My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1849: Childhood sweethearts, you when you were a child

Chapter 1851: Childhood sweethearts, you when you were a child

They all know how much Hang Jin wanted to marry Chi Yangyang home. He finally deceived the girl he had been waiting for for more than ten years, so how could he let her go so easily.

It's just that Hang Jin is too face-conscious and unwilling to admit defeat. He doesn't know how much he regrets it in his heart.

While they were chatting, the door of the private room was opened again, and the two people who said they were going to get a divorce walked in hand in hand, as if their quarrel just now was an hallucination caused by someone else.

The four of them were shocked: "Fourth brother,"

Hang Jin sat back down happily, and Chi Yangyang quickly served him a bowl of soup: "Uncle Hang, this is a delicious soup made by Sister Feiyang herself. Drink two bowls to replenish your body and bones."

Hang Jin smiled and took the soup: "Okay."

Chi Yangyang watched him drink the soup with a smile on his face, and asked gently: "How does this soup taste? Do you want another bowl?"

"It tastes good." Hang Jin nodded, "have another bowl."

"If it tastes good, drink more. Later I will learn how to make soup from Sister Feiyang, and I will make soup for you every day." Chi Yangyang looked at Lan Feiyang with a smile, "Sister Feiyang, you will teach me."

Lan Feiyang nodded stupidly: "Yes."

Others had question marks on their faces.

? ?

Even though they knew it was impossible for them to get divorced, their relationship had eased too quickly. Who could tell them what just happened between them outside?

Several people wanted to know what happened after the two of them went out, but they would never tell. No, it should be Chi Yangyang who would never tell.

Hang Jin wanted to tell everyone loudly that just after going out, Chi Yangyang, a little idiot, suddenly hugged his waist tightly and said not to divorce him, but to live with him all the time.

This little idiot didn't want to divorce him and said he wanted to stay with him forever. Even if there was a fire in Hang Jin's belly, it would be extinguished instantly. Then she didn't say anything else, and he followed her back obediently.

Under everyone's curious gaze, Chi Yangyang took another dish to Hang Jin, and then slowly looked at the other people: "I said the wrong thing just now. I have apologized to him, and he has forgiven me."

Others didn't believe it: "Is this really true?"

Chi Yangyang: "Then what else do you think?"

Others: "You didn't do anything else to him?"

Chi Yangyang: "What can I do to him?"

Although she did do something else, there was nothing to mention.

Seeing that Chi Yangyang was so pitifully besieged by these people, Hang Jin couldn't sit still and decided to give her a hand: "I said you guys can't see the existence of this young master or what?"

As soon as Hang Jin spoke, several other people were intimidated: "Eat, eat."

Seeing that Hang Jin and Chi Yangyang could get along so harmoniously, several other people were also happy.

After Hang Jin's mood, the meal was enjoyable. The more everyone talked, the happier they were.

First, they talked about the marriage between Lan Feiyang and Ye Zhiyang. While chatting, someone said something: "Back then, Ye Zhiyang was just a little crybaby. He was often beaten to tears by Feiyang."

They have known each other since they were born, and no one knows the embarrassing things that happened to each other when they were young. Someone soon answered: "Yes, yes, every time Feiyang twists his ears and asks him if he is convinced, he cries. Persuading. The pitiful look of that little crybaby makes me laugh so much that I never thought that when he grew up, this kid would catch up with our flying hero."

"I said, Lao Zhu and Lao Xie, I'm about to get married. Can you please stop mentioning what happened when you were a child?" Speaking of what happened when he was a child, Ye Zhiyang didn't think anything of it. He even looked at Lan Feiyang with a little pride, " I’ve been letting my daughter-in-law do it since she was a child.”

"Little crybaby!" Chi Yangyang is three years younger than a few of them. She is a little later than them in the time she can remember, but she remembers the concept of little crybaby clearly.

If she remembered correctly, after they entered junior high school, Brother Zhiyang had his ears twisted by Sister Feiyang and made him cry. One time he cried all the way home and cried for an hour. It was really a small cry. Bag.

Thinking of the past, Chi Yangyang smiled happily...

However, the next second, someone mentioned her.

This person was none other than Ye Zhiyang, whom she had just laughed at: "Speaking of things from my childhood, what I remember most clearly is the things about our Yangyang."

Even though she hadn't said what it was, Chi Yangyang already knew what Ye Zhiyang wanted to say, and she immediately stopped him: "Brother Zhiyang, don't mention that matter."

"Which thing can't be mentioned?" When the question was asked Zhu Zhanfan, he smiled mischievously, "Did you hold the handle of the fourth brother and ask him why he has the handle and you don't have that one thing?"

The others burst into laughter.

Chi Yangyang: "..."

Come again!

Here they come again!

She was teased about this incident at every party, making her forget it even if she wanted to.

Ye Zhiyang said: "Yangyang, no matter how many embarrassing things happened to us when we were children, none of them were as powerful as yours."

Lan Feiyang bumped into Ye Zhiyang: "Don't bully Yangyang."

Xie Yuanbo said: "Lao Ye is right, none of our embarrassing things are as powerful as Yangyang."

Chi Yangyang was so ashamed that she wished she could dig a hole in the ground, but they still didn't let her go. She looked at Hang Jin for help. Hang Jin was also laughing, and he smiled very badly.

But he didn't ignore her: "Okay, what happened in the past is in the past, don't mention it anymore."

As soon as Hang Jin opened his mouth, even if his tone was neither serious nor serious, no one had the guts to talk any further, otherwise they would be thrown into the street by Hang Jin if they offended Chi Yangyang.

After dinner, it was already very late.

Xie Yuanbo and Zhu Zhangfan couldn't drive after drinking, so they stayed in a guest room where they could eat well.

Hang Jin and Chi Yangyang were going back to the city, but before getting in the car, Hang Jin pulled Chi Yangyang and said, "Xiao Siyan, I'm a little bored. Please accompany me to enjoy the wind for a while before leaving."

"Where do you want to blow the wind?" Hang Jin wanted to blow the wind, but Chi Yangyang could only accompany him, otherwise he could be left alone?

"The green corridor over there." Hang Jin pulled Chi Yangyang towards the green corridor aside.

Although the autumn in Jiangbei is still so hot, there is a somewhat cool breeze at night, which drives away the high temperature during the day. Walking under the shade of greenery with the cool breeze makes you feel comfortable, especially when the girl you like is still by your side.

Man, what you want in life is that simple.

I have a house I can live in, a job I like, and I can marry the girl I love.

Now he has the three major things a man desires. What a blessing.

But this girl is not very considerate and specializes in sabotage: "Uncle Hang, your leg injury is not healed yet. Can't you take a walk another day? Why do you have to choose today?"

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