My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1825: Childhood sweethearts, why did you hold a wedding with me?

Chapter 1827: Childhood sweetheart, why did you hold a wedding with me?

"Hold a wedding?" Hang Jin looked at Chi Yangyang, and couldn't see a trace of excitement about a wedding in her eyes. He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, "Xiao Siyan'er, are you sure you want to hold a wedding with me?" wedding?"

"Can I joke with you about this kind of thing?" Chi nodded and replied calmly.

Her calmness convinced Hang Jin to confirm his guess, and his brows furrowed tighter: "Tell me, why did you suddenly propose to hold a wedding with me?"

If she was moved and agreed to marry him just because of the things he did for her today, then he would rather not have this pitiful move, not at all.

"We have already received our marriage certificate. Legally speaking, we are already a legal couple. Shouldn't we hold a wedding?" This was Chi Yangyang's most practical answer to Hang Jin.

Chi Yangyang didn't think there was anything wrong with his idea, but to Hang Jin it sounded like a big joke: "Sorry! I don't want such a wedding."

"Then what kind of wedding do you want?" Chi Yangyang didn't know that what she said made Hang Jin unhappy. She looked at him dullly, "or do you not want the fact that we are already husband and wife to make more people unhappy?" Does anyone know?"

It's not impossible to say.

Not many people know that she is his wife yet, and someone has already arrested her to threaten him. After their wedding, they will make their relationship public to the world, and more people will know the true relationship between them.

Because Hang Jin has a special job, it is possible that more people will arrest her to threaten him. Wouldn't she be causing him trouble every day? If so, it would be fine if it was not announced.

So Chi Yangyang thoughtfully added: "If you have your own worries, it's okay not to hold a wedding. I don't mind."

"You little idiot doesn't mind, but I do." Hang Jin roared, because he pulled too hard on the wound that had just been bandaged, and the pain made him hiss, "Idiot!"

Chi Yangyang quickly pressed him to lie down and comforted him: "You are still injured, don't get excited first. I will listen to you whether the wedding is held or not. You have the final say, okay?"

"You little idiot!" Looking at her innocent look, Hang Jin knew that the little idiot didn't know what words made him angry. She was probably still thinking about why he was so difficult to serve.

"Well, I am a little idiot. If you say I am a little idiot, I am a little idiot!" Now that he is a wounded person, he can do whatever he says, and she will give him some concessions.

"Little four eyes..."


"I'm asking you seriously, and you answer me honestly."

"you say."

"Let me ask you, do you like me?"

"Ah..." Chi Yangyang didn't think about this problem seriously, and she didn't know what her feelings were towards him for a while.

She can't leave him because she's used to his "bullying"? Or do you have some kind of feelings for him that you can't live without?

She really didn't know, so she answered honestly: "I, I don't know either."

After saying that, before Hang Jin got angry, Chi Yangyang's survival instinct had already made her move back, and she cautiously opened the distance between her and him.

"You don't know if you like me or not, and you want to hold a wedding with me, so ask yourself, why are you doing this?" Hang Jin suddenly felt a little tired, which was really due to excessive blood loss. He slowly closed his eyes, "I'm tired and need to rest for a while. You can take another car."

"Oh, okay..." Chi Yangyang promised nicely, but did not take any action. She sat quietly beside the single bed, looked at his pale face worriedly, and couldn't help but reach out and gently caress his face. I felt an indescribable sourness in my heart.

Does she like him?


If she didn't like him, why did she feel so uncomfortable after knowing that Jiang Eryue liked him?


If you like him, you will want him to be happy. If someone likes him, she should also be happy.

But when she learned that someone liked him, instead of being happy for him, she felt uncomfortable.

She only knew that she couldn't live without him, and her feelings for him should be a habitual dependence.

The more he thought about it, the more confused his mind became. Chi Yangyang scratched his head irritably. When he let go, he found that Hang Jin had opened his eyes and looked at her, which made her particularly embarrassed: "Don't you want to rest?"

"I can't sleep while you are here." Hang Jin's voice is hoarse and slightly weak.

"Then I'll go out." As long as he can have a good rest, she won't complain if he lets her run with the car.

"I can't sleep even more if you leave."

"Then what do you want from me?"

"I want you to say you like me and like me as much as I like you." Hang Jin wanted to say this to her, but he didn't want to force this little idiot. It was useless to force her if she hadn't slowly thought through things, so He said, "I'm thirsty. Go and see if there's hot water. Pour me a cup of hot water."

"Okay." Chi Yangyang immediately got up to find hot water. There was a hot water bottle on the shelf next to the carriage. Chi Yangyang quickly poured him a cup from a disposable cup. He took a small sip first to test the temperature. The water was a bit hot, so she blew on it immediately until the temperature was right. Then she handed the cup to his mouth and said, "The water is not hot anymore. You can drink it."

Hang Jin looked at the cautious look and his heart softened again: "Feed me."

Chi Yangyang didn't hesitate at all, and immediately left one hand free to support him, and with the other hand, he took the cup and carefully brought it to his mouth: "Drink slowly, don't choke."

Hang Jin took a sip and said, "It's a bit cold. Please add some hot water to me."

Chi Yangyang quickly added hot water to him and brought the cup to his mouth again: "This should be enough."

Hang Jin took another sip: "It's a little hot."

Chi Yangyang immediately brought it to his mouth and blew it: "Try again."

Hang Jin drank the water and thought of other ways to "torture" Chi Yangyang, but Chi Yangyang didn't complain at all. It's probably that this little idiot didn't even realize that he was teasing her. Later, Hang Jin just He had no intention of teasing her anymore and fell asleep soon after she calmed down.

But he didn't sleep for long, and before the car reached Jiangbei City, Hang Jin was suddenly surprised again: "Little four eyes!"

Chi Yangyang was sitting next to her. Seeing him break out in cold sweat, she hurriedly held his hand: "I'm here, here, don't be afraid."

He stared at her, his eyes gradually changing from sharp to gentle, but his words were still Hang Jin's unique domineering style: "Stay with me, and you are not allowed to go anywhere without my permission."

Whether he meant staying by his side for a while or a lifetime, Chi Yangyang didn't have the time to think deeply about it. Only Hang Jin himself understood what he wanted to express.

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