My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1813: Childhood sweethearts, loving someone is beautiful

Chapter 1815: Childhood sweethearts, loving someone is beautiful

When the picture is enlarged and enlarged, it is basically certain that there are three people, but it is not certain that the third person is Hang Jin.

Because the middle one of the three seemed so drunk that he couldn't walk on his own. He was almost held up and dragged by the two people next to him. It was also because of this that the night could cover them well.

"Uncle Quan, can you find a way to see the front faces of the two people next to you?" Chi Yangyang said again.

If we can know who took Hang Jin away, can we find Hang Jin?

Regardless of whether he can or not, Chi Yangyang is not willing to miss any small opportunity.

Uncle Quan said: "There is only one camera at the door, and the shooting angle is facing outward. When they went out of the store, only their backs were photographed, and there was no way to see the front."

Zhao Ziqian said: "It seems that these people know the blind spots of the bar camera very well, and can perfectly avoid every intersection with Hang Jin. It seems that the bar camera is unreliable, so our hope now can only be placed outside the bar on street surveillance.”

But is outside surveillance really useful?

If there was, I wouldn't have searched for so long and still had no clues.

The basic situation is now determined.

Monitoring is useless!

Hang Jin is missing!

Zhao Ziqian looked at Chi Yangyang with a tired look: "Yangyang, it's almost dawn, go back and rest for a while."

"No need." Chi Yangyang thought for a while and said, "Captain Zhao, these people are so familiar with the blind spots of bar surveillance. It is possible that they have done their homework in advance, but it cannot be ruled out that they are the bar staff."

Zhao Ziqian nodded: "That's true. We will investigate and deal with every staff member."

"Then I'll go back to the forensic department to see if I can find any new clues." Chi Yangyang dragged her tired body back to the office.

As soon as she sat down, Jiang Zhen, who was tired of traveling, broke into her office: "Yangyang, are you okay?"

Jiang Zhen, who had always been calm, rarely showed his emotions, and almost lifted Chi Yangyang up to look him over.

"Teacher..." Chi Yangyang was stunned, and then said, "I'm fine."

"It's okay." Jiang Zhen said softer and quieter, as if telling himself that he quickly collected his emotions, "I heard what Lao Zhao said about the situation. Because your identity is sensitive, I will take over this case now." ”

"Old Zhao wants to stop what I'm doing again!" Chi Yangyang raised his voice.

Jiang Zhen waved his hand and told her to calm down: "Of course I don't want you to ignore it completely. What Lao Zhao means is for you to become my deputy. In this way, even if your identity is exposed, they will not be able to overturn our investigation. favorable information.”

"Well." So that's it, that's it. Chi Yangyang sat back on the chair weakly, "Now that the murder evidence points to him, how can I ignore it."

"Yangyang..." Jiang Zhen gently called Chi Yangyang's name, but hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?" Chi Yangyang looked up at Jiang Zhen. Seeing that his expression was not as normal as usual, she knew that he had something bad to say and said to her, "Teacher, you can say whatever you want. Don't worry too much in front of me. ”

After a pause for several seconds, Jiang Zhen finally spoke slowly: "Yangyang, maybe the matter is more serious than we thought, maybe Hang Jin has already encountered..."

Before he finished speaking, Chi Yangyang interrupted: "Hang Jin will come back safely, he will definitely come back safely. He promised me that he would always stay with me and would never leave me alone like my parents did. "

Chi Yangyang almost yelled. She knew it was useless to yell at Jiang Zhen loudly, but after holding in her anger for a day and night, she couldn't find an outlet, so she had to find someone at random.

Jiang Zhen looked at her steadily: "Do you love him?"

love him?

Does she love Hang Jin?

Chi Yangyang doesn't know whether to love or not, but she knows that she can't live without Hang Jin.

No matter how many things Hang Jin did to bully her, no matter how many times Hang Jin provoked her and she wanted to kick him to death, but with him around, she wouldn't be so afraid.

She said: "I don't know what it is like to love someone, but I can't live without him. I want him to be by my side, no matter how much he bullies me or makes me angry, as long as he is always by my side."

Hearing Chi Yangyang's words, Jiang Zhen's lips raised slightly and he smiled bitterly.

This silly girl, if this is not love, then what else is love?

In just a few decades of life, if you can have someone that you really like, and someone who makes you look at her as if you own the whole world, even if you don't come to this world, your trip to this world will be in vain.

Once upon a time, he wanted too many things, and after years of hard work, he finally got everything he wanted.

But after getting these things and becoming famous, he felt no satisfaction, and even felt increasingly empty inside. For a long time, he didn't know where to go in life or what to live for.

Until one day, he met again the little girl he had met several times before, and he had a new goal in life.

The feeling of liking a girl is wonderful. Seeing her smile makes him happy. When she is sad, his mood becomes depressed.

He thought that he could be her knight and guard her silently for the rest of his life.

Today, he realized that she already had the knight she wanted in her heart.

He might just keep watching her quietly...

Jiang Zhen gathered his emotions and asked again: "Is he really that good that you have to depend on him for the rest of your life?"

"Yeah, I really have to have him in this life." In this life, besides Hang Jin, Chi Yangyang really doesn't know who else she can find, or who else can take her to her again and again like Hang Jin. Pulled out of the nightmare.

Maybe, but he only wants Hang Jin.

"You have to have him?" Jiang Zhen repeated her words, the smile on his lips became more obvious, "Yangyang, do you know what you just said? And do you know what it means to have to have him in this life?"

"Teacher, I am not a child anymore. I know very well what I am doing and what I want. Not to mention my whole life, I want to meet him again in the next life." If there is a next life, she hopes that things will be okay. There are parents in this life, friends in this life, and Hang Jin in this life.

Jiang Zhen added: "Have you ever thought that maybe there is a side to Hang Jin that you don't know about?"

Chi Yangyang thought it was Hang Jin's unfriendly attitude towards Jiang Zhen that made Jiang Zhen dissatisfied with him. She couldn't help but want to explain for Hang Jin: "Teacher, Hang Jin had a bad attitude towards you before. I apologize to you on his behalf." . But I still want to say that Hang Jin has a vicious mouth, but his nature is not bad. I have known him for more than 20 years and know his temperament very well. "

"You know him, but have you ever known me?" The smile on Jiang Zhen's lips widened, but Chi Yangyang felt very uncomfortable in his heart, "Teacher, I..."

Jiang Zhen added: "I just found out today that in your heart I am a petty person."

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