My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1810: Childhood Sweethearts, Fingerprint Comparison of the Murder Weapon

Chapter 1812: Childhood Sweethearts, Fingerprint Comparison of the Murder Weapon

Jingle Bell--

After the autopsy was over, Chi Yangyang had just returned to the office when the landline phone on her desk suddenly rang loudly. She picked up the receiver and said politely: "Chi Yangyang from the Forensic Medicine Department."

"Yangyang, whether you have finished your work over there or not, please come to my office as soon as possible." Zhao Ziqian's voice came on the phone, sounding anxious and irritable.

"What's the matter?" Chi Yangyang asked, but Zhao Ziqian had already hung up the phone, so she had to put down her work and hurried to Zhao Ziqian's office.

When he arrived, Zhao Ziqian pushed her to sit on his office chair, then pointed at the computer screen: "Can you help me see who this person is? Is he our Young Master Hangzhou?"

"Hang Jin?" Chi Yangyang looked at the computer screen. Zhao Ziqian immediately clicked play and explained, "This was captured by the bar surveillance. Hang Jin had been to the bar where the accident occurred and had an argument with the deceased at around one o'clock this morning. "

"Why is Hang Jin in the bar after one o'clock?" Chi Yangyang is a little confused in his heart. Hang Jin usually goes out in the middle of the night to perform tasks. If he went out to drink, he would definitely be accompanied by Ye Zhiyang and the others. Who would dare to quarrel with them? "Did you take any photos of him with companions? And when did he leave the bar?"

"And there was no surveillance video of him leaving the bar..." Zhao Ziqian looked at Chi Yangyang steadily, "and the appearance of the murderer described by the witnesses was 70-80% similar to Hang Jin..."

"Definitely not Hang Jin, he won't kill anyone." Even though the video is in front of her, Chi Yangyang still believes that Hang Jin won't kill anyone. She knows Hang Jin better than anyone else, "Hang Jin has a big temper, who can provoke him?" If you kill him, he won't let it go. He's beating people openly. He will never hold a grudge and secretly hide in a bar for a few hours to vent his anger. "

"Yangyang, we are the police. What we pay attention to when handling cases is evidence, not just because you believe him... In fact, with the relationship between the two of you, I can completely stop the work in your hands." Zhao Ziqian is one of the few who knows Hang Jin was one of the people who had a real relationship with Chi Yangyang. He could have stopped Chi Yangyang and continued to follow up on the case, but he did not do so.

But before there is 100% conclusive evidence, Zhao Ziqian, like Chi Yangyang, chooses to believe Hang Jin: "I also believe that Master Hang did not kill anyone, but what's the use of believing? We need enough evidence to prove that he did not kill anyone."

"I know, I know everything you said. If he is suspected, I must find evidence to prove his innocence, instead of you and me having the final say." Chi Yangyang naturally understands what Zhao Ziqian said. She just said It was also because he was anxious that he said such words.

Zhao Ziqian asked again: "Where is he now?"

Chi Yangyang shook his head: "I don't know either."

Zhao Ziqian: "We can't contact him, please try contacting him."

"Okay." Chi Yangyang quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed Hang Jin's private number again, but the sound of the phone's receiver was still the sound of a machine that was so cold that it had no warmth. "He turned off his phone and I can't find him yet."

Zhao Ziqian was so worried that his eyebrows were about to furrow into two vertical lines: "If we can't contact him anymore and can't find his people to come back and cooperate with us in the investigation, we will be in big trouble."

"Captain Zhao, wait a minute, I'll contact a few more people." Chi Yangyang dialed the phone numbers of Ye Zhiyang and several others in turn, and got the answers without exception. Hang Jin didn't contact them last night. They are now I don’t know where Hang Jin is.

Fa Xiao couldn't find Hang Jin here, so Chi Yangyang had to call Hang's house. The person who answered the phone was Yin Nianxiao. Yin Nianxiao was happy to hear Chi Yangyang's voice: "Yang Yang, today Come home for dinner with Hang Jin later. I'll call Hang Jin and ask him to pick you up from get off work. "

Chi Yangyang knew the answer from Yin Nianxiao's words without asking if Hang Jin was at home. In order not to worry her elders, she didn't say that she couldn't find Hang Jin: "Auntie, I have to work overtime today, so I won't go for dinner. If you eat at home, you don’t need to call Hang Jin.”

Yin Nianxiao was slightly disappointed: "Well, it will be the same if we go home for dinner another day."

Chi Yangyang said: "Okay."

After hanging up the phone from Yin Nianxiao, Chi Yangyang didn't know who else to call Hang Jin. After thinking about it, she thought about Hang Jin going to accompany her grandpa alone, so she made the last call to Grandpa Chi: "Grandpa , Isn’t Hang Jin at your place?”

"Oh, when I saw the call from my Yangyang, I thought that my Yangyang missed me. It turns out that she just missed her beloved brother. Grandpa's heart aches so much." Grandpa Chi didn't know what happened. Joking with Chi Yangyang happily.

" Hang Jin at your place?" Grandpa Chi joked, but Chi Yangyang didn't have such thoughts at this moment. When Grandpa Chi heard that there was a situation, he immediately changed his tone, "Yangyang, is it Hang Jin?" What did the kid do to make you feel sorry for me? If it were grandpa, I would risk my life to make him look good."

In Grandpa Chi's eyes, although Hang Jin is hateful, he also has merits. The boy has a bad reputation, but he never flirts with women. Because of this, he dares to hand over Chi Yangyang to the boy with confidence.

Chi Yangyang's thoughts were disturbed: "Grandpa, no..."

Grandpa Chi continued: "When Hang Jin bullied you in the past, it was just a prank like a child, which did no real harm to you. These grandpas can tolerate it. But if he dares to mess around outside, my old man will never Spare him. Yangyang, don’t be afraid, grandpa still has the strength to deal with him.”

Chi Yangyang stroked his forehead helplessly: "Grandpa, I hung up the phone first before Hang Jin was there with you."

After searching around, I contacted everyone I could contact, but I still couldn't find Hang Jin. Chi Yangyang's heart was so worried that he almost jumped out of his mouth: "Captain Zhao, I still can't find him." .”

"You continue to think of ways to contact him, otherwise..." Before Zhao Ziqian could finish his words, a police officer knocked on the door and came in, "Team Zhao, the fingerprint comparison results of the murder weapon are out."

Zhao Ziqian and Chi Yangyang looked at the police officers who burst into the door at the same time, and said in unison: "What's the result?"

The police officer said: "The fingerprints on the murder weapon are exactly the same as the fingerprints left by Hang Jin in the fingerprint database, so we can apply for an arrest warrant."

"How could it be?" Chi Yangyang stood up anxiously and rushed forward to grab the report from the police officer's hand. "Is there something wrong?"

The police officer said: "Forensic Doctor Chi, you should know how rigorous our evidence escorting is, and there will never be any mistakes."

"But we can't rule out that the real murderer put Hang Jin's fingerprints on the murder weapon and deliberately framed Hang Jin..." This idea came to Chi Yangyang's mind with almost no thought.

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