My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1842: Childhood Sweethearts, Big Fool and Little Idiot

Chapter 1844: Childhood Sweethearts, Big Fool and Little Idiot

Chi Yangyang retorted dissatisfied: "You big fool!"

Hang Jin smiled and said, "I am a big fool and you are a little idiot. It sounds like a good match."

Chi Yangyang glared at him: "Who wants to match a fool like you?"

"Little idiot, do you dare to say that you are not a good match for me?" Hang Jin suddenly came close to Chi Yangyang, so close that his lips almost kissed hers, "Do you think we are worthy of each other?"

People were coming and going in the corridor outside the ward. Look, the nurse who just passed by looked at them twice, which made people feel embarrassed.

Chi Yangyang tried her best to hide back, but there was a wall behind her, leaving her nowhere to hide. She could only let Hang Jin press her against the wall: "You, please step back first."

"Do you think we are worthy of each other?" Hang Jin got closer and closer, his lips gently brushing her lips intentionally or unintentionally, telling her in this ambiguous way that as long as he didn't hear the answer he wanted to hear, then he wouldn't Will she let her go, "Say yes or not?"

Why is this man so hateful? He dealt with her in this way, leaving her helpless: "I..."

Unexpectedly, just when Chi Yangyang was about to speak, Yin Nianxiao opened the door of the ward and walked out. At a glance, he saw two people sticking close to each other. Chi Yangyang blushed in fright and quickly pushed Hang Jin away.

Yin Nian smiled and said, "You two continue, I didn't see anything."

"Mom, can you go back?" Hang Jin saw it when he saw it. It didn't matter at all, but Chi Yangyang was so embarrassed that he pinched him secretly and warned him to pay more attention in front of the elders, "Auntie, you and Have you finished talking to grandpa?”

"Well, we're done talking. I just found out yesterday that the old man was sick and hospitalized, so I came here to take a look." Yin Nianxiao held Chi Yangyang's hand, "Yangyang, I just mentioned the wedding between you and Hang Jin to the old man. ,What do you think?"

"I don't..." Before the word "opinion" was uttered, Hang Jin suddenly took over the words, "Mom, we know what to do about the wedding, so don't worry about it."

Yin Nianxiao shot a sharp look at Hang Jin: "I'm talking to Yangyang, when will it be your turn to speak?"

Hang Jin: "..."

His queen mother didn't know how to give her son any face in front of her daughter-in-law.

Yin Nianxiao looked at Chi Yangyang again, and her tone suddenly became much gentler: "Yangyang, aunt is either forcing you or asking you what you mean. You can tell aunt whatever you think. You don't have to care about Hang Jin's feelings."

Don’t care about Hang Jin’s feelings!

Chi Yangyang couldn't help but laugh when she heard this. She didn't want to care about Hang Jin's feelings, but she also had her concerns.

Yesterday, she mentioned the wedding to Hang Jin, but Hang Jin did not agree, which proved that he did not want to hold a wedding with her, and she could not force him to marry her.

Although she didn't give Hang Jin much time to think about it before, she didn't want her elders to put pressure on Hang Jin: "Auntie, I listen to brother Jin and do whatever he says."

"That kid is unreliable, how can you listen to him." But Chi Yangyang said so, and Yin Nianxiao couldn't interfere too much, "Okay, then I won't disturb you, you two can spend more time with the old man. Let's chat, I'll go back first." Before leaving, Yin Nianxiao gave Hang Jin another warning look, "Boy, don't bully Yangyang."

"Auntie, walk slowly and pay attention to safety on the road." After sending Yin Nianxiao away, Chi Yangyang also changed his face instantly and looked at Hang Jin with a bad smile, "Hang Jin, how have you thought about the wedding?"

When Hang Jin saw the girl's arrogance, he wanted to beat her up: "You didn't listen to me just now, so don't worry."

Chi Yangyang smiled and said: "I just don't want Auntie to put pressure on you. I don't really want to listen to you. You should know very well in your heart."

Hang Jin poked Chi Yangyang's forehead: "You little girl, you still have two faces."

"For the sake of your injury, I'll give you another twenty-four hours to think about it." Chi Yangyang stopped talking and said, "When the time is up, I want your answer, otherwise don't blame me for being disrespectful to you." polite."

Hang Jin: "How can you be rude to me?"

"You can try it." After saying that, Chi Yangyang turned around and entered the ward, so domineering that Hang Jin couldn't keep up with her for a while.

When he came to his senses, he couldn't help but shout: "Xiao Siyan, give you some paint, do you still want to open a dyeing shop? Do you believe that I will peel off your skin?"

"Young master of the Hang family, whose skin do you want to peel off? Come in and peel it off for me." Grandpa Chi's voice came to Hang Jin's ears from the ward. Oops, he forgot that there was an old man in the ward.

Hang Jin rushed into the room immediately: "Old man, I'm joking."

Grandpa Chi snorted coldly: "You dare to bully my little fourth son while I'm still here. If I'm not here, I don't know what else you can do."

"Grandpa, Hang Jin didn't bully me, he was just teasing me." The quarrel with Hang Jin was a quarrel, but Chi Yangyang still instinctively protected Hang Jin in front of grandpa.

Hang Jin laughed and said, "Yes, yes... I was just joking with Xiao Siyan'er. How could I really bully her?"

Grandpa Chi: "But I don't hear your tone as a joke."

"Grandpa... I was really just joking with her. I would never bully her." The old man's face changed at every turn. Hang Jin was afraid that the cooked duck would fly away, so he wanted to roll into the old man's arms and act coquettishly for him.

Grandpa Chi still had a straight face.

Chi Yangyang helped to say nice things again: "Grandpa, don't be angry. You don't want to eat dessert, you eat it first. If you don't eat it, it will probably be cold and it won't taste good."

Grandpa Chi said coldly: "Okay, grandpa, for your sake, I won't argue with this kid this time. If there is a next time, I won't be so easy to talk to again. You go to the outhouse and bring the desserts in."

"Okay." Chi Yangyang immediately went to bring the desserts and quietly gave Hang Jin a look to tell him not to make his grandpa angry again.

As soon as Chi Yangyang left, Grandpa Chi winked at Hang Jin and whispered: "Boy, this girl usually dislikes you, but she still helps you at critical moments, as you can see."

Hang Jin nodded: "I see it...but next time you want to act, could you please let me know first? Your boss had such a face just now, I thought I really made you angry."

"Smelly boy!" Grandpa Chi patted Hang Jin on the head, "I want you to see with your own eyes that that stupid girl has you in her heart. Do whatever you have to do quickly. Don't regret it after missing the opportunity. .”

Hang Jin smiled and said: "Yes!"

Chi Yangyang returned to the room with the dessert and saw the two of them laughing and chatting. For a moment, she wondered if she had just had an illusion. They were so incompatible just now: "Grandpa, the dessert is ready, you eat first. "

Grandpa Chi took the dessert, waved his hand and said, "Okay, I'll keep it and eat it slowly. You two can do whatever you need to do. Don't always run to my old man's place all day long."

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