My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1818: Childhood Sweethearts, Controlling Hang Jin’s Bargain

Chapter 1820: Childhood Sweethearts, Controlling Hang Jin’s Bargain

But Chi Yangyang quickly rejected this idea.

The murderer is not stupid. He clearly knows that she has not found any clues so far, and will never surrender to the police.

Then who else could it be?

Could it be Hangzhen Mountain?

Because she didn't listen to Hang Zhenshan and left Hang Jin, Hang Zhenshan resorted to such low-level methods.

Not likely either.

How dissatisfied Hang Zhenshan was with her, but he didn't show it in front of Hang Jin and Yin Nianxiao, which proved that Hang Zhenshan had taken care of it and would not use such stupid methods.

So who else could it be?

Could it be Hang Jin?

Could it be Hang Jin?

If it was really Hang Jin, she would go even if there was a dragon's pool and a tiger's den ahead.

Thinking of this, Chi Yangyang calmed down, but her mind became heavier and heavier. It felt like her eyelids were closing, and she might never be able to open her eyes again.

Chi Yangyang pinched herself hard again and tried her best to keep herself awake with the pain.

At this time, she found that the driver was watching her from the rearview mirror of the car. She asked again: "You don't want my life, why did you drug me? Besides, I am a small forensic doctor and I have never offended anyone. Who is it?" Will you invite me?”

Just when Chi Yangyang thought that the driver would not answer her, the driver slowly spoke: "The higher-ups only asked me not to take your life, but they didn't tell me not to drug you. Plus, the person you want to see , he is not someone to be trifled with. If he tries to mess with you, you will be able to control it better if he is unconscious. "

This man really didn't take Chi Yangyang seriously, and his words were straightforward.

"Not easy to mess with? Is it Hang Jin?" Chi Yangyang doesn't want it to be Hang Jin, but he hopes it is Hang Jin. There is news about Hang Jin, even if it is not good news, it is better than not knowing where Hang Jin is. Where is better.

The driver said again: "You'll know when you get there."

"You'll know when you get there. Ha..." Her head became heavier and heavier, and Chi Yangyang pinched herself hard again, but it was useless this time. After all, she couldn't withstand the effect of the medicine and fell into darkness. middle.

On the outskirts of Linshi.

A car repair shop that has long been a waste of time.

There were a few broken lamps on in the factory, and several people inside were sitting around a small table drinking wine.

While drinking, one of the men in a white T-shirt smashed the bottle in his hand impatiently and said angrily: "That boy Hang Jin is really a thief. He has fallen into our hands, and we can still let him take it." Our people were captured."

Another man in a black shirt answered: "When the little yellow-haired girl arrives, we don't need to do anything. Hang Jin will naturally send him back to us. When the time comes, whatever you ask him to do, he will You just have to do something, do you believe it?”

The yellow caring man didn't believe it: "That yellow-haired girl is really so capable? Can Hang Jin really come back for her?"

The man in the black shirt said, "Let's wait and see."

The man in the yellow T-shirt said again: "But..."

The man in the black shirt interrupted him: "Stop it, let's have a good drink now and don't worry about things that shouldn't be worried about. As long as we believe that as soon as the girl arrives, Hang Jin will send the person back obediently, and he can only let it go At our disposal."

The man in the yellow T-shirt was still worried: "What if..."

"Nothing goes wrong." The man in the black shirt handed a bottle of wine to the man in the yellow T-shirt, patted his shoulder and said, "Your eldest brother was caught by that boy Hang Jin. The court sentenced him to ten years. You I wish I could skin that kid alive to relieve the hatred in my heart, but don’t forget Sister Nineteen’s explanation. We can’t touch Hang Jin for the time being. "

"Can't move? Why can't you move? Are we supposed to watch him arrest our brothers one by one?" The man in the yellow T-shirt picked up the wine bottle and drank a few sips of wine until his eyes were red, "Don't kill them. He, I just can’t swallow this breath.”

"You can't swallow this breath. Do you think Sister Nineteen can swallow this breath?" The man in the black shirt was calm. He picked up the wine glass and took two sips of wine, and then said slowly, "As for why you can't touch Hang Jin, I can't Answer, you can ask Sister Nineteen yourself."

"I..." It's not that the man in the yellow caring shirt doesn't want to ask, but he doesn't have the courage to ask. Sister Nineteen looks good-looking and speaks softly and pleasantly, but her methods are very ruthless. She fits the saying, a femme fatale.

None of the grown men who followed her dared to jump in front of her.

The man in the black shirt added: "Since you don't dare to ask, then just do as she asks."

During the conversation, there was movement outside.

The man in the black shirt reacted the fastest. He was the first to stand up and rush to the window. When he saw the person clearly, he felt relieved: "It was the third child who brought the person back."

The man in the yellow T-shirt picked up the bottle of wine and poured it into his stomach. He staggered towards the door smelling of alcohol: "I want to see what kind of woman can restrain our famous Mr. Hang. ”

At this time, the man they called Lao San strode in with Chi Yangyang on his back. He threw Chi Yangyang to the ground without mercy: "I brought him back."

"Let me see what this woman looks like?" The yellow man squatted down and reached out to turn Chi Yangyang over, who was facing the ground. The first thing that caught his eye was Chi Yangyang's thick glasses, which he put on With a wine burp, "Young master of the Hang family has quite special taste. He likes such a rustic four-eyed girl."

While speaking, he took off Chi Yangyang's thick glasses frame. Seeing Chi Yangyang's pink skin, his fingers reached up uncontrollably: "It turns out that there is such an attractive face hidden under the glasses frame, too. It’s not surprising that the young master of the Hang family, whose eyes are as high as the sky, could like her. "

"Take your hand away, you can't touch her." Lao San looked at the man in the yellow T-shirt coldly.

"I just fucking touched her, what can you do." The man in the yellow T-shirt not only refused to listen, but moved his hand down Chi Yangyang's face.


In the blink of an eye, I heard the sound of my head breaking, and then the man in the yellow T-shirt screamed: "You are looking for death!"

The third child squeezed the hand of the man in the yellow T-shirt vigorously, with cold eyes: "Sister Nineteen has confessed that this girl is only used to threaten Hang Jin and cannot touch her hair."

"Why can't you move?" The man in the yellow T-shirt grinned in pain, but still wanted an answer, "What does Hang Jin have that makes Sister Nineteen worried? Is it because of the forces behind him? We are in this business Yes, your life is at stake, what else is there to be afraid of?”

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. There are some things you shouldn't know." The third child let go of the man in the yellow T-shirt and glanced at the people present with his cold eyes, "Who dares to touch this girl again? Hair, he is your fate."

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