My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1852: Childhood Sweethearts, Rotting Corpse

Chapter 1854: Childhood Sweethearts, Rotten Corpse

"Didn't you provoke me?" Hang Jin narrowed his eyes slightly, with a very obvious warning.

"Did I offend you?" Chi Yangyang thought for a while, but still didn't think about how he offended Hang Jin. "If I really offend you, Uncle Hang, please tell me directly and don't let me know." I guess."

"Xiao Siyan, are you not surprised that I will appear here to take over Zhao Ziqian's job?" Can't she chase him out and ask why he appears here? Couldn't she show some concern for him?

Chi Yangyang nodded stupidly: "It's surprising."

It was said to be an accident, but the girl's expression was not surprising at all. Hang Jin reached out and pinched her face: "Then you don't want to know why I took over the position of captain of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment?"

Chi Yangyang: "Why?"

Hang Jin smiled evilly: "This is a secret and cannot be told to others."

"Then you asked me if I wanted to know." Chi Yangyang looked at her displeased. This man really, since he couldn't tell why he wanted to ask her, made her curious.

"Little idiot, go to work." After saying that, Hang Jin was about to leave, but Chi Yangyang reached out and grabbed the corner of his clothes, "Captain Hang, can I give you a little suggestion."

Seeing Chi Yangyang pulling his little hand at the corner of his clothes, Hang Jin felt happy: "Tell me."

Chi Yangyang said seriously: "As the captain, can you not be late for future meetings? Can you have a good meeting with everyone instead of showing up and hiding?"

But Hang Jin was still careless: "Why can't you be late? Why can't you just show your face and get out of the way? If you don't have any privileges that are different from others, then why should I be the captain?"

"Okay, Captain Hang, just think that I didn't say anything just now. You can do whatever you want without caring about other people's feelings." Chi Yangyang only felt that she was playing the piano to a cow, knowing that this man was like this Personality, she still tried to persuade him. She shook her head helplessly, "I'll go back to work first."

Hang Jin said: "I don't know a few details about the autopsy report on the mutilation case. Come to my office and explain the details to me."

As soon as he asked her to go to the office, Chi Yangyang thought too much. She looked around and said, "Hang Jin, this is working time. So many pairs of eyes are looking at us. Don't mess around, okay?"

Knowing that she would think too much, Hang Jin couldn't help but feel a little funny: "Is it nonsense that the criminal investigation captain asked the forensic doctor to come to the office to explain the autopsy report?"

"I...I'm going to prepare now." Hang Jin really wanted to see the autopsy report, but she had just been thinking about where she was.

Chi Yangyang returned to the office and quickly sorted out the autopsy report of the mutilation case, and hurriedly came to Hang Jin's office. She knocked on the door several times, but did not hear the word "please come in", thinking that Hang Jin was asking her again. Then he opened the door and walked in directly.

Pushing open the door of the office, Chi Yangyang glanced at the central desk. She thought she would see Hang Jin sitting there, but she did not expect that colleagues from the trace department and the forensic department were already reporting to Hang Jin. .

They talked so seriously that no one noticed her when she broke in.

A colleague from the forensic department said: "We have brought back all the suspicious objects that appeared at the murder scene for forensic examination, but except for the fingerprints and DNA of the deceased's family, there is no trace of anyone else."

"As far as I know, the deceased had a good relationship with his neighbors before his death, and he usually moved around closely. However, no fingerprints of neighbors or relatives were found in the deceased's house..." Hang Jin looked at Zhao Ziqian, "Old Zhao, bring someone with you. The team will check on the neighbors who have a close relationship with the deceased, and bring a micro-expression psychologist with them. If any abnormality is found, report it to me immediately. "

Zhao Ziqian responded: "Okay, I'll go right away."

Hang Jin said again: "Colleagues from the Forensic Section and Trace Section, go to the crime scene again and remember to search more carefully, the better. Don't miss any corner."

For the first time, Chi Yangyang discovered that Hang Jin looked so serious. The frivolity and impetuousness in the office just now could no longer be seen in him.

When he works seriously, it's like... Chi Yangyang can't think of any words to describe it. He just knows that he is handsome.

However, just as she thought he was handsome, Hang Jin's voice woke her up: "Forensic Doctor Chi, everyone is discussing, what are you doing standing there alone?"

Chi Yangyang immediately came back to his senses: "Sorry!"

"Okay, everyone goes to work." Hang Jin waved his hand and said, "Forensic Doctor Chi, please tell me the details of the autopsy."

"Okay!" Chi nodded and was about to speak when the phone on Hang Jin's desk suddenly rang.

Chi Yangyang stopped and waited for him. He picked up the phone and answered it, and heard a male voice: "Team Hang, we just received a report. A rotting corpse was found on the roof of Yongming Building, No. 999 Qishan Road."

on site.

Alarm bells rang loudly.

Sun Ming Building has been temporarily closed.

When Hang Jin came to the top floor, the police officer stepped aside and said, "Team Hang."

Hang Jin strode over and saw the rotting corpse at a glance. The rotting corpse could no longer see the original appearance of the deceased. There were many maggots crawling on the corpse... Hang Jin suddenly felt a wave of nausea coming from his stomach. It made him sick to the point of vomiting.

But who is Hang Jin? This disgust was quickly suppressed by him. He said: "Bring over the person who found the body."

Police officer: "Yes."

As soon as the police officers left, Hang Jin looked back and saw Chi Yangyang squatting next to the corpse with tools, carrying out preliminary autopsy work professionally and neatly.

She looked calm, as if what was under her eyes was not a disgustingly rotting corpse, but an ordinary prop.

Hang Jin suddenly felt less disgusting again. He squatted next to Chi Yangyang: "How is it? What clues can we get now?"

Chi Yangyang said: "The speed of corpse decomposition is related to the weather, air humidity, etc. This corpse has been severely decomposed. Now I can only roughly speculate on the time of death of the deceased. The specific autopsy report will have to take the corpse back for further investigation." Anatomy."

"Yes." Hang Jin nodded, paused and then said, "Give me the autopsy report as soon as possible."

As the captain of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment and the leader of Chi Yangyang, Hang Jin hopes that Chi Yangyang will complete the work as soon as possible and hand over the autopsy report to him.

But in his heart, she was his wife, and he didn't want her to face those rotting, disgusting and smelly corpses every day: "If you feel uncomfortable in any way, remember to tell me as soon as possible."

"Thank you Captain Hang for your concern, but it doesn't matter. I'm used to it." Chi Yangyang looked up and saw the worry about her in Hang Jin's eyes. She shrugged, "I'm really fine."

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