My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1839: Childhood sweethearts, people love and hate them both

Chapter 1841: Childhood sweethearts, making people love and hate

Of course Hang Jin knows this truth, and he is also thinking of ways to please the old man, but if the old man is convinced that he used tricks to deceive Chi Yangyang into registering, the old man will definitely turn his back on him. He said hurriedly: "Mom, what are you waiting for? Let’s go to the hospital quickly.”

But the key point when Yin Nianxiao heard this sentence was: "The old man is hospitalized? When was he hospitalized?"

"It's been a while." Hang Jin rubbed his sore forehead, "Mom, now we don't care about when the old man will be hospitalized. We have to find a way to stop the old man from believing the rumors."

"Look, his old man is hospitalized, but I only know it now. Alas, it's not just you who made him angry, but my in-laws are also incompetent..." Yin Nianxiao's tone changed, and he said again, "Since you dare If you do something stupid, you have to be prepared for others to know. But it’s not too late to know the seriousness of the matter. You can pack up and go out. We will meet you at the hospital later.”

"Okay." Hang Jin hung up the phone and immediately dialed Chi Yangyang's mobile phone. After a few rings, the other party connected, and he said, "Where did you go early in the morning?"

"It's almost noon, and it's still early in the morning. Is your uncle Hang spending Paris time?" Chi Yangyang's soft voice came to Hang Jin's ears from the receiver of the mobile phone, but he ignored the key point of Hang Jin's words. Hang Jin shouted dissatisfied, "Xiao Siyaner, let me ask you what is the point of your words?"

Chi Yangyang: "Don't you blame me for going out too early?"

Hang Jin was so angry that the corners of his mouth twitched: "I ask where you are now?"

Chi Yangyang said: "In the hospital."

"What's wrong with you? Why didn't you tell me if you weren't feeling well? You ran to the hospital alone, who took care of you?" When he heard that Chi Yangyang was in the hospital, Hang Jin Benn thought she was injured. While he was on the phone, While walking into the dressing room, he changed his clothes two or three times and said, "Which hospital are you in? I'll rush over there now."

Chi Yangyang: "I'm fine..."

Before Chi Yangyang finished speaking, Hang Jin raised his voice and shouted: "Why are you going to the hospital if you have nothing to do? You don't know that I will be worried if you go to the hospital alone."

"If you're worried, just worry. Why are you yelling at me?" Chi Yangyang didn't know whether to be angry at him for yelling at her or moved that he would worry about her. "If you care, just say it. Otherwise, will I know that you care about me?"

Hang Jin: "Stop talking nonsense, why did you go to the hospital?"

Chi Yangyang: "I'm consulting the doctor about your injury, and I'll bring you the medicine by the way."

It turned out that she went out early in the morning because of him. Hang Jin instantly felt a warm current rippling in his heart, and his voice became much gentler: "Which hospital is it at?"

Chi Yangyang whispered: "It's the hospital where grandpa lives. I can get you medicine, and you can also spend time with grandpa. How convenient."

When it comes to the old man, Hang Jin thinks of business again: "Xiao Siyan, did you tell the old man something that shouldn't be said?"

"I'm not stupid, how could I tell him about your injury." Chi Yangyang said, "Uncle Hang, don't worry, your image in Grandpa's heart is still high."

Hang Jin: "It's not about this, but about us getting the certificate."

Chi Yangyang: "You, you know."

"You..." Hang Jin only felt a headache, "little idiot, what do you think I should say to you? You are such an old man, you still can't tell the difference between what should be said and what should not be said "?"

"It sounds like you don't want me to tell grandpa that we have obtained a marriage certificate, so why do you still want to please grandpa?" Chi Yangyang felt extremely aggrieved, saying that he was the one who liked her, and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He was the one who wanted to marry her, but he was the one who didn't want to hold the wedding ceremony with her and tell her grandpa the news.

Why is Hang Jin such a jerk?

Listening to this girl's aggrieved voice, could it be that what she said was not what he thought? Hang Jin asked: "Who said I didn't want you to tell the old man about our marriage registration? I want to know what you told him?"

Although he was extremely dissatisfied with Hang Jin's behavior, Chi Yangyang still told him honestly: "How else can I tell him, I just said that we registered and received the certificate, but he was not surprised at all."

Hang Jin: "You didn't say why we went to get the certificate?"

Chi Yangyang: "I said it."

"You..." Hang Jin took a breath. This little idiot was really going to hurt him this time, but he heard Chi Yangyang say, "Because you have been secretly in love with me for many years, so I want to help you. But it’s strange that even I don’t know that you like me, but grandpa knows it. How do you think he knows it?”

"You're a little idiot, what can you tell?" So, the little idiot didn't mention being drunk in front of the old man, so how did the old man know about it?

He couldn't figure out the result just by thinking about it, so Hang Jin added, "You chat with grandpa for a while, and I'll go to the hospital to find you right away."

Chi Yangyang stopped him: "You have an injury on your leg. Don't run around. I told grandpa that I will go back and take care of you later."

However, while she was talking, she found that Hang Jin on the other end of the phone had hung up. Chi Yangyang couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "This stinky bastard, can you take her feelings into consideration?"

If she hadn't seen him even dare to shoot himself for her, she would have doubted whether this fool really liked her.

Putting away the phone, Chi Yangyang took a deep breath, and then opened the door of the ward: "Grandpa, let me continue reading today's news with you."

Grandpa Chi waved his hand: "No need."

Chi Yangyang: "Grandpa, I haven't finished reading yet, why don't you listen?"

Grandpa Chi reached out and rubbed her head: "Did the call come from that brat Hang Jin?"

Chi Yangyang nodded: "Yes."

Grandpa Chi said again: "If it weren't for the fact that the boy from the Hang family is interested in you, my old man would have to peel off that boy's skin."

Chi Yangyang: "Grandpa, how did that kid offend you again?"

Grandpa Chi: "He has offended me a long time ago."

Chi Yangyang was confused: "But grandpa, didn't you tell me last time that you would be quite relieved if I married him. How come it's only been a day and you hate him so much again? "

In the past, grandpa would sigh when he mentioned Hang Jin, which would hurt the boy a few words, but he had never gritted his teeth when mentioning Hang Jin like today, as if Hang Jin had done something bad.

Grandpa Chi: "Because that boy from the Hang family makes people love and hate him at the same time. Don't lie to me. I also know that sometimes you feel you can't live without that boy, and sometimes you wish he would never appear in front of you."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

Grandpa is really a genius, he can even see such subtle emotions in her.

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