating: "Uncle Hang, good evening! I'm here to disturb you again."

Hang Zhenshan said: "Don't disturb, don't disturb. Just come here more often when you have time. Our boy Hang Jin doesn't come home every three days. He will only come back when you come."

Chi Yangyang smiled, but didn't answer any more.

Hang Jin didn't even say hello to Hang Zhenshan. He pulled Chi Yangyang to sit aside and said, "Queen Mother, can you eat now? My little four eyes are hungry."

Yin Nianxiao was about to scold Hang Jin. As soon as she heard the second half of Hang Jin's sentence, she immediately put on a smile and said with a smile: "Yangyang, sit down for a while. Auntie will go to the kitchen to serve the food."

"Auntie, let me help you." As soon as Chi Yangyang started to get up, he was pushed down by Hang Jin and sat down again. He said, "Sit tight, I will serve you tonight."

Yin Nianxiao said, "Yangyang, just sit down for a while and let Hang Jin help."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

Hang Jin followed Yin Nianxiao to the kitchen one after another. Chi Yangyang and Hang Zhenshan were left in the living room. Hang Zhenshan still stared at the newspaper and said without raising his head: "I haven't found a chance to talk to Hang Jin yet." Speak clearly?"

Chi Yangyang took a deep breath and said calmly: "Mr. Hang, I will not break up with Hang Jin, let alone persuade him to be friends with Jiang Eryue."

Hang Zhenshan said again: "For a man you don't love, do you want to give up knowing the truth about your parents' murder case?"

Chi Yangyang replied firmly: "I will find out the truth myself. As for whether I love Hang Jin or not, that's my business. I just need to know that Hang Jin is good to me."

Hang Zhenshan said again: "You don't love Hang Jin, but you insist on being with him. You want to use him to help you find the truth. Do you think this is fair to Hang Jin?"

Chi Yangyang: "I'm not."

"Don't rush to deny it, don't rush to give me an answer, you can think about it again." Hang Zhenshan slowly raised his head and looked at Chi Yangyang, his eyes sharp and cold, "Leaving a man you don't love is not It’s a difficult thing, and it’s very difficult to find out the truth about your parents’ murder. Without my help, you might not be able to find out the truth in your life.”

Chi Yangyang has been pursuing the truth about her parents' murder case for two years and still found nothing. Of course she knows that it is difficult to find out the truth, but can she use Hang Jin's feelings for her to achieve her own goals?

She knew very well that she had never had the idea of ​​taking advantage of Hang Jin. Even if she wanted to break up with Hang Jin, it was because she wanted to break up with Hang Jin and was not threatened by anyone.

She added: "I have thought about it very clearly. Uncle Hang, if you are willing to provide me with some clues, I will be very grateful to you. In exchange for letting me leave Hang Jin, it is completely unnecessary."

Hang Zhenshan's voice became a little colder: "If you miss this village, you won't have this store again. I hope you will always remember what you said today, and never regret your choice today."

"What do you regret?" Hang Jin suddenly appeared at the corner and said abruptly, "Old man Hang, I'm warning you, don't bully Chi Yangyang while I'm away."

Hang Zhenshan said coldly: "No matter how big or small you are. You are such a big man, and you still don't know how to respect your elders when you speak."

"Respect the elders?" Hang Jin sneered, "It depends on whether the elders are worthy of my respect. Don't think that no one knows about the disgusting things you do."

Breaking the news?

What nonsense?

Could it be related to the murder of his parents?

Chi Yangyang wanted to know, but he still forced his curiosity down: "Hang Jin, Uncle Hang just talked to me about the forensic autopsy. Don't think too much."

But Hang Jin didn't care about anyone: "Old man Hang, remember what I said today!"

"What's wrong?" Yin Nianxiao followed after putting the dishes on the table, "Zhenshan, Hang Jin has grown up. Don't always scold him like a child."

After all, her daughter-in-law is here, and Yin Nianxiao still gives Hang Jin enough face.

Hang Zhenshan said nothing.

Hang Jin didn't say a word either.

Yin Nianxiao added, "Don't show anyone any shame. Everyone is here to eat."

"Go and eat first." Hang Jin pulled Chi Yangyang into his arms to protect him. "If anyone dares to make you angry, don't endure it stupidly. If you say it, I will support you."

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