My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1850: Childhood sweethearts, hooliganism

Chapter 1852: Childhood sweethearts, hooliganism

Hang Jin really wanted her to shut up and just walk with him for a while, but he couldn't bear it when he saw her stupid look, so he could only sigh: "What evil did this young master do in his last life?"

"Are you still doing evil?" Chi Yangyang disagreed a hundred times with Hang Jin's exclamation, "If you can still be born into such a family after doing evil, then I want to do it a few more times."

"You little idiot!" Hang Jin stared at her and poked her forehead. "Since you don't want to go shopping, then drive home. There are many things waiting for us to do tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'm going back to work in the team tomorrow. You should be good at home alone. Don't run around and make people worry." Thinking of Hang Jin's tossing temper, Chi Yangyang sighed worriedly.

But Hang Jin didn't think so, and immediately retorted to her: "I'm running around? Xiao Siyan, please speak with conscience, who of us worries more about whom?"

"Yes, yes, it's me who worries you every day. Now please get in the car and fasten your seat belt, Uncle Hang. I'm going to drive home." There was really nothing that could be done to him. A grown man was so careless, so let her go. No?

Talking about the time of making trouble always flies by quickly, and not long after, we are already home.

After returning home, Chi Yangyang didn't do anything, so he was busy greeting: "Hang Jin, go and wipe your body briefly. After you wipe it, I will help you change your dressing."

Hang Jin smiled thiefly: "My hands hurt, please help me wipe my body."

Chi Yang gave him a white look: "Don't think about it, go alone, otherwise I won't change the medicine for you."

"It's so cruel." Hang Jin was reluctant and went to the bathroom by himself. He came out after a while. Of course, he was not wearing anything.

Even though she was used to his hooligan behavior, Chi Yangyang couldn't help but blush when she saw him naked. She didn't know whether she was ashamed of him or angry.

Hang Jin didn't think anything about not wearing any clothes. He sat on the bed and waved to her: "Come here and change my dressing."

Chi Yangyang didn't dare to look at him, turned her back to him and said, "Put your clothes on."

"You can put it on and take it off again. If you don't think it's troublesome, I think it's troublesome." Hang Jin is a very thick-skinned person, and he speaks very naturally when he has something to say.

"You don't want to wear it, right?" Chi Yangyang threw the medicine to him forcefully, "Then you change the medicine yourself."

"Xiao Siyan'er, you have become more and more courageous recently. Do you really think that this young master dare not do anything to you?" Hang Jin threatened fiercely. It seemed that if she didn't come over, he would twist her up and beat her up. .

Chi Yangyang ignored him and turned around to leave.

As soon as she became stubborn, Hang Jin could only relent: "Okay, okay, can't I just put on my clothes?"

So, he picked up the bathrobe and put it on loosely: "Okay."

Chi Yangyang glanced back at him, then quickly turned away: "Put on your underwear."

"It's not like I haven't seen it before. You're so pretentious." He was dissatisfied with her, but after listening to Chi Yangyang's words, Hang Jin put on his pants two or three times, "What else are you dissatisfied with?"

Only then did Chi Yangyang approach him, take the medicine and help him change it, but as she changed it, Chi Yangyang felt something was wrong. She immediately stood up and backed away: "Big hooligan, you change it yourself."

"Natural physiological reaction, can you blame me for being so cruel?" Hang Jin also felt wronged, but the little idiot was so angry that he ran out. He whispered, "Who told you that your little four eyes are so attractive."

What's even more outrageous is that Chi Yangyang didn't go back to the master bedroom to sleep at night. He hid in the guest room alone and smartly locked the door.

Because the door at home was of very good quality, Hang Jin banged the door several times without opening it, so he thought hard that he would dismantle the guest room tomorrow to see how she would avoid him in the future.

Without Hang Jin's harassment this night, Chi Yangyang had a good sleep, but Hang Jin had two big panda eyes.

Chi Yangyang bumped into him as soon as she went out. Seeing his panda eyes, she couldn't help but want to laugh: "Did you go steal the chicken last night?"

Hang Jin glared at her fiercely: "Xiao Siyan, if you dare to laugh out loud, try it."

Chi Yangyang tried hard to hold back her laughter and deliberately avoided hiding from him: "Okay, I'll get you some breakfast. After eating, I'll go to work, and you can have a good rest at home."

Hang Jin said in a bad tone: "Do you still want to poison me to death?"

Chi Yangyang shrugged helplessly: "Okay, then I won't do it. I'll order takeout for you later."

Hang Jin: "..."

He was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

There have been no new cases in the past two days, but the team is still busy looking for clues to the corpse case.

Chi Yangyang was busy working when he arrived in the team. Xiao Li from the same department came over and said mysteriously: "Yangyang, you haven't come to work for two days. You probably don't know the big things happening in our team."

"What's the matter?" Chi Yangyang asked Xiao Li, but did not put down his work.

Xiao Li said: "I heard that our leader Zhao has retired."

Chi Yangyang: "Back off? What do you mean?"

Xiao Li glanced at the door to make sure no one continued: "It means that the captain of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment will be replaced by someone else, and Zhao Tou will follow the new leader."

"Ah..." Chi Yangyang took a while to digest the news, "How is this possible? Team Zhao did a good job, why was he suddenly replaced? What happened?"

Xiao Li added: "I heard that Zhao Tou applied to his superiors himself. He applied for his superiors to assign more capable people to take over the position of captain, and he followed suit."

Chi Yangyang was surprised: "Why?"

Xiao Li moved closer to Chi Yangyang again: "You didn't come to work and you didn't know that a colleague from the trace department bumped Zhao's head in front of everyone during the meeting that day and said he was useless... This is not Captain Zhao In a fit of anger, he asked his superiors to step down and let someone more capable take over his job as captain."

"This..." In Chi Yangyang's view, Zhao Ziqian is not an impulsive person. He would never apply to his superiors for a job change just because his colleagues contradicted him, but why did he do it anyway?

She couldn't figure it out and looked at Xiao Li, who added: "Maybe Zhao Tou wants everyone to see that the new captain is not as good as him, so that everyone knows that he is the most suitable to be our captain."

Chi Yangyang shook his head: "No."

Xiao Li didn't understand: "Yangyang, why do you think you can't?"

"Anyway, I just don't think it's the reason." Zhao Ziqian is an old criminal policeman. He has always done a good job in criminal investigation, and he also loves this job.

If he really offered to let someone else take over his job, then it is very likely that the case in hand is too difficult to solve, and he can't solve it himself, and he doesn't want to delay it, so he has to ask his superiors to arrange for a more capable criminal policeman to come over, but Is there any criminal policeman in Jiangbei who works better than Zhao Ziqian?

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