My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1809: Childhood Sweethearts, Witnessing the Murderer Killing People

Chapter 1811: Childhood Sweethearts, Witnessing the Murderer Killing People

At this point, the woman was so frightened that she trembled and opened her mouth to say something, but no sound came out.

Zhao Ziqian said: "Did you personally see the murderer kill in front of you?"

The woman nodded frantically, almost choking, "Yes."

Zhao Ziqian asked again: "What kind of person is he?"

The woman thought for a moment: "It's a man. He's very tall... I didn't see the rest clearly."

A man!

Very tall!

There are a lot of men who match these two keywords on the street, and they are not clues at all.

Zhao Ziqian only felt that his head was getting bigger again. During this period, there were always some messy cases. The cases in a short period of time were more troublesome than the cases he had handled in the previous decades.

He asked solemnly: "Is there nothing else?"

The woman's head shook like a wavy drum: "The lighting in the bar was very dark at the time, and the bar was in a backlight. Plus, I was so frightened that I can't even remember what he looked like now."

"You know very well that you were frightened." Zhao Ziqian looked at the woman. The woman looked like she was frightened, but there was no fluctuation in her eyes. No matter how he looked at her, he felt that there was something wrong with this woman.

Zhao Ziqian didn't ask any more questions. He looked at the police officer who was taking the transcript and said, "Take the person back first and let her think about it carefully. When she thinks of it, I will give her a statement."

When the woman heard that they wanted to take her back, she was so excited that she screamed: "Mr. Police, I didn't kill anyone, why are you still arresting me? I still have sick children at home waiting for me to go back."

This drama is overdone.

Zhao Ziqian frowned, and the police officer on the side quickly replied: "We are not here to arrest you, but to take you back to cooperate with our police work. You must understand that assisting the police in investigating cases is the responsibility and obligation of every citizen . Now there is a murder case, and there are your fingerprints at the scene. Cooperating with us will also help you to clear away the suspicion. "

"I really didn't kill anyone, why can't you believe me?" The woman cried, "My child is still waiting for me at home. If she doesn't see me, she will definitely not want to take medicine."

The police officer said: "As long as you cooperate with our work and let us find the murderer early, then you will naturally be able to go home and be with your children. If you know something but deliberately conceal it, it will not only delay us from solving the case, but also make It's up to you whether you should be accused of disturbing official duties or not, and we can't force you to do so."

"I said, I said..." the woman wiped away her tears and added, "Because I came in through the back door, and the location was backlit, the murderer didn't notice me, but I saw him."

Zhao Ziqian looked at the woman again and heard hurriedly: "When I saw him for the first time, I just thought that was the most beautiful man's face I had ever seen in my life. At that time, I looked at that face My face was dumbfounded. During the two or three seconds when I was stunned, I saw him stabbing the ground with the dagger. Only when blood splashed on his face did I realize that he was probably killing someone..."

The police officer asked: "What else?"

The woman said: "After the blood splashed on his face, he stabbed him several times. I was so frightened that I fell to the ground. I forgot what happened next. I vaguely remember that he finished killing people. He left me and glared at me when he left. His eyes were so fierce and sharp that I stopped breathing. "

In order to prove that what she said was true, the woman's body trembled in response when she mentioned the man's fierce and sharp eyes. She trembled so much that her upper and lower teeth rattled: "If I see him again, I should be able to Recognize him."

The police officer added: "He found you, but he didn't kill you to silence you? Why?"

Woman: "I don't know... maybe, it's probably because he thought I didn't dare to call the police or tell you the police."

Zhao Ziqian has been handling cases for many years, and he has also encountered murderers who let witnesses go after committing the crime. Most of the murderers' purpose was to provoke the police. It doesn't matter if you know that I killed the person, but you just can't find enough evidence to arrest me.

But according to what this woman described, Zhao Ziqian felt that this possibility was unlikely.

He added: "Invite someone to come back and make a simulated portrait of a murderer."

Police officer: "Yes."

Woman: "I told you everything I know."

Police officer: "So we ask you to come back with us."

The woman started yelling again: "I didn't kill anyone, why do you police arrest people randomly..."

Zhao Ziqian became impatient and waved his hand to signal the police to take the person away first.

Things here came to an end for the time being. Zhao Ziqian walked to Chi Yangyang: "Yangyang, is there any result?"

Chi Yangyang was putting the skin scraps extracted from the deceased's fingernails into the evidence bottle, and did not forget to answer Zhao Ziqian: "The deceased died around six o'clock in the morning. There were many wounds on his body, the wounds were of different depths, and they were all sharp. When a sharp weapon comes, the fatal wound is the knife in the heart.”

Chi Yangyang took the dagger from the deceased with her own hands. She pointed to the dagger in the evidence bag on the side: "This knife went straight into the deceased's heart. This knife was about six centimeters deep."

The death time mentioned by Chi Yangyang and the female witness just now are not different. Now we can know that the female witness is not completely lying...

Zhao Ziqian was distracted. When he came back to his senses, he heard Chi Yangyang say: "I just extracted some skin shavings from the nails of the deceased. I took them back for testing to see if I can find anything. There was something on the dagger. If the murderer’s fingerprints are not left, other colleagues will be troubled.”

"I know this." Zhao Ziqian nodded and let out a long sigh, "I don't know if it's because of an evil encounter or what happened these days. Murder cases are happening one after another. If this continues, let alone me, the captain of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment, I, the captain of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment, will be in trouble , even the people above me are in trouble."

"Captain Zhao, don't worry, I will hand over the autopsy report to you as soon as possible." Chi Yangyang put away the tool box, turned around and walked out of the bar, getting into the police car parked nearby, feeling very bad.

One is because there have been too many murders during this period, and the other is because Hang Jin has not found her so far.

She knew she shouldn't think about personal things during working hours, but she felt uneasy for some reason today, as if something bad was going to happen again.

"Has the person in charge of the bar arrived? Have you got the surveillance tape of the bar?" Chi Yangyang heard Zhao Ziqian yelling irritably, "Seal the scene for me, and no one is allowed to enter or leave until the results of the case are found out. "

The corpse dismemberment case that happened two days ago has not been solved yet. Today there is another case. It is good that it did not drive Zhao Ziqian crazy... Chi Yangyang looked at Zhao Ziqian distressedly. The only way she could help him was to do the autopsy as much as possible. Reported to him.

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