My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1847: Childhood sweethearts, don’t know what love is

Chapter 1849: Childhood sweethearts, don’t know what love is

"Sister Feiyang, I told you last time, right?" Chi Yangyang hugged Lan Feiyang's arms and said with a smile, "Brother Jin told me that he liked me. I didn't believe it at first, but then I did ”

"Yeah." Lan Feiyang nodded, "I know this."

Chi Yangyang added: "So I think there is nothing wrong with marrying him. Marrying a man you are familiar with and who knows everything is better than marrying a stranger."

Listening to Chi Yangyang's words, Lan Feiyang finally understood why Hang Jin was unhappy. If she were Hang Jin and Chi Yangyang married her for this reason, she wouldn't be happy either: "Yang Yang, you are really so think?"

Chi Yangyang asked in a daze: "Sister Feiyang, is there anything wrong with me thinking this way?"

"You silly girl!" Lan Feiyang couldn't help but poke Chi Yangyang's forehead, "Don't you have any other feelings for the fourth brother? If you want to marry him, don't you like him at all?"

"Other feelings? Do you mean you like him? I think I still like him." As long as Hang Jin treats her well and doesn't go crazy without complaining, she will still be happy and safe when she is with him. , this is what Lan Feiyang calls like.

"Yangyang, I may have used the wrong words when I said I like him. I want to express whether you love him?" Lan Feiyang looked at Chiyangyang and slowly added, "Did you want to marry him because you love him?" ?”

"Do you want to marry him because you love him? I'm not sure." Chi Yangyang can't quite explain clearly. Her feelings for Hang Jin are more dependent on her. She is used to him being by her side. If he is not there occasionally, she will Some are not used to it.

As for what it is like to love someone, she has never seriously thought about it, nor has she ever loved one.

But if she wants to love a man in this life, she thinks Hang Jin is actually a good candidate. She will try to love him. After all, he doesn't even care about his own life for her.

"Yangyang, just tell me this, don't tell it to fourth brother." Lan Feiyang patted Chi Yangyang on the shoulder, "When you go back, think about your feelings for fourth brother. How was it."

"Sister Feiyang, let's not talk about these troublesome things. Let's eat first." Chi Yangyang rubbed his stomach, "I haven't eaten all day today. My stomach is growling with hunger. I just want to spend more time with you." Eat some."

"You go in first, and I'll ask someone to serve the food." After Lan Feiyang said that, he turned around with Chi Yangyang. He never expected to see Hang Jin when he turned around. He was leaning against the wall and looking at Chi Yangyang with a heavy look. Central.

Looking at Hang Jin's expression, Lan Feiyang knew that he had just heard the conversation between her and Chi Yangyang, and she suddenly felt like a sinner: "Fourth brother, I..."

"Everyone is waiting, let someone serve the food." Hang Jin interrupted Lan Feiyang and said this lukewarmly, then turned and entered the private room without looking at Chi Yangyang again.

Chi Yangyang also took steps to follow, but was held back by Lan Feiyang: "Yang Yang, the fourth brother just heard our conversation."

Chi Yangyang: "I know."

Lan Fei raised his head so big that he stroked his forehead: "You know... you're not worried at all?"

Chi Yangyang didn't understand again: "What should I worry about?"

Lan Feiyang: "Aren't you worried about Fourth Brother being angry?"

Chi Yangyang said: "Sister Feiyang, it's not like you don't understand him. He is angry with people 300 days out of 365 days a year. It would be strange if he didn't get angry or get angry. Woolen cloth."

Lan Feiyang stroked his sore forehead and suddenly didn't want to pay attention to Chi Yangyang. He never wanted to pay attention to Chi Yangyang for the rest of his life: "Then you go in first, and I'll let people serve the food."

Chi Yangyang obeyed and entered the private room. Lan Feiyang looked at the direction in which her back disappeared and shook his head helplessly: "You ignorant little girl, you are sincerely trying to torture your fourth brother to death."

In the private room, the atmosphere was lively.

Zhu Zhangfan spoke the most actively: "I counted the days, and there are still twenty days until Lao Ye and Feiyang's wedding date. How are the venue preparations going? You two don't plan to take a few days off first?"

Ye Zhiyang said: "Everything is ready, just waiting to marry my little lady into the house."

Xie Yuanbo said: "Lao Ye, congratulations! Congratulations on leaving our bachelor lineup."

Ye Zhiyang said: "I also wish you both get out of the bachelor lineup as soon as possible. Especially Lao Zhu and Lao Xie, I hope you two will find the woman you want to spend your whole life with soon."

Hang Jin, who never participated in such topics as theirs, suddenly said, "Do you have eye problems or hearing problems? Can't you see the existence of this young master?"

Several other people smiled and said: "Fourth brother, you have already had your name. You don't need us to wish you to leave the bachelor lineup as soon as possible."

Hang Jin added: "It's true that I am a famous grasshopper, but it's hard to say whether I have a master or not."

As soon as Hang Jin said this, several other people turned their attention to Chi Yangyang, but Chi Yangyang drank tea silently and seemed not to notice the content of their chat at all.

"As long as you, fourth brother, are willing, it's absolutely not a problem to hug you left and right." Zhu Zhanfan deliberately found words to stimulate Chi Yangyang. As long as Chi Yangyang means a little bit to Hang Jin, he will definitely come after hearing his words. Fire, but Chi Yangyang still didn't answer, being addicted to the fragrant tea and unable to extricate himself.

"Hug each other on the left and right? It's good, but I'm afraid I won't be able to cope with it no matter how strong my physical strength is." Strangely enough, even after hearing the conversation between Lan Feiyang and Chi Yangyang, Hang Jin's performance was still normal, not , is not normal, he is too approachable, and he can still talk and laugh with his brothers, without any of his past arrogance.

At this time, the dishes were on the table and Lan Feiyang took his seat.

Seeing that Hang Jin was not angry, she thought that the fourth brother might have changed his temper, so she warmly greeted everyone to dinner: "I cooked these two dishes myself to entertain my most distinguished friends."

"Thank you to our beautiful, generous, gentle and considerate Mrs. Ye!" Everyone was so familiar with each other, Lan Feiyang said this, and the other five people said it in unison almost at the same time.

"Oh, Mrs. Bie Ye screams so disgustingly, I can't stand you." Lan Feiyang is a person with a bold temperament. Thinking of being about to join hands with the man he loves for the rest of his life, he also reveals the shyness of a little daughter.

Zhu Zhangzhan raised a glass of wine: "Brothers, since we graduated, we have each had our own careers. We are all busy, and it is not easy to get together. So I take this opportunity to toast you all today. I wish Lao Ye and Feiyang a happy marriage! I wish we all can find our own beautiful love soon!”

After finishing speaking, Zhu Changzhan looked at Chi Yangyang, who quickly picked up the cup.

Several other people present raised their glasses, and of course Hang Jin was no exception.

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