My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1817: Childhood sweethearts, returning home and in danger

Chapter 1819: Childhood sweethearts, returning home and in danger

In the Internet era, news transmission is the fastest. Many news have spread all over the world before the mainstream media has even happened.

Newspapers, which are about to be replaced by the Internet, were a very important tool for transmitting information a few decades ago. People who can afford to read newspapers are considered rich.

Chi Yangyang doesn't pay much attention to the news in the newspaper, but she has also seen it on her mobile phone. For her, these news are already old news, but her grandfather has not read it and is not very good at using smartphones, so Chi Yangyang patiently read today's interesting and noteworthy news to the elderly.

The old man was concerned about national affairs, so Chi Yangyang chose a piece of news that interested the old man: "Grandpa, last night the No. 1 Satellite Launch Base successfully launched another satellite."

"I heard about this news on the radio." Grandpa Chi waved his hand and added, "I just saw a murder case news, and I haven't finished reading it yet. Read it to me."

Chi Yangyang turned to the back of the newspaper. Sure enough, there was news about a murder, and coincidentally it was a murder in a bar: "Grandpa, it's not good to hear about murders at night. I'd better read you the news in other sections."

"Yangyang, you work as a forensic scientist. This job rarely shows up outside. It is not as dangerous as the criminal police and anti-narcotics police, but you can't take it lightly and pay attention to your own safety at all times." It's not that old people like to pay attention to blood. It's about the incident, but the child at home is engaged in this field of work. He needs to know more or less to know what the child is busy with every day.

"Grandpa, I know." Chi Yangyang smiled and said, "Grandpa, you like political news, I'd better read this news to you."

Grandpa Chi nodded: "Okay."

With Grandpa Chi's permission, Chi Yangyang softened his voice and read to the elderly gently and softly in a very professional storytelling voice.

She spoke with great emotion, and her voice was sweet and pleasant. As she listened, the old man fell asleep and said in a daze: "Yang Yang, grandpa just can't worry about you."

"Grandpa, I know." Chi Yangyang must know that her grandpa can't worry about her. She doesn't want her grandpa to worry, but she also wants her grandpa to stay with her and worry about her.

Seeing her grandpa sleeping, Chi Yangyang quickly changed the newspaper in her hand, helped the old man lie down, covered him with a quilt, and made sure again that he would not kick off the quilt and catch the cold, and then she left the ward.

After coming out of the ward, Chi Yangyang went to the nurse station to explain to the nurse and asked the nurse to help pay attention to the old man's physical condition.

When everything was done, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

Chi Yangyang came out of the hospital and flagged down a taxi.

There are many people going home at this point in Jiangbei City, so it’s not surprising to have to wait for half an hour for a taxi.

I don't know if it was her luck, but as soon as Chi Yangyang arrived at the taxi pick-up point today, a taxi came and stopped beside her. She quickly got in the car and reported her location.

As grandpa gets older, his health deteriorates day by day. When he thinks that grandpa may leave her at any time, Chi Yangyang feels sour in his heart.

Where is Hang Jin?

Where is Hang Jin?

If she couldn't find any new clues, she would probably collapse.

Along the way, Chi Yangyang was thinking about Grandpa Chi and Hang Jin, so much so that the car's route changed and she didn't notice in time.

By the time he realized something was wrong, the car had already driven out of the bustling urban area, got on the highway from the entrance of a highway, and drove towards Lincheng.

"Oops!" Chiyang screamed secretly, but tried to stay calm.

She guessed that she must have provoked someone. Last time, someone tricked her into going out in the middle of the night. Fortunately, she noticed in time and escaped. How was she going to escape this time?

Chi Yangyang quietly took out her mobile phone and tried to call the police, but as soon as she made a move, the car suddenly braked and she threw herself forward. The mobile phone fell from her hand and fell under the seat in the front row.

The driver's cold and ruthless voice came from the driver's seat: "Be honest with me."

The enemy discovered that she had noticed the problem and had no way to call the police. Chi Yangyang could only face it head-on: "Who are you? Where are you taking me?"

The driver didn't respond.

Chi Yangyang looked around. It was nighttime, and there were very few vehicles on the highway. Occasionally, one of them would overtake their car at a high speed, or be overtaken by their vehicle. It was impossible for the passing vehicles to call the police for her. .

The first two methods didn't work, so Chi Yangyang could only continue to think of a way. She tried to open the door and jump out of the car to escape. However, the speed was 120 kilometers per hour on the highway. If she jumped, she would be seriously injured if she did not die. For safety reasons, She abandoned this approach.

But she also knew that if the other party had premeditated the kidnapping, then if she fell into their hands, her fate would not be much worse than death.

what to do?

What should she do?

What would Hang Jin do if he encountered this situation?

Hang Jin has good skills and alert reactions. It is impossible for Hang Jin to let this happen.

Even if an accident does occur, it is probably the driver who will suffer, not him.

Thinking of Hang Jin, Chi Yangyang had a new method in her mind. She had to control the driver before he arrived at the destination and drive by herself.

After having this idea, Chi Yangyang thought about how to control the driver and ensure driving safety.

But before she could think of a way, she asked about a strange fragrance. After a while, her head felt dizzy and all the strength in her body had been drained. She couldn't sit down properly and could only lean on the seat softly. superior.

"Who are you? Why are you arresting me? Where are you taking me? What have you done to me?" She had a series of questions.

Chi Yangyang majored in medicine. She knew that the smell of many drugs could paralyze people's brains and make the whole body weak, but she had never smelled this kind of fragrance. For a while, she couldn't tell what it was, and she couldn't think of an emergency. Of the policy.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, I'm just taking you to meet someone." The driver spoke again.

His voice was still as cold as a robot, and there was no emotion in his words.

Chi Yangyang pinched herself hard and tried to keep herself awake: "Who are you taking me to see?"

The driver didn't answer, but he stepped on the accelerator hard, and the speed of the car instantly changed from 120 to 140. The speed was so fast that it was almost flying, and Chi Yangyang's heart almost vomited out of his mouth.

This man said he wanted to take her to meet someone, but he refused to say who it was, so who exactly was he going to take her to meet?

Should we take her to meet the murderer of her parents?

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