My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1815: Childhood sweethearts, that guy is actually pretty good

Chapter 1817: Childhood sweethearts chapter, that guy is actually pretty good


Another day with no new clues.

Hang Jin really seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Chi Yangyang didn't know how he got out of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment. He was so confused that he didn't even dare to drive, so he had to take a taxi to the hospital.

Sitting in the taxi, watching the passing street scenes on both sides of the road, everything about Hang Jin and her past appeared in her mind like a movie.

"Xiao Siyan'er, do you think you are stupid? With me, Hang Jin, you can still be bullied by others." That was when she was just in junior high school. Because she was nearsighted and wore glasses, she was bullied by naughty classmates in the class. He made fun of me and even snatched his glasses away.

She thought that her classmates were also joking, and she didn't care too much. However, Hang Jin came to her class, stood on the podium, pointed at the classmate who snatched her glasses and said, "Chi Yangyang is my person, who will do it in the future?" Dare to touch her hair."

From then on, no one in the class laughed at her for being short-sighted, and no one dared to steal her glasses.

When she was in high school, a boy in the school wrote a note to her. When Hang Jin saw it, he dragged the boy out and had a fight. The boy lost the fight. After that, no one dared to write a note to her again.

From then on, from high school to college, Hang Jin would take her to and from school every day, staying by her side as a guardian, so that no boy dared to pursue her anymore.

She saw her classmates fall in love and break up one by one, but she never tasted what love was like until she graduated from college.

Out of curiosity, Chi Yangyang also asked the female classmates around her who were in love what it was like to be in love.

The female classmate looked at her in disbelief: "Yangyang, with Master Hang here, don't you know what it's like to be in love? You're just teasing me."

In the past, Chi Yangyang never understood why she should know what love is like when Hang Jin is here, because she has never seen Hang Jin fall in love with any girl, so even if she wants to learn from him, she shouldn't learn from him.

At that time, Chi Yangyang didn't understand why so many girls in the school showed favor to Hang Jin, but Hang Jin never ignored them.

Once, a girl wrote a love letter to Hang Jin. Hang Jin didn’t even read the letter, but tore it up in front of others: “If you want to pursue me, Hang Jin, don’t let it go first.” What kind of virtue is it to take care of yourself?"

What kind of virtue does that girl have?

In the eyes of Chi Yangyang, not only in the eyes of Chi Yangyang, but also in the eyes of everyone in the school, the girl has a school beauty-level appearance. Hang Jin actually despises the person for being ugly, so Chi Yangyang thinks that Hang Jin is this person. He looked high, after all, he looked really good.

First of all, he was tall. When he was seventeen or eighteen years old, he was particularly bright and handsome. He came from a good family and had the capital to be arrogant.

She never knew that the girl he liked was her.

He always called her Xiaosiyaner harshly, always making her angry... She always thought that he should hate her, but he suddenly confessed to her that she was the girl he had always liked.

When she heard this for the first time, she intuitively thought that he was playing tricks on her again, and she didn't feel at ease at all.

When she heard his confession for the second time and saw how serious he looked, she somewhat believed it, but she didn't believe it 100%. She always believed that loving someone should mean respecting them, loving them, and thinking about them in everything they do.

She had not found these points in Hang Jin before.

Now that I calm down and think about it, it doesn't seem to be entirely true. Although he is always cruel to her and always lets her do this and that, so that she never dares to go against his will, these are small things. On big things, he She was never forced to do anything.

In fact, he was not bad, but she never realized how good he was to her.

No wonder, he always calls her stupid.

She was so stupid that she didn't know that he had been secretly in love with her for so long.

"Miss, we're here."

The taxi driver called several times before Chi Yangyang came back to his senses: "Sorry."

She quickly paid and got off.

Standing still, she took a deep breath and tried to adjust her emotions before walking to the hospital.

In the ward, Grandpa Chi was sitting on the bedside, holding a newspaper in his hand.

Although he wore reading glasses, maybe because of his age, he still held the newspaper very close, and it was difficult to read it when he saw it.

However, after not seeing each other for two days, Chi Yangyang found that the old man seemed much older, which made her feel sour again.

Grandpa never said depressing words in front of her, but she knew that her grandfather's health was getting worse day by day, and she didn't have much time left to continue to watch this wonderful and ever-changing world.

There really isn't much time left to look at my grandpa like this.

Unable to bear it, Chi Yangyang walked over and hugged Grandpa Chi: "Grandpa, you are reading the newspaper."

"Yangyang is here." Grandpa Chi put down the newspaper in his hand and rubbed Chi Yangyang's head with a smile, "What happened today? Do you still want to hug grandpa and act like a baby?"

"I just want to hug grandpa." Holding the old man, Chi Yangyang couldn't bear to let go, for fear that he would never have the chance to hug the old man like this again.

Grandpa Chi looked at Chi Yangyang: "Girl, is that boy Hang Jin making you angry?"

Chi Yangyang shook his head: "No."

"No?" Although Chi Yangyang has disguised herself very well, she was raised by Grandpa Chi. How could he not understand the children he had seen since childhood, "If he dares to bully you, Grandpa will interrupt him." Legs, let him know that girls from our Lao Chi family are not easy to bully. "

"Grandpa, Hang Jin really didn't bully me." Chi Yangyang sat down beside Grandpa Chi's bed, and quickly took a pillow for the old man to lean on, "Grandpa, you are struggling to read the newspaper, let me read it to you. "

"You don't need to read the newspaper, just tell me what happened between you and Hang Jin?" Grandpa Chi is not someone who is easy to fool.

Chi Yangyang was afraid that she wouldn't be able to control her emotions when she mentioned Hang Jin, so she tried to change the topic, but her grandpa wanted to continue talking about Hang Jin, so she took this opportunity to have a good chat with her grandpa to see what he thought of Hang Jin. After all, grandpa wanted to continue talking about Hang Jin. He is her only relative, and her grandfather's opinion on her marriage is very important.

After thinking about it, Chi Yangyang asked: "Grandpa, tell me the truth, is Hang Jin really such a big deal in your heart?"

Grandpa Chi smiled and said, "You really want to hear grandpa tell the truth?"

Chi Yangyang nodded: "I think."

Grandpa Chi: "Let's first say that no matter what I say, you are not allowed to be angry with Grandpa."

Chi Yangyang: "Well, I will never be angry with you."

"That boy Hang Jin is so arrogant that he doesn't know the heights of the world. His words are very unreliable and he doesn't know how to respect the elderly..." Seeing that Chi Yangyang's face gradually turned bad, Grandpa Chi changed the subject and said, "But I don't know. Why do I quite like that shameless brat?"

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