My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1797: Childhood sweethearts, something practical

Chapter 1799: Childhood sweethearts, something practical

Chi Yangyang: "..."

"Yangyang, Hang Jin is right. No matter who makes you angry, you must say it out, and Auntie can support you." Yin Nianxiao wanted to take out her heart and show it to Chi Yangyang Look, "Yangyang, I asked around and found out that the hot food in your unit is not very good. From now on, auntie will also bring you meals at noon, okay?"

Yin Nianxiao was overly enthusiastic, and Chi Yangyang was also a little scared. She was afraid that her future choices would let down Yin Nianxiao's sincerity. You can pay back your debts, but you will never be able to repay your debts in your lifetime: "Auntie, don't bother me."

Hang Jin then said: "Queen Mother, you don't know that the nature of Xiao Siyan'er's work is special. If she is busy at noon, bringing delicacies from the mountains and seas to her mouth will not make her have an appetite. You'd better not do this. It’s too much trouble. But you can send us the food in advance so that we can have something to eat when we go home.”

Although he really wanted to deliver meals to Chi Yangyang at noon, Yin Nianxiao still cared about the children's feelings: "Then don't go out to eat at night. I'll prepare the meals in advance and send them to your home, so I won't disturb your lives. .”

The topic of delivering food came to an end, and everyone sat down to eat. Chi Yangyang pretended that he had no appetite because of the matter, but he still ate some due to Yin Nianxiao's enthusiasm.

Because of the presence of Yin Nianxiao and Hang Jin at the dinner table, Hang Zhenshan behaved normally.

Before leaving, Yin Nianxiao took Hang Jin aside and confessed: "Son, you can marry that girl Yangyang home. Your mother, I really don't know what to say to praise you."

Hang Jin said proudly: "Your son has always done things that satisfy you since he was a child. You don't need to be so excited."

Because of her happiness, Yin Nianxiao's attitude towards Hang Jin was much better: "Yes, yes, you are your mother's best son. Since you are so outstanding, should you and Yangyang give birth to a grandson for my mother?" Hug."

Hang Jin didn't think about it and immediately denied it: "My Queen Mother, Xiao Siyan is still young. She still has many things to be busy with. Giving birth to a child will delay things too much. Not to mention that she doesn't want to have a child now, even I haven't done it. Good preparation for being a father.”

"You're right, Yangyang's child is still young. If her parents hadn't passed away suddenly, she would still be a child now. How could she have taken on the responsibility of being a mother so early." Yin Nianxiao wanted to hug her grandson. But I also feel sorry for Chi Yangyang, "Then you two should work hard and live a good life. It depends on fate about the child. If you have it, you will have it. If you don't have it, don't force it."

"Queen Mother, do you think I was so lucky to meet such a knowledgeable and courteous mother like you in my life?" Hang Jin's words made Yin Nianxiao feel elated, "Okay, okay, take Yangyang back quickly." Rest, don't tire the kid."

But Hang Jin opened his arms and gave Yin Nianxiao a strong hug: "Mom, I love you!"

Yin Nian smiled and said, "My mouth is sweeter now that I have a wife."

"Okay, I'll go back first, and you should rest early." After saying that, Hang Jin thought of something again, "Mom, make more new friends when you have nothing to do. Don't always hang around Old Man Hang and me. None of us are worthy of your devotion.”

"What are you kidding about? Old man Hang is my lover and you are my son. Do you think it's worth it for us to do something?" Yin Nianxiao pretended to be angry and said, "Don't say such nonsense in the future. "

"Okay, you go to bed early." Hang Jin didn't say more, but the expression on his face was a little heavy after turning around. A man like Hang Zhenshan is really not worthy of his mother's love with all her heart.

On the way back, Chi Yangyang thought of what Hang Jin said at night and was a little curious: "Hang Jin, what shameful and disgusting things has your father done?"

Hang Jin glared at her: "Just mind your own business, don't be too meddlesome."

Chi Yangyang wants to know whether what Hang Jin said is related to the murder of her parents: "You just need to tell me, does that matter have something to do with me?"

Hang Jin glared at her again: "Xiao Siyan, you think too damn highly of yourself. It doesn't matter if what I do has anything to do with you. Do you really think that Old Man Hang can hang around you? ?”

Upon hearing this, Chi Yangyang knew that what Hang Jin was referring to had nothing to do with her parents. So what was it that made Hang Jin so disgusted?

Hang Jin didn't want to say it. Chi Yangyang knew that he couldn't get any results no matter how he asked, so he shut up and didn't ask anymore.

The two were quiet for a while, and then Hang Jin spoke again: "What did Old Man Hang tell you today?"

Chi Yangyang: "It's just about work."

Hang Jin knocked her head with a free hand: "Don't think that you are stupid and everyone is as stupid as you."

Chi Yangyang: "Since you don't believe what I said, what else do you ask?"

Hang Jin: "I care about you."

When Chi Yangyang heard these words, he felt sweet in his heart: "Thank you, Master Hang, for your concern. The little girl is very grateful."

Hang Jin: "How are you going to thank me? Will you pledge yourself to me?"

Chi Yangyang: "Okay."

He said it casually, but who would have thought that Chi Yangyang agreed so readily, which made his long-silent heart beat fiercely again: "I am serious."

Chi Yangyang said with a smile: "I'm serious too."

Hang Jin stepped on the accelerator hard: "I want you to look good when I go back."

Chi Yangyang: "It's not like I've never done it before. Am I still afraid of you?"

Hang Jin: "..."

Damn, they really haven't done it before.

What should he do to prevent the little idiot Chi Yangyang from discovering it?

Forget it, never mind.

When the raw rice is cooked, he is still afraid that the little girl will run away.

In the usual half-hour drive, Hang Jin, who had a purpose today, only took ten minutes to get home. After getting off the car, he couldn't wait to drag Chi Yangyang towards his home.

Chi Yangyang is shorter than him, so naturally he can't keep up with him: "Hang Jin, what are you so anxious about?"

Hang Jin: "I am afraid that you will regret it."

But Chi Yangyang suddenly took her hand out of Hang Jin's palm. Just when Hang Jin felt a sense of loss, she held his with her slender white hand: "Brother Jin..."

As her soft voice fell, she stood up on her toes, moved forward and kissed him on the face: "I showed it with my actions, should you show it too?"

Of course!

Do you even need to ask?

Hang Jin lowered his head to kiss Chi Yangyang, but Chi Yangyang's open palm covered his mouth. She smiled slyly and cutely: "Can you return my money to me first?"

Hang Jin felt like someone poured a basin of ice water on his head, which instantly extinguished his enthusiasm: "You idiot, can you think of anything else besides money?"

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