My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1851: Childhood sweethearts, officially becoming her leader

Chapter 1853: Childhood sweetheart, officially becoming her leader

Chi Yangyang thought of several candidates who could replace Zhao Ziqian, but they all hold important positions in the bureau and are busy every day. It is impossible to have time to take over the position of captain of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment.

Just when she didn't expect it, the phone on her desk rang, and she immediately answered: "Hello, Chi Yangyang from the Forensic Medicine Department."

Jiang Zhen's voice came from the phone receiver: "Yangyang, the new captain who replaced Lao Zhao is here. Now let us all go to the conference room for a meeting. You can prepare."

"Oh, okay." Chi Yangyang nodded stupidly, hung up the phone, and said to Xiao Li, "I heard that the new captain is here. Let us go over for a meeting. We will know who he is in a while. Don't let us go either." It’s just a guess here.”

Xiao Li nodded: "Okay."

meeting room.

Everyone from various departments, including Zhao Ziqian, is already in place, but the position of the new captain is empty.

Everyone looked at the entrance of the conference room, their eyes were dry, but they didn't wait for the new captain.

Some people began to nag dissatisfiedly: "Which great master put his airs so high on us? Did he give us a blow on the first day he joined the team or something like that?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Zhao Ziqian naturally knew which great god it was, and he knew that this great god was indeed very powerful, and everyone present would not be looked down upon by him.

No, not everyone, Chi Yangyang is an exception.

Thinking of Chi Yangyang, Zhao Ziqian cast his eyes on her and stared at the door like everyone else. He guessed that Hang Jin did not tell her about this in advance.

"Why can't you say it?" Another person continued, "Captain Zhao, you have led us for so many years, and there is no meeting where you have to arrive at the conference room before us. He is a new guy, why is he so pushy?"

Another person followed up and said: "Didn't some people question our Team Zhao's ability to do things two days ago? What's the use of knowing that Team Zhao is good now?"

Many people in the team are veteran employees who have followed Zhao Ziqian in handling cases for many years. Most of them are convinced by Zhao Ziqian. Zhao Ziqian's initiative to be demoted this time is like a bolt from the blue for many people.

"Captain Zhao, I was angry that day because I couldn't find any evidence. I don't disagree with you in my heart." The clerk who contradicted Zhao Ziqian that day looked at Zhao Ziqian and blamed himself to death. If only he had said less than two words that day. , but he just didn't control his mouth.

"Okay, everyone, stop talking." Zhao Ziqian waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet. Then he looked at the Trace Section member, "I also know that you don't mean it. I want to find a capable person to take over." My job is, if the mutilation case remains unsolved, which one of us here can sleep peacefully."

The others were silent because the new leader was late in notifying everyone of the meeting. He was obviously a difficult boss to get along with. I hope he really has the ability to lead them to solve the case.

Zhao Ziqian added: "Everyone has to change the way they call me from now on. Just call me Lao Zhao."

"Everyone has finished chatting, let's officially have the meeting now." The door of the conference room was opened, and as the voice sounded, a tall figure appeared in everyone's sight.

Before everyone could react, he had already walked to the main seat of the conference table and sat down, and then said: "I am Hang Jin. Now I will take over the position of captain of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment. What do you have to say?" Just say it quickly and get things done when you’re done.”

Hang Jin!

Hang Jin!

Hang Jin!

Most people who participated in the meeting had had contact with Hang Jin and knew that he was quite capable in handling cases, but what everyone knew better was his attitude towards dealing with people.

It seems that their future days...

"No one speaks, right? Let each department start working. Before leaving get off work in the afternoon, each department will reorganize the case information and hand it over to me." Then, Uncle Hang left the conference room with another gust of wind just as he came.

? ?

Everyone, including Chi Yangyang, has not yet recovered, and then today's meeting will be over.

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't be stunned, go ahead and do what you have to do, and be sure to hand over the reorganized information to Team Hangzhou on time." Zhao Ziqian was the first to react, perhaps because he had already done it Be mentally prepared.

The others then packed up their materials and hurried back to their posts.

Chi Yangyang is still confused. She thought about many people but she didn't expect that the person to take over Zhao Ziqian's position would be Hang Jin. She stood up with everyone stupidly, but was stopped by Zhao Ziqian: "Yangyang, wait a moment."

Chi Yangyang stopped: "Captain Zhao, if you have anything to say, you can tell me."

"Don't call me Captain Zhao anymore." After first correcting Chi Yangyang's title, Zhao Ziqian said, "It seems you didn't know that Young Master Hang would take over my job."

"I'm used to it, and it's hard to change my name for a while, but I will pay attention." Chi Yangyang also replied to the title first, and then answered Zhao Ziqian's question, "I really don't know, he doesn't talk to me about official business in private."

Chi Yangyang knew that Hang Jin was capable, but he had a bad temper and an arrogant personality. From now on, she would feel overwhelmed just thinking about working in the same team with him every day.

"Most people in the team don't know about your relationship. You have to discuss this with Young Master Hang whether your relationship should be made public in the future." Zhao Ziqian was afraid that he would say the wrong thing and offend Young Master Hang. , after all, Hang Jin didn't give him face before, but now that he is Hang Jin's subordinate, Hang Jin probably won't give him face when he does things.

Alas, the only fault is that he himself is not as capable as others, so he personally invited his superiors to invite such an untouchable master.

"Team Zhao, we will handle our personal relationship well and it will never affect work. You can rest assured." Chi Yangyang thought that Zhao Ziqian was worried that she would not distinguish between public and private affairs, so she immediately made a guarantee.

"That's not what I meant..." Zhao Ziqian wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain it. When he said this at this time, most people would think he meant this, "I won't disturb your work. You go and do your work first." Bar."

"Okay." Chi Yangyang took the information and walked out of the office. However, who knew that Hang Jin was in the corridor and stared at her as she came out of the office, "Forensic Doctor Chi, do you feel that you have too little work on your hands?" ?”

"W-what do you mean?" Now he is her serious leader. During working hours, she has not yet decided how to face him, "Captain Hang."

Hang Jin said: "I mean if you are very free, I can assign you more work."

"Did I offend you again?" It had only been a minute since he entered the conference room, and she had barely seen him clearly. He left again. How did she offend him again?

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