My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1826: Childhood sweethearts, almost tortured to death by him

Chapter 1828: Childhood sweetheart, almost tortured to death by him

"You can rest assured, I will always be by your side." After being with Hang Jin for so many years, Chi Yangyang has never been so needed by him. For a moment, he didn't know what it felt like, a little sweet and a little sour. But I still feel distressed more.

"No!" While speaking, Hang Jin fell asleep again, but his hand was still holding Chi Yangyang tightly. She just moved slightly, and he held her tighter, causing her to never dare again. There was movement.

It took more than an hour before the car drove into the ** area. Along the way, the doctor called Chi Yangyang several times to ask about Hang Jin's condition, but Hang Jin was sleeping.

When they arrived in the city, the doctor was going to hospitalize Hang Jin for two days of observation. However, Hang Jin said that his minor injury was no big deal and was unwilling to be hospitalized. Chi Yangyang had no choice but to take him home to take care of him.

Before going home, Chi Yangyang asked the doctor to prepare some medicine, asked some precautions, and carefully took notes to take notes, for fear that he might accidentally give Hang Jin the wrong medicine.

When he got home, he didn't even drink any water. Chi Yangyang hurriedly took care of Hang Jin's injury, but he was restless at all. He felt uncomfortable here and there.

"Xiao Siyan, my head hurts so much. Check to see if I have a fever?" Chi Yangyang was just about to sit down and rest for a while when Hang Jin on the bed sighed again.

Chi Yangyang didn't dare to neglect, and immediately took a thermometer to measure his temperature. This test showed that he had a fever. He had just applied medicine to his wound. Chi Yangyang did not dare to give him any more medicine, so he had to pour him a cup of hot water. : "You drink water first, then just take a nap and you'll be fine."

Water, Hang Jin drank it while holding it. Just after drinking it, Hang Jin's problem came again: "Xiao Siyan, my leg is so numb that I can't feel it. Please squeeze it for me, be gentle, don't let me touch it again." injured."

Chi Yangyang didn't dare to complain. She held Hang Jin's legs and massaged him gently until her hands were sore. She asked, "Are your legs feeling better?"

Hang Jin nodded and shook his head.

Chi Yangyang said helplessly: "Are you okay or not?"

Hang Jin said pitifully: "My legs seem to be getting better, but my back hurts a little. If you don't mind me troubling you, please give me a pat on my back again."

He was injured because of her. How dare Chi Yangyang find him troublesome? She sat behind him and patted his back obediently: "I said Hang Jin, are you trying to trick me on purpose?"

"Ah? Punish you?" Hang Jin lowered his head, looking dejected, "If you think I'm troublesome, then you can go and have a rest. Don't worry about me. I'll probably be in pain for a while longer."

Having said that, regardless of whether he was teasing her or not, Chi Yangyang had no reason to leave him alone, otherwise he would definitely accuse her of being heartless afterwards.

Chi Yangyang was more willing to let him torture than scold him.

"No, no, no, I said the wrong thing. I'll hit you on the back until you're satisfied." Chi Yangyang raised his fist and wanted to hit it hard, but when it fell on him, the force was just right.

After a while, Hang Jin looked sideways at her: "Xiao Siyan..."

Chi Yangyang: "What are you doing again?"

"Nothing, I just want to call you."

"Hang Jin, can't you shut your mouth for a while?"



"Little four eyes..."

"Uncle Hang, what's wrong with you?"

"My back is fine, but my neck is a little sore. Please give me a squeeze on my neck."

"Yes!" Chi Yangyang squeezed his neck again.

"The force is a little lighter, you can use a little more force."

"Uncle, aren't you afraid that I will break your neck?"

"Not afraid."


After a while of tossing, Hang Jin, the big devil, finally fell asleep, but Chi Yangyang felt that he was almost schizophrenic from being tortured by him.

While he was asleep, Chi Yangyang had time to pour himself a glass of water. After drinking the water to relieve his dry mouth, Chi Yangyang immediately called Zhao Ziqian: "Captain Zhao..."

As soon as he heard Chi Yangyang's voice, Zhao Ziqian immediately said like a bombardment: "I said Yangyang, where have you been this day? I can't get through on your mobile phone, and I can't find anyone. You want to be scared to death." me."

It could be heard that Zhao Ziqian was worried about her. After he finished speaking, Chi Yangyang replied: "Captain Zhao, I'm fine. I'm calling to tell you that Hang Jin has gone home."

"What? Have you found Hang Jin?" Zhao Ziqian yelled first, and then lowered his voice, probably because he was worried that others would hear him, "Then quickly ask him to come to our team to cooperate with us in the investigation."

Chi Yangyang looked back at Hang Jin who was lying on the bed. Although he was full of energy when he tormented her, it was not difficult to see from his pale face and lips that he was very weak and he was afraid that he would not be able to cooperate immediately. Investigated.

Chi Yangyang came to the living room and tried to explain to Zhao Zi: "Captain Zhao, it's not possible now."

"Why not?" As he spoke, Zhao Ziqian raised his voice again, "He is now a suspect in the murder case and must cooperate with us in the investigation, otherwise we will have to come and arrest him. Yangyang, what kind of person is Master Hang? , He definitely doesn’t want to be taken away by the police, so let him do it on his own. Don’t worry, we don’t dare to do anything to him until it’s confirmed that he committed the murder.”

"Captain Zhao, Hang Jin is injured. He is very weak now. Even if you let him catch him, he must be sent to the hospital for treatment first." Chi Yangyang bit his lip and said, "Captain Zhao, please give us some more After half a day, I will ask him to cooperate with you in the investigation at noon. "

"Ah, Mr. Hang is injured? How did he get injured?" Zhao Ziqian doesn't believe that anyone else dares to disturb Tai Sui. "This is impossible. Is it possible for ordinary people to injure the young master of the Hang family? ?”

Zhao Ziqian's words were extremely exaggerated, and it was not difficult to hear that there was a little bit of schadenfreude in his tone. He seemed to be saying, Uncle Hang, you are not afraid of anything. I didn't expect that you would be here today.

Of course, this is just what Chi Yangyang heard, and based on Hang Jin's usual attitude, it is not surprising that someone would laugh at him if something happened to him: "Captain Zhao, I don't know the specific situation, but it should be related to the bar murder. "

He may feel proud, but Zhao Ziqian still behaves in a business-like manner: "Yangyang, then I will give you another morning. Before one o'clock in the afternoon, you must bring Mr. Hang to report to our detachment on time, otherwise I can only ask the police Officers came to pick people up.”

Chi Yangyang nodded: "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Chi Yangyang looked at the time and saw that it was already past seven in the morning. After a hard night last night, she had to hurry up and catch up on her sleep so that she could have the energy to help Hang Jin clear his suspicions in the afternoon.

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