My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1846: Childhood sweethearts, bringing up marriage again

Chapter 1848: Childhood Sweethearts, Bringing Up Marriage Again

Lan Feiyang is a few years older than Chi Yangyang, and she usually treats Chi Yangyang as if she were her own sister. Therefore, Chi Yangyang has less scruples in front of her, and will call her to tell her whatever is on his mind.

I don't know what Lan Feiyang said on the other end of the phone. Chi Yangyang nodded with a smile: "Okay, then prepare first. We can arrive in about half an hour."

Seeing Chi Yangyang finish the phone call stupidly, Hang Jin reached out and poked her waist, drawing her attention to himself: "I never thought that my little idiot is still a greedy cat."

"Don't forget that the dishes that Sister Feiyang is good at cooking are all your favorites. I'm making this call mainly for you." Chi Yangyang looked back at him and buckled up her seat belt, "I'm leaving, why don't you put it down?" Fasten your seat belt."

Hang Jin obediently fastened his seat belt and said, "In that case, I would also like to thank you for always thinking of me."

"You're welcome!" Chi Yangyang started the car and didn't forget to tell you, "Let me make it clear to you first, no matter how they let you drink tonight, you are not allowed to drink."

Hang Jin: "Chi Da Forensic Doctor, I understand."

Chi Yangyang: "Don't be so unwilling to agree. I'm thinking about your injury."

Hang Jin: "Then I would like to thank Dr. Chi Da for his concern."

"I don't care about you. Because you were injured, I also had a few extra days of public injury leave. I didn't have to go to work these days. I don't know what's going on in the team? I don't know if there is any progress in the case of dismemberment. ?" Thinking of the case, Chi Yangyang felt that his head that had just been relaxed was getting bigger again, "You have to get better quickly so that I can go to work with peace of mind."

Hearing what Chi Yangyang said, Hang Jin frowned displeased: "Little idiot, are you so unwilling to stay with me?"

Chi Yangyang whispered: "Aren't you bored when two people stay together every day, big eyes and small eyes?"


He would never get bored staying with her for the rest of his life.

But Hang Jin said: "If I stay with a little idiot like you for a long time, my brain will probably become difficult to use, so I hope my injury will get better soon and don't let you be in front of me all the time." shake."

Chi Yangyang ignored him and drove the car seriously.

During the rush hour, there was traffic jam on the road. It took about half an hour to drive, but it took them an hour to get there today.

When Chi Yangyang and Hang Jin arrived, Xie Yuanbo and Zhu Zhangfan had been there for a while. Because Ye Zhiyang was busy, they were responsible for waiting for Hang Jin and Chi Yangyang at the door.

Just as Chi Yangyang slowed down and was about to find a place to park, Zhu Zhangfan and Xie Yuanbo ran over: "Yang Yang, why is the fourth brother willing to let you drive today?"

Hang Jin was too lazy to unfasten his seat belt and sit up: "I usually act as the driver for her, so what if she is asked to be the driver for me once? Do you two have any opinions?"

"Fourth brother, we didn't see you just now, so we asked one more question." Xie Yuanbo and Zhu Zhanfan had a strong desire to survive. When Hang Jin asked them, they almost spoke in unison and answered word for word.

Chi Yangyang parked the car and got out of the car before he had the opportunity to say hello to Zhu Xie: "Brother Zhuanzhuan, Brother Yuanbo, it's so happy to see you."

Zhu Tuan said: "Yangyang, what you said is a bit false. We live not far from you. If you really want to see us, we will definitely rush over as soon as you call us, but you only have fourth brother in your heart." "

"Who only has him in his heart?" Chi Yangyang glanced at Hang Jin. The man was looking at her with dissatisfaction, as if he was dissatisfied. She said a few more words to Zhu Zhanfan. She glared at him, "Don't You’re just standing there, go ahead and sit down.”

Hang Jinli ignored her, opened his long legs, and strode inside.

Ye Zhiyang reserved a special private room for the use of the few of them. The few of them walked in familiarly. As soon as they sat down, Ye Zhiyang and Lan Feiyang arrived. Lan Feifei said: "The wine and tea are ready, and we are just waiting for the arrival of a few distinguished guests."

Chi Yangyang stepped forward and gave Lan Feiyang a big hug: "Sister Feiyang, I haven't seen you for a long time, why do I miss you so much?"

Several other men screamed on the side: "Yangyang, it's not fair, it's not fair, why can Feiyang get a hug from you, but we can't."

Lan Feiyang rubbed Chi Yangyang's head and said with a smile, "Even if Yangyang dares to hug you, do you dare to hug her?"

As soon as Lan Feiyang spoke, everyone turned their attention to Hang Jin. He had already taken his seat. His face didn't look very good, and he didn't know who he was angry with.

Chi Yangyang rolled her eyes at him: "Look at his big, stinky face. People who don't know would think I got him."

Ye Zhiyang hurriedly smoothed things over: "Everyone, please stop standing and take a seat. I have prepared a century-old Moutai that I have always been reluctant to drink. I will not go home until I get drunk tonight."

Zhu Zhanfan and Xie Yuanbo shouted happily: "Old Ye, you are willing to take out such a good collection and give it to some of our brothers to drink. You are so loyal. So today we wish you and Feiyang a happy marriage and a son soon." "

Ye Zhiyang said cheerfully: "Thank you, thank you!"

Although the two of them had already lived together and opened a farmhouse together, there was no wedding, and they always felt that something was missing. The wedding was getting closer and closer, and Ye Zhiyang felt happy, and his whole body exuded the light of happiness.

"After drinking your wedding wine, let's wait for Fourth Brother and Yangyang's wedding wine." Zhu Zhanbo said this looking at Hang Jin, and then said a picture. Fourth Brother, look at how sensible I am, please praise me. I was about to praise my expression, but Hang Jin gave him a cold look.

Did he say something wrong again?

Didn’t fourth brother always want to marry Yangyang into the family?

Chi Yangyang said: "Brother Zhang Zhan, don't worry, we will definitely invite you to our wedding."

Zhu Kaifeng: "..."

Did something go wrong tonight?

It wasn’t that Yangyang had always rejected the marriage between Ti and her fourth brother before. How come their positions were completely reversed tonight?

"Then finish our wedding wine and wait for yours." After saying that, Lan Feiyang pulled Chi Yangyang and said, "Yangyang, come out with me for a moment. I have a few words to say to you alone."

"Brother Zhuanzhuan, you eat first, but you can't let Brother Jin drink." After the explanation, Chi Yangyang followed Lan Feiyang out of the private room, "Sister Feiyang, what do you want to say to me?"

Lan Feiyang looked at Chi Yangyang for a long time: "Yangyang, tell me carefully, what is the situation between you and your fourth brother?"

Logically speaking, Hang Jin should be very happy when it comes to their marriage, but just seeing Hang Jin's expression was more uncomfortable than swallowing a fly alive. Something was wrong.

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