My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1838: Childhood Sweethearts, Doing Bad Things

Chapter 1840: Childhood Sweethearts, Doing Bad Things

"I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten... How could I forget what my son told me. But I really miss you so much." Even just listening to the voice, Hang Jin could imagine Yin Nianxiao on the other end of the phone smiling. How flattering, this person is really not normal today, absolutely abnormal.

Listening to Yin Nianxiao's fake laughter, Hang Jin suddenly felt a little uneasy. Could his Queen Mother have thought of another way to punish him? He continued: "Queen Mother, if you have something to tell me directly, how dare I not complete what you tell me?"

Yin Nianxiao continued with a fake smile: "You don't dare not listen to what I tell you, but this matter has nothing to do with you. The key lies with Yangyang."

"Since the purpose of your call is to find Xiao Siyan'er, then why don't you call her directly? Why call me? If you call her, she will definitely listen to you. If I tell her, she will definitely not Listen." Hang Jin knew that it was absolutely impossible for his mother to speak to him in such a gentle tone, and it was not surprising.

Yin Nianxiao hesitated: "In the end, the most important thing about this matter is not Yangyang..."

"It's not Xiao Siyan'er, it has nothing to do with me." Hang Jin just wants to catch up on his sleep now. He is not interested in anyone else's affairs. "Queen Mother, you can go to whoever you have something to do with. I Hang up the phone and go to sleep.”

"Hang Jin, you dare to hang up my phone!" Yin Nianxiao's speaking speed, volume and tone did not change, but as soon as the words came out, the threat to Hang Jin was still full, "Bad boy, I've called you. "Of course it has something to do with you. If you still want to hang up on me, I think you are itching."

He didn't want to care about it, but he couldn't care about it. Hang Jin was forced to have no choice but to bite the bullet and ask, "Who does that have to do with?"

Yin Nianxiao: "Grandpa of the Chi family."

"Grandpa Chi? Why does your matter have anything to do with the old man?" Hang Jin raised his eyebrows. Because he was sleepy, he became more and more impatient. "Queen Mother, it's not like you don't know the old man. If you have anything to do, come to him. You can also call him directly, why do you have to call me?”

"My affairs have something to do with the old man of the Chi family, and it's not because of my sins that I gave birth to a brat like you!" As he spoke, Yin Nianxiao raised his voice, revealing his true nature in front of Hang Jin, "If If you didn’t do something stupid, I don’t need to apologize to the old man.”

"What did I do? Why am I such a jerk? Why do you need to apologize to the old man?" Hang Jin thought for a while and said, "Did I take back the cigarettes I gave him last time? He Are you still angry with me?"

"What? You gave him cigarettes and then took them back?" Yin Nianxiao shouted with hatred, "Hang Jin, I said you boy, why are you such a failure in life? The old man is Yangyang's only one. You are a relative, if you make him hate you, how can you marry Yangyang?"

"That's not it?" Apart from this, Hang Jin really can't think of anything else that could make the old man angry. "Then what else can make him angry? Queen Mother, I'm very sleepy. If you have anything to say, just say it all at once. , don’t whet my appetite.”

"You little bastard, you don't remember anything you have done." Yin Nianxiao sighed and began to scold, "Although I have always been in favor of you marrying Yangyang into the family, I also want you to give me a grandson as soon as possible. Hug, but you can’t deliberately get someone drunk and force them to marry you.”

"Who did you listen to about this matter?" Hang Jin's heart trembled. He used a trick to get Chi Yangyang to register for marriage with him. Only Ye Zhiyang, Zhu Zhanfan and Xie Yuanbo knew about it. How did his queen mother know about it? About this matter?

Hang Jin didn't deny it, that was the fact. Yin Nianxiao was so anxious that he wished he had the ability to teleport. He immediately came to the brat and taught him a lesson: " Brat, you said you can't pursue other girls properly. , Why do you choose to use such dirty methods?"

"Mom, don't say it so harshly. I just used a little trick to do something bad." He didn't really do anything to Chi Yangyang. At most, he deceived the little idiot. It would be too much to use two words to gain enlightenment.

"You've done this, why don't you do something?" Yin Nian laughed so hard, wishing he had never had this son in his life, "How could such excellent people as your father and I give birth to such a bastard son like you? Woolen cloth."

"Huh...Are you excellent?" Hang Jin felt uncomfortable when he mentioned the excellent father. "I admit that I did something wrong, but I will solve it myself. You don't have to worry about it, and don't tell the Chi family. Old man, don’t let him worry.”

"Do you think I want to worry about this matter? How do you think I know about this matter of yours? Did I check it out after eating too much?" Yin Nianxiao almost jumped up with anger, "It was Mr. Chi who asked someone to If I bring it."

"Mom, you said Mr. Chi asked someone to bring it to you?" Did the old man ask someone to bring it to Yin Nianxiao? Mr. Chi stays in the hospital every day, how did he know about this? Could it be that little idiot Chi Yangyang said it?

Hang Jin realized the seriousness of the matter and sat up immediately in a hurry: "Mom, I will go to the hospital now and explain everything to the old man."

"Go and explain? How do you explain what happened? Besides, if it's useful for you to go, I still need to ask someone to give me a message." Yin Nian smiled and saw that Hang Jin finally realized the seriousness of the problem and became angry. Quite a few, "I guess the old man still wants to let Yangyang marry you, but he can't let Yangyang enter our Hang family without knowing it. He asked someone to give me a message, just to know my attitude as an elder. , so I still have to apologize for this matter.”

Hang Jin: "Mom..."

Yin Nianxiao interrupted him: "You bastard, don't explain to me. You have to know that such a good kid like Yangyang can marry you. You are so lucky. You must be nicer to others in the future."

Hang Jin was also happy when he heard his mother praising Chi Yangyang. He said with a playful smile: "Mom, when you said this, I felt that I was your biological child, because you have as good a vision as me, and you think you can marry your little one." I, Hang Jin, earned the four eyes."

Yin Nianxiao said: "My son is not bad either."

Hang Jin: "Of course, it's the little fool Xiao Siyan'er who earned the opportunity to marry your son."

Yin Nianxiao was not in the mood to listen to his boasting, and waved her hand to stop: "Come on, don't talk about whether you have something or not, and quickly think about how to make the old man of the Chi family feel free to hand over the little girl to you. If he is not satisfied with you, your Even Xiao Siyan would not agree."

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