My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1843: Childhood sweethearts, don’t wear too revealing clothes when going out

Chapter 1845: Childhood sweethearts, don’t wear too revealing clothes when going out

"Grandpa, I haven't talked to you yet, why did you drive me away again?" Chi Yangyang wanted to stay with the old man for a while, but the old man didn't want to waste the time of their young people, "I also made an appointment with the patient Let’s talk about our affairs together, it’s not convenient for you to stay here.”


Grandpa Chi waved his hand impatiently: "Come on, come on, don't bother me here. Boy from the Hang family, take your little four eyes away quickly and do whatever you need to do."

The old man's attitude was firm, and it was not possible for Chi Yangyang to stay here, so he had to leave with Hang Jin first.

After walking out of the hospital, Chi Yangyang was still silent. Hang Jin put a hand on her shoulder: "Xiao Siyaner, the old man left time for the two of us to fall in love. Don't you understand?"

"How could I not understand?" It was because he understood that Chi Yangyang felt uncomfortable.

Grandpa is sick and hospitalized, but he still thinks of her in everything. She spares some time to spend time with him, but he is afraid of delaying her affairs. Grandpa must not know that the happiest time for her every day is to stay with him and talk to him. .

Perhaps many young people find the elderly at home annoying and annoying, but because Chi Yangyang has experienced events that many people have not experienced, she understands the importance of family ties better.

If nothing had happened to her parents, she might not have understood it so early. This is what people often say about how to cherish after losing.

"Since you understand why the old man drove us away, then just listen to him and do what we should do." Hang Jin hugged Chi Yangyang into his arms, "so stop being depressed."

"I asked the doctor today. The doctor said that grandpa's physical condition is not optimistic, but grandpa asked the doctor not to tell me." Thinking of this matter, Chi Yangyang felt even more uncomfortable.

Grandpa needs more care, but he takes care of her everywhere.

Hang Jin understood Chi Yangyang's worries, but he didn't know how to persuade her. He just held her slightly harder and tried to transfer some of his strength to her.

Jingle Bell……

The cell phone ringtone that suddenly came to mind in Hang Jin's pocket broke the heavy atmosphere at this time.

Hang Jin took out his mobile phone and looked at it: "I have been injured for so long. That old guy, Lao Han, only called now. It's strange that I answered his call."

So Hang Jin decisively refused to answer.

Chi Yangyang shook his head: "He is your superior. If you treat him like this, aren't you afraid that he will put on your shoes?"

Hang Jin: "He can wear it for me, but who of us is afraid of whom?"

Chi Yangyang said again: "Hang Jin, you said that if it weren't for the two big backers behind you, you would be kicked out if you went out to join society with such a temperament and would not survive for three days."

Hang Jin said: "Who knows that this young master has such two big backers?"

People, sometimes have to believe in fate. Hang Jin was born in a powerful family, so he developed his personality of looking above the top. But he himself was capable, so he became more arrogant.

Chi Yangyang: "..."

What else could she say?

Jingle Bell--

Just as Hang Jin put his cell phone in his pocket, the phone rang again. This time he didn't even bother to look at his cell phone. He just dragged Chi Yangyang into the car and said, "let's go home."

Chi Yangyang: "You really don't answer the phone?"

Hang Jin: "I am angry with him, why should I answer his call?"

Chi Yangyang really didn't dare to compliment this man's temper, shook his head, started the car and set off.

It didn't take long from the hospital to home. During this period, Lao Han didn't call again. When he got home, Hang Jin received a message, but he didn't tell Chi Yangyang after reading it.

"Hang Jin, sit on the sofa and I'll change your dressing." The first time she entered the house, Chi Yangyang thought about changing Hang Jin's dressing. Hang Jin sat down on the sofa obediently and took off his pants on his own initiative.

Obviously all he had to do was lift up his trousers, but this man was so shameless that he took off his trousers. Chi Yangyang blushed and cursed in a low voice: "Rogue!"

Hang Jinke didn't feel that he was being a hooligan at all, and stretched his legs: "My young master's long legs are not something that anyone can see if they want to see them. You are lucky to be able to see them."

Chi Yangyang: "Hang Jin, can we have some face?"

Hang Jin: "Don't you think my young master's long legs are beautiful?"

Chi Yangyang was not in the mood to appreciate the long legs, because she saw that the wound on Hang Jin's leg had not healed, and her heart twitched again: "Hang Jin, don't you know you have a leg injury?"

Hang Jin said indifferently: "I know."

Seeing his attitude, Chi Yangyang wanted to kick him: "I know I'm injured and I'm still running around."

But she didn't stop moving her hands, and quickly changed Hang Jin's medicine.

Hang Jin said with a smile: "You little idiot can do things quite neatly."

"Otherwise?" What if he didn't want to wait for his wound to become inflamed?

"Well, you're so good!" Hang Jin pinched her face, put on her clothes and pants a few times, and said, "Lao Han just sent me a message asking me to go to the bureau. I'll go now."

"You didn't answer his call, but you read the message he sent you." Chi Yangyang looked at Hang Jin worriedly, "But your injury hasn't healed yet. Why do you want to go to the bureau? Are you working with an injury? ?”

"Based on my understanding of Lao Han, he should have something important to come to me, otherwise he wouldn't send me such a message after I refused to answer his calls twice." Hang Jin is arrogant, but He has never delayed anything at work because he knows what things can be neglected and what things must be dealt with actively.

"No matter how important work is, how important is health?" Chi Yangyang didn't let him go to work, but he was a wounded person now. "If you don't have a good body, what will you do to work?"

Hang Jin asked: "If Zhao Ziqian calls you now and asks you to rush to the bureau, will you go?"

"I...I'm different, I'm not injured." Chi Yangyang said while packing up the medicines on the coffee table, "I'll go to the bureau with you."

Hang Jin: "What are you doing, you little idiot?"

Chi Yangyang: "You can't drive now, can I be your driver?"

Hang Jin wanted to say no, but asking her to be his driver would give the two of them more time to get along, so why not, so he nodded: "It's really wronging you to ask our Chi Da forensic doctor to be my driver. "

Chi Yangyang was too lazy to pay attention to him, turned around and went into the house to change her clothes. When she came out again, Hang Jin stared at her a few more times, then reached out to button the top button of her shirt collar: "You are at home. It doesn’t matter if you don’t wear it, but don’t wear something so revealing when you go out.”


Maybe Uncle Hang has some misunderstanding about the word exposure.

Her shirt and trousers covered her so much that her head was exposed. He could also use the word "exposed" to describe it. People who didn't know better thought that Uncle Hang was very conservative.

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