My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1814: Childhood sweethearts, you only know how good they are when you lose them

Chapter 1816: Childhood sweetheart, you only know how good he is when you lose him

"Teacher, I... am not..." Chi Yangyang didn't know how to explain. After all, she really thought Jiang Zhen was dissatisfied with Hang Jin.

"I just came back and I don't know much about this case yet. Give me the information first, and then we'll go to the autopsy room together to see if we can find any new clues." Jiang Zhen didn't care about Chi Yangyang and diverted in time. topic.

"Okay." Chi Yangyang found the backup autopsy report and handed it to Jiang Zhen. "Now the witnesses and physical evidence are very unfavorable to Hang Jin. Team Zhao has issued an arrest warrant and sent a team of people to secretly The whole city is looking for people, but there are still no clues.”

"Well, I'll look at the report later." Jiang Zhen looked at Chi Yangyang worriedly, "Yangyang, you haven't slept all night. Let's rest in the office for a while, and then I'll go to the examination room to take a look."

"I have no problem." In order to find Hang Jin earlier, Chi Yangyang did not dare to waste a minute.

"Okay." Jiang Zhen said nothing more and took the lead to go out.

The autopsy room was so busy that most of the morning passed.

In addition to the original findings, no new clues were found, and most of the morning's work was in vain.

Chi Yangyang returned to the office and had several missed calls on her phone. The first call was from her grandfather. Chi Yangyang quickly called back: "Grandpa, are you looking for me?"

Grandpa Chi's weak voice came to Chi Yangyang's ears from the mobile phone receiver: "Yang yang, grandpa suddenly misses you and Hang Jin. After get off work this afternoon, can you guys come over to spend time with grandpa?"

Grandpa knew that she was busy with work and never took the initiative to call her to accompany him. Today, he suddenly made such a request. The old man must miss her very much. How could Chi Yangyang refuse: "Grandpa, you rest first, I will be there after get off work." I went to accompany you."

Grandpa Chi said worriedly: "Yangyang, is grandpa causing trouble for you?"

Hearing what grandpa said, Chi Yangyang felt a little distressed: "Grandpa, don't think too much. You are my closest relative. You don't even have time to be happy about me, so how can you cause trouble to me."

"But grandpa sounds like he's in a bad state from your voice." The old man has a lot of experience, and he can tell that something is wrong with Chi Yangyang just by listening to his voice. He is worried that his sick body will drag down the child.

"Grandpa, think about it, what kind of things I come into contact with every day will inevitably affect my mood at work." What Chi Yangyang said is also true.

"Yangyang, you're tired from work. Go home early and rest after get off work." Grandpa Chi was dubious about Chi Yangyang's words, but he didn't expose it. "Actually, there are many patients in grandpa's ward. With them accompanying grandpa, grandpa is not lonely. .”

"Grandpa, I'm really fine. Don't think too much. I'll be with you as soon as I get off work." Hang Jin is worried about things here, but fortunately there are Zhao Ziqian and Jiang Zhen. No matter what happens to grandpa, Chi Yangyang You have to take time to go there. The old man is getting older and sometimes he just likes to think too much. Thinking too much is not good for your health.

After ending the call with Grandpa Chi, Chi Yangyang flipped through several other missed calls, three in total, all of which were from Yin Nianxiao.

Chi Yangyang immediately called back. As soon as he got through, the other party answered: "Yangyang, Auntie didn't disturb you."

"Auntie, no." Chi Yangyang tried to make her voice sound lighter, so that she could no longer let her elders worry about their affairs. "Auntie, I was in the autopsy room just now and didn't bring my mobile phone with me, so I didn't receive your call. . What do you want to see me for?”

"It's not a big deal. It's just that the phone I called Hang Jin was always off and I couldn't contact him. I just wanted to call you and ask what this guy has been doing these two days." Yin Nian It's not hard to hear some anxiety in the laughter.

"Auntie..." Chi Yangyang is not good at lying, but he didn't think much about it today, so he just blurted out the lie, "Brother Jin went on a long trip yesterday afternoon. He told me that he was going on a business trip for a few days, so that I could have something to do. Call him. I think he is not convenient at work, and our call will affect him. He will call us back when he is done. "

"Is this really the case?" Yin Nianxiao murmured, "I don't know why, but I always feel a little panicked."

"Auntie, that's true. Don't think too much." Chi Yangyang paused and said, "Think about it, Brother Jin has often been out alone these years. It should be once or twice that you can't get through his phone. No. Something happened."

In the past, Yin Nianxiao often complained about Hang Jin in front of Chi Yangyang, and Chi Yangyang didn't pay much attention to it. Today, it suddenly occurred to her that many people had the experience of not being able to find Hang Jin, and she seemed to be an exception. .

Over the years, no matter when she calls Hang Jin, as long as she calls, Hang Jin will answer the call.

This time is an exception... Hang Jin doesn't even have the freedom to return her call. What is he going through?

"Yangyang, Yangyang..." Chiyang's silence made Yin Nianxiao on the other end of the phone anxious, and shouted several times, "You didn't quarrel, did you?"

Chi Yangyang tried hard to suppress the bad thoughts in her heart: "Auntie, we won't quarrel."

"I know you won't quarrel with him, but he often bullies you. If that kid bullies you and gets angry with you, tell your aunt and she will deal with him." Yin Nianxiao gritted her teeth as she spoke, fearing that The stupid son made such a good daughter-in-law angry and ran away.

"Okay aunt, if he dares to bully me, I will definitely ask you to help me." No one knows how much Chi Yangyang wants Hang Jin to bully her at this time. Even if he bullies her so much that she wants to kill, she doesn't want him to disappear. not see.

It turns out that sometimes it is a very beautiful thing to have someone around you who often bullies you.

She must cherish this beauty from now on and never think about letting him completely disappear from her life.

"Yangyang, then I won't disturb you. You go to work." Yin Nianxiao added, "Auntie made soup and came home from get off work in the evening for dinner."

"Auntie, I have to go to the hospital after get off work, so I won't go back. When brother Jin comes back, I will go home with him." Yes, when her brother Jin comes back, she will go home with him.

"Okay then." Yin Nianxiao hung up the phone, but Chi Yangyang was in a daze holding the phone.

There was a voice in her heart telling her that when Hang Jin came back, they would choose a date to hold the wedding banquet.

She wants everyone to know that she is Hang Jin's wife. He is not only her brother Jin, he is also her husband.

She wanted to tell her grandpa not to worry about her lifelong affairs. She had met a man who could accompany her for most of her life long ago.

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