My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1844: Childhood sweethearts, several cases are related

Chapter 1846: Childhood sweethearts chapter, several cases are related

Jiangbei Public Security Bureau is not far from where Hang Jin and Chi Yangyang live. It takes about ten minutes to drive smoothly. There are not many vehicles on the streets in the afternoon, and they arrive at their destination in less than twenty minutes.

Chi Yangyang parked the car and explained: "Old Han is also your immediate boss. When you see others, be polite if you can. Don't take them lightly."

Hang Jin gave her a blank look: "When was it your little idiot's turn to teach me how to behave?"

Chi Yangyang said helplessly: "Uncle Hang, I'm serious to you, don't listen. What the leader cares about most is face, and you must give it to him when it's time to give him face."

Hang Jin put a hand on her shoulder: "You, mind your own business. I know how to deal with mine. Don't worry about it."

Chi Yangyang: "Do you think I am willing to worry about you?"

"If you don't want to worry, then don't worry. Don't worry about turning yourself into a bad old woman early and making me look bad." Hang Jin pinched her nose, "Now you go to the tea room and wait for me, I will do something. "

Chi Yangyang grabbed him: "Listen to what I said."

"Xiao Jia, please treat this forensic doctor Chi well." Hang Jin grabbed a staff member and handed Chi Yangyang over. "Forensic doctor Chi doesn't like drinking tea, give her a cup of hot milk."

Chi Yangyang has never told Hang Jin about these small details of life, but Hang Jin knows them very well, which makes Chi Yangyang feel a little touched in his heart.

She also wanted to tell him to be polite to the leader, but she took it back. He had his own way of dealing with people. If he really listened to her and changed, then he would not be called Hang Jin.

She said: "Then I'll wait for you."

"That's good." Hang Jin nodded, turned and walked to Bureau Han's office.

"Old Han, what do you want to see me for?" Without being informed by the secretary or knocking on the door, Hang Jin directly opened the door of Bureau Han's office. As soon as the door opened, he saw another person in the office besides Bureau Han. , it was Zhao Ziqian whom he had met several times.

Hang Jin didn't expect Zhao Ziqian to be here, which was a bit surprising, but he didn't save more face for Bureau Han. Da Chichi sat down on the sofa beside him and crossed his legs: "Old Han, you call me Doesn’t it have anything to do with Captain Zhao?”

"Hang Jin, your leg is injured. You have to be careful. Crossing your legs may tear the wound." Han Bureau did not answer Hang Jin's question, but showed concern for Hang Jin.

Hang Jin really didn't give Han Ju any face: "Do you still know that I'm injured?"

Bureau Han said: "Yes, yes, it's my fault. I didn't care about you the first time. I apologize to you here. That's okay."

Hang Jin: "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Director Han sat on the sofa on the other side of the coffee table and motioned for Zhao Ziqian to sit down beside him. He just said, "Okay, you can be direct, and I will tell you directly."

Director Han cleared his throat: "Recently, there have been consecutive murders in Cangshan District, especially the headless female corpse case some time ago and the mutilated corpse case a few days ago, which caused panic in the city. The case of the headless female corpse has been solved, but the mutilated corpse case At present, the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment has not found any useful clues. Team Zhao is also very worried, fearing that the reputation of our entire Jiangbei Public Security System will be affected if the case is not solved for a long time.”

In front of the two "great gods", Zhao Ziqian did not have the right to speak, but he nodded repeatedly to show that he was listening carefully.

Hang Jin didn't answer, and Director Han added: "Captain Zhao has been staying up late and working overtime recently, and his body is a little overwhelmed. He plans to apply for a more capable person to take over the work of the corpse dismemberment case."

"Old Han, you are his boss. I have nothing to do with him. There is no need for you to ask me to report to me about this kind of work arrangement." Hang Jin obviously knew the intention of Han Bureau, but he wanted to keep it secret. Know how to pretend to be confused.

Director Han smiled and said: "Yes, yes, we don't need to report our work arrangements to you, but if the incident concerns you, we will definitely call you over to ask for your opinion."

Hang Jin: "What does it have to do with me?"

Director Han added: "After Zhao Ziqian submitted this application, I thought of you first. After all, you mentioned to me before that you wanted to go to the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment. More importantly, in terms of ability, in our entire system, you are ranked Second, no one dares to be first.”

"Old Han, who do you think I am, Hang Jin? If you have a difficult case, let me investigate it. If the case is solved, let me come back. Am I a dog that comes and goes when you call it?" As soon as you enter the door Seeing Zhao Ziqian's presence, Hang Jin vaguely guessed why the old guy came to him this time. Now it turns out that his guess was not false.

"Little brother, it's unpleasant for you to talk like this." Hang Jin spoke without mercy at all, and Bureau Han was a little embarrassed, but he knew that Hang Jin had this attitude towards everyone, including his own father, so there was nothing good about it. Calculate.

"Then what do you want me to say? I promise you with a smile?" Even though Hang Jin wants to go to the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment, he still has to put in place the necessary information to make it easier for him to do things in the future.

"Actually, I have other candidates, but I will consider you first because you have criminal investigation experience and you have been investigating the Chi family's case. If you take over as the captain of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment, you will investigate the Chi family's case. Isn't it more convenient? "Old Han also knows where Hang Jin's Achilles' heel is. As long as he mentions the Chi family, he is guaranteed to agree.

When it came to the case of the Chi family couple, Hang Jin immediately put down his legs, sat upright on the sofa, and changed his careless expression: "Old Han, don't set a trap for me here."

In the past, none of them allowed him to investigate the case of the Chi family and his wife, not even the one with the surname Han, nor his old man, so he could only investigate in secret.

This man surnamed Han actually took the initiative to bring up this case today. Could it be that they discovered a new situation?

Bureau Han knew that it had aroused Hang Jin's interest, so the follow-up matters would be easier to handle. He looked at Zhao Ziqian: "Ziqian, tell me your questions and suspicions and let the three of us discuss it."

Zhao Ziqian had wanted to speak for a long time, but because one was his immediate boss and the other was a bastard second generation ancestor that he could never afford to offend, he had been holding back and did not dare to say anything.

Being called by name at this moment, he couldn't hide his excitement. He cleared his throat and went straight to the point: "Han Bureau, Mr. Hang, the headless female corpse case, Linyang Park murder case, mutilated corpse case, bar murder case, these days There seems to be no connection between the cases, and the three cases except the mutilation case have been solved. However, based on my many years of experience as a criminal police officer, I always feel that there is a connection between these cases, but I have not yet. Find evidence that they are connected.”

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