My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1848: Childhood sweethearts, quarreling again

Chapter 1850: Childhood sweethearts, quarreling again

Seeing Hang Jin also raising his glass, Chi Yangyang frowned and quickly poured him a glass of juice. He handed the juice to him with one hand and grabbed the wine glass from his hand with the other: "Have you forgotten that you can't drink? Give him the glass." Me, you drink juice.”

"Yang Yang, the fourth brother has the best drinking capacity among us. He is said to never get drunk after a thousand drinks. How can it be possible if you ask him not to drink in such a lively occasion today." Zhu Zhanfan didn't know that Hang Jin was injured. Of course I don't agree with Hang Jin not drinking.

Similarly, Ye Zhiyang and Xie Yuanbo didn't know the situation, so they followed Zhu Zuoyuan and made a fuss: "Yangyang, if you don't let the fourth brother drink, we have to think too much."

"Brothers, Hang Jin can't drink today, so don't persuade him to drink. I'm sorry!" When he tried to grab the wine glass, Hang Jin quietly dodged it. Chi Yangyang didn't see anything and reached out to grab him again. Wine glass in hand.

Unexpectedly, Hang Jin seemed to be holding the wine glass gently. Chi Yangyang held it but couldn't grab it from him, but heard him say: "What does it have to do with you and me? Why do you care whether I drink wine or juice?"

Hang Jin's words made everyone present tremble in their hearts. The smiles on everyone's faces hung stiffly, and they looked at Chi Yangyang and Hang Jin inexplicably.

What happened to them?

But Chi Yangyang, the culprit, did not notice anything unusual about Hang Jin and insisted on taking the wine glass from his hand: "Hang Jin, before you came here, you promised me not to drink tonight. You can't keep your word. Stop making trouble. , put the glass down and drink the juice.”

"Take your hand away and don't touch me!" Hang Jin's voice was a bit cold. Chi Yangyang, who was too cold and dull, also felt the subtle atmosphere, but because he was injured, she still persuaded him patiently, "You can't Just don’t drink.”

Hang Jin: "I want to drink, but you can't control it."

Hearing these words, Chi Yangyang's heart was blocked.

What does it mean that she can't control if he wants to drink?

Did he think she wanted to control him?

If it weren't for the injuries on his body, she wouldn't have stopped him even if he was drunk to death.

Chi Yangyang took a few breaths of cold air and tried to suppress the fire in her heart, but she couldn't suppress it when she saw him pulling like one or two hundred and five: "Hang Jin, why are you crazy?"

Hang Jin sneered: "Yes, I just like to go crazy. Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Yes, it has nothing to do with me..." Chi Yangyang was so angry that he wanted to cut off the relationship with him, but deep down she was still worried about him. "Hang Jin, don't forget, the spouse column of your marriage certificate is My name, do you think your matter has anything to do with me? "

ah? ?

The other four people had question marks on their faces.

Are they married?

Have they registered their marriage?

When did this happen and why didn’t they know about it?

Although they didn't know when Hang Jin and Chi Yangyang got their marriage license, they knew how much Hang Jin wanted to marry Chi Yangyang home, so none of the four were surprised.

"Huh... If you don't tell me, who knows?" With that, Hang Jin was about to raise a glass and drink, which made Chi Yangyang furious. "Don't you know you have an injury on your leg? Drinking at this time, Do you want to die?"

"Fourth brother is injured? What's going on?" The focus of others immediately shifted from the gossip news to Hang Jin. They put down their wine glasses and gathered around, "Fourth brother, you must not drink if you are injured."

Hang Jin: "Don't listen to her nonsense, let's drink."

Others: "Fourth brother, look how anxious Yang Yang is. Stop making trouble."

"Making trouble? Do you think I'm making trouble?" Hang Jin shook the wine glass in his hand. He didn't have a drop of wine in his hand, but he hoped he was drunk. "I really want to make trouble unreasonably."

After saying that, Hang Jin raised his glass and drank all the strong wine in the glass.

The other four people: "Fourth brother!"

Chi Yangyang watched Hang Jin drink down a glass of strong wine in one gulp, feeling hurt and angry in his heart: "Hang Jin, you and I can't live together in this life. Let's get divorced now."

"Divorce?" Hearing the word divorce from Chi Yangyang's mouth again, Hang Jin felt his heart hurt so much that he almost suffocated. Even when he shot himself, it didn't hurt as much as it does now, " OK."

Others: "Fourth brother, Yangyang, don't be impulsive."

Hang Jin stood up: "Let's go and get divorced."

But after saying this, especially when she saw Hang Jin's deep and unpredictable eyes, Chi regretted it, but she couldn't tell her what I just said. After thinking about it, she found someone A very good excuse: "The Civil Affairs Bureau is closed now. No matter how urgent it is, we have to wait until they go to work tomorrow before we can go through the divorce procedures."

"Chi Yangyang, you may have forgotten who I am, Hang Jin." Hang Jin smiled coldly and said in an arrogant tone that almost lifted him to the sky, "As long as I want to do something, I can't do it."

Indeed, as soon as Hang Jin makes a call, someone will immediately help him handle the divorce procedures.

But Chi Yangyang doesn't really want to divorce him.

Just when she didn't know how to get off the stage, Lan Feiyang saw through her thoughts and stood up to speak for her again: "Fourth brother, Yangyang also said angry words in a moment, don't take it seriously. This marriage is not a child's play, how can you say it? Just leave."

"Angry words? One is an angry word, the second or third time may be angry words..." Hang Jin still sneered, but his expression was a bit heart-wrenching, "Ask that stupid woman, when did she say divorce?" Said this time.

Lan Feiyang spoke for Chi Yangyang again: "No matter how many times she has said it before, as long as she never says no again, it will be fine. Fourth brother, Yangyang must know that she said something wrong. If you don't believe me, ask her."

Lan Feiyang winked at Chi Yangyang and signaled Chi Yangyang to say a soft word to Hang Jin. Everyone knows Hang Jin's temper. As long as you follow him, anything can be said easily.

Chi Yangyang also knew that he was wrong: "I was wrong."

Hang Jin: "Where did you go wrong?"

Chi Yangyang: "You said I was wrong wherever I went."

Hang Jin: "..."

This woman didn't realize her mistake at all and couldn't forgive her. She absolutely couldn't forgive her: "Let's go, get a divorce now."

She apologized. Hang Jin wanted to divorce him. Chi Yangyang's temper also increased: "Okay, just go. Who is afraid of you?"

So, Chi Yangyang took a step forward and walked out of the private room first. Lan Feiyang couldn't stop her even if he wanted to.

Hang Jin also followed out, and no one else had the guts to stop him.

Zhu Zhangfan said: "It's all my fault for this glass of wine. I drank this glass of wine to apologize."

Lan Feiyang said: "It's all my fault. I knew that Yangyang was not enlightened, but I dragged her to ask questions, and I accidentally let my fourth brother hear it. If they get divorced, I will be the sinner."

Ye Zhiyang said: "Why don't you blame me? I bet that they will never get divorced after this marriage."

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