My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1853: Childhood Sweethearts, Yongming Building

Chapter 1855: Childhood Sweethearts, Yongming Building

Hang Jin didn't say anything more. Just as the police officer called the person who called the police, he walked over, looked at the person who called the police up and down, and asked in a deep voice, "What is your relationship with the deceased?"

"I, I..." According to common sense, the first thing many people should ask is "Did you call the police? When and how did you discover this rotting corpse, etc. Some common questions."

But Hang Jin was not an ordinary person. He asked the caller what the relationship was with the deceased. The caller stuttered for a long time before he successfully said: "I have nothing to do with the deceased."

"It doesn't matter?" Hang Jin looked at the reporter with sharp eyes and said with a faint smile, "Now the corpse is so rotten that the forensic doctors over there need a DNA test to know who the deceased is. How did you do it?" How many times did you know that the deceased had nothing to do with you? "

"I, I..." the caller stuttered again, and it took several seconds to say a complete sentence. "It was because I couldn't recognize who the deceased was that I said I had nothing to do with him... The important thing is No one in our family is missing, and this unrecognizable body certainly has nothing to do with me.”

Hang Jin pressed forward step by step: "Are any of your relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. missing? Or let's ask another way, how did you murder the deceased and then pretend to accidentally find the body to report the crime?"

"You, why are you like this? I'm a reporter. I discovered this rotting corpse. I didn't kill anyone. You can't try me like a prisoner." The caller boldly shouted, but a pair of people came to Hang Jin. The sharp eyes made him shrink back in fear, "As a law enforcement officer, you talk nonsense, and I will sue you."

"Old Zhao, he said he was going to sue me. Please show him the way and let him sue me now." Hang Jin would not take this kind of threat seriously at all, and he was too lazy to explain. This kind of tiring It would be most appropriate to let the veteran Zhao Ziqian take over.

So, Zhao Ziqian stood up and said politely but seriously: "Sir, every one of us citizens has the obligation to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in investigating cases. And before evidence is found to find out the real culprit, you also The suspicion of murder cannot be ruled out, so you must cooperate with us. "

The caller pointed at himself, and it took him a while to speak again, but this time he was not scared, but excited: "How come I, a good citizen who reported the crime, became a murder suspect here? You, you..."

Zhao Ziqian patted him on the shoulder: "Calm down, calm down... Please come back to the Criminal Investigation Detachment with us to cooperate with our investigation work. I hope that we, the police and the people, can cooperate happily and find the murderer as soon as possible."

The person who called the police was not at all pleasant, but what else could he do but follow them.

After talking to the reporter, Hang Jin learned about the situation around the rooftop.

The Yongming Building is 284 meters high. When it was first built, it was the tallest building in Jiangbei City. Because the building was built earlier, the tallest building in Jiangbei was updated again and again. The Yongming Building also lost its aura as the tallest building in Jiangbei.

Just when Yongming Building lost its aura as the tallest building in Jiangbei and became more and more inconspicuous, three jumping accidents occurred in Yongming Building in three consecutive years, causing Yongming Building to almost become an abandoned building.

In the early days of its construction, Yongming Building had the aura of being the tallest building in Jiangbei. Even though the rent in the same office area was much more expensive than other office buildings, many companies still moved in.

The three people who jumped off the building three times were employees of the company renting in Yongming Building.

At first, a young man and woman from Company A had a crush on each other, and it didn't take long for the two to fall in love. The days of love were sweet and happy, making many people red-eyed with envy.

But I don’t know if it was in compliance with the old saying that a show of affection will break up quickly. The two of them had been dating for about half a year. The man became more and more indifferent to the woman, and I heard them quarreling from time to time.

The man really couldn't stand such noisy days, so he took the initiative to admit that he had met a girl he really liked, and brought the other girl to the woman's eyes.

Looking at the girl who was younger and more beautiful than herself, the woman almost went crazy. She first pulled the man and beat her up, and then in front of many people in the company, she forced the man to choose the girl or her.

The man brought the girl here just to clear the line with the woman, and because the woman had made him lose face, the man rejected the woman without hesitation. At that time, he said: "Even if I die, I don't want to live with you anymore."

The man's harsh words cut off the woman's last thoughts. In a rage, she climbed to the rooftop of Yongming Building and jumped from the 284-meter-high building, falling to pieces.

The news was a sensation at the time and was serialized in Jiangbei Daily for many issues. Many people pointed fingers at the man, and some strangers even blocked him downstairs and threw rotten eggs at him.

This kind of life lasted for a long time, which seriously affected the man's work, and the company had to persuade him to quit... This matter could have come to an end. Unexpectedly, at the same time the next year, the cheating man also jumped from the woman's building. Jumping down from somewhere, he was also shattered to pieces.

After the incident of jumping off a building, many people said that it was a woman who took the man away, and the rumor was so crazy that at that time, many companies did not dare to arrange for employees to work overtime, and everyone got off work at the right time.

What is even more unexpected is that at the same time in the third year, the girl whom the man cheated on also jumped from the building where the man and the woman jumped. She also fell to pieces.

After the three incidents of people jumping off buildings, the rumors that Yong Ming Building was an unknown place became more and more erroneous. Many companies moved out of Yong Ming Building, and the companies that remained were all companies with poor economic returns.

After three incidents of people jumping off buildings, the building was almost empty. The whole building was shrouded in shadow. The manager had the rooftop sealed off. The only key to the rooftop door was in his hand, and no one was allowed to do so. The idlers wait there, and the cleaning staff cleans the place one day a month, but no one is seen at other times.

Hang Jin had a general understanding of Yongming Building on the way here, so without asking any more questions, he knew that the person who called the police was the cleaning staff who went up to the rooftop to clean.

The roof door is a thick steel door that cannot be opened by impact. Even if it can be opened, it will cause a huge noise. The security of the building will definitely find out, so now the only clues can be found from the building management personnel.

Hang Jin looked back and saw that Chi Yangyang was almost busy with work. He wanted to go over and care about her, but he was too aware of the girl's public-private attitude, so he gave up the idea.

Only then did he wave to the police: "Find the manager who manages the keys to the rooftop door of this building. I want to question him."

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