My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1827: Childhood sweethearts, slap in the face super fast

Chapter 1829: Childhood sweethearts chapter, super fast slap in the face

Chi Yangyang overslept this time, and even the alarm clock she set didn't wake her up. When she woke up, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, well past the check-in time agreed with Zhao Ziqian.

When she woke up, her first move was to look sideways at Hang Jin lying beside her. However, the place where Hang Jin was lying next to her was empty. He no longer knew where he had gone. Chi Yangyang was so anxious that he immediately sat up and said: " Hang Jin!”

"There are people here. Do you want to make people deaf by shouting so loudly?" Hang Jin's voice came from the balcony. Chi Yangyang looked along the sound and saw him moving a chair to sit on the balcony to bask in the sun. , when he heard her voice, he stopped basking in the sun and got up and went back to the house, "You are so old, but you are still making noises. When you wake up, you come to see me. Do you want to breastfeed? You are not You’re three years old, and I’m not a wet nurse, so how can I give you milk?”

How could this man get a wife with such a venomous tongue?

He is the kind of man who is said on the Internet to be an orphan.

However, after sleeping for a few hours, the man's voice became stronger and his face was no longer pale. He didn't even appear to be limping when he walked, and he didn't look like he had been injured at all.

Chi Yangyang thought for a time that he just had a nightmare. In fact, Hang Jin was not injured at all: "Hang Jin, are your legs injured?"

"Have my legs been injured?" Hang Jin sat down next to her and put his hand on her forehead. "There is no fever. Is it another cramp in the brain?"

Chi Yangyang took his hand away and said seriously: "I'm asking you something serious, don't fight me haha."

"You took the bullet from my leg for me, and you bandaged the wound for me. You asked me if my leg was injured even after sleeping." Hang Jin poked her forehead, "My little idiot. , what do you think I should say to you? Either you have a brain cramp or you have selective amnesia?"

"I have to tell you a few times. When you poke my forehead, be gentle. If it's too hard, it will hurt." Chi Yangyang turned her head to avoid him, but couldn't avoid him. The man's hands were very fast, "Then what's your mental state?" so good?"

"My young master is young, vigorous, strong and physically fit and can recover quickly." Hang Jin smiled slightly, with a hint of evil in his smile, "As long as you are willing, this young master can serve you well."

It looked like he was fine, but Chi Yangyang was still worried: "Uncle Hang, you are young and energetic, and in good health. This is a good thing, but your injuries are not light. You still have to take good care of yourself and don't make fun of your body. , otherwise you will have to take the medicine of regret when you get older in the future.”

"Why do these words sound so familiar to me?" Hang Jin pretended to think seriously, "By the way, I remembered that our Queen Mother often talks to me like this. Don't imitate her when you are young. "Middle-aged women."

Chi Yangyang warned: "You dislike Aunt Yin for being a middle-aged woman, be careful if she finds out and peels off your skin."

"How dare I dislike her? She looks like she is eighteen years old, and she is more beautiful than the four great beauties." If the queen mother of the family really knew that he was talking about her as a middle-aged woman behind her back, with her stinky personality that loves beauty, she would definitely A pursuit order will be issued for him. The instinct of survival makes Hang Jin lie without even blushing.

"I knew you didn't dare." Chi Yangyang said as he got out of bed: "Since you are in good spirits, you can pack up and go to the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment with me."

Hang Jin immediately raised his voice: "Xiaosiyaner, are you deliberately embarrassing me? I usually send you to work when my legs are good, but you don't agree to it. Today, my legs are inconvenient, and you want me to send you off again?"

Chi Yangyang said seriously: "It's not that I want to embarrass you, it's you who got into the human life case. The Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment has been looking for you for two days. If you don't report, I guess they will have to come and arrest you."

"Tch..." Hang Jin spoke arrogantly and arrogantly: "Cangshan Criminal Police Detachment? Even if I gave Zhao Ziqian ten thousand courages, he would not dare to come and arrest people."

Ding dong——

Before Hang Jin finished speaking, the doorbell rang suddenly. Chi Yangyang immediately turned on the indoor surveillance. At this glance, he saw Zhao Ziqian leading several police officers to block the door of their home.

The slap in the face happened so fast that Chi Yangyang couldn't help but want to laugh. She pointed at the monitoring screen: "Uncle Hang, see for yourself if that coward Zhao Ziqian dares to come and arrest you."

Hang Jin's face turned dark at a visible speed: "I didn't kill anyone. Even if the coward Zhao Ziqian comes to the door, he can't do anything to me."

Chi Yangyang glanced at him and said nothing. He immediately put on a coat and went to open the door: "Captain Zhao, I didn't say I would take Hang Jin to report to the team. Why did you come to the door in person?"

"Auntie, you can't get through on your phone. What else can I do if I don't come to your door?" Zhao Ziqian was so anxious that he almost called Chi Yangyang's ancestor. She thought he wanted to come to her door?

Standing at the door of their house, Zhao Ziqian's legs were trembling quietly at the thought of a grumpy dinosaur inside.

Chi Yangyang took out his cell phone and looked at it: "I accidentally turned it off. I'll turn it on right now. Why don't you, Captain Zhao, go inside first? It's not good to stand outside and let the neighbors see it."

Zhao Ziqian stepped into the house, but his legs were a little out of his control: "Yangyang, it's not that I want to come, but the superiors have limited the time for us to solve the case, and you promised to bring Mr. Hang over before one o'clock in the afternoon. Isn't this quick? It's four o'clock, and you haven't shown up yet, and I couldn't get through to you on the phone, so I had no choice but to come to your door. Please tell Mr. Hang, hoping he will understand my work. "

"Be considerate! We are all colleagues, how can I not be considerate of your work!" Hang Jin came out of the room, wearing only a very ordinary set of pajamas, and stretched out his hand, which gave him a strong sense of oppression as soon as he appeared. Zhao Ziqian, who had just stepped through the door, stepped back and said, "Young Master Hang, this is not..."

Hang Jin rarely lost his temper, and his face and attitude seemed very friendly: "I already know the whole story. I'm going to cooperate with you in investigating the case, but you go back first. I'll clean up and go over."

Hang Jin is still very measured in the face of big events.

Zhao Ziqian looked at Chi Yangyang for help, and Chi Yangyang said: "Captain Zhao, you also know that Hang Jin loves face. If you bring someone to the door to arrest him like this, it will really hurt his face. If he doesn't cooperate, Work will be troublesome. Why don't you go back first? I promise I will show him up at the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment before five o'clock."

Zhao Ziqian whispered: "Yangyang, you must keep your word this time. If Mr. Hang doesn't come today, I, the captain, will really have to report my resignation to my superiors myself."

Chi Yangyang nodded: "Okay."

Zhao Ziqian did not dare to stay longer, so he quickly closed the door for them and left with the police officers.

Chi Yangyang turned around and saw that Hang Jin was in a trance. He didn't know what he was thinking: "Hey, Master Hang, stop thinking so wildly. Just pack up and report to the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment with me."

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