My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1854: Childhood sweethearts, I may not listen

Chapter 1856: Childhood sweethearts chapter, I may not listen

Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment.

The person in charge of property management of Yongming Building was invited to the interrogation room, and the person who questioned him was Hang Jin.

Still the same as many times, Hang Jin did not conduct routine questioning like other people interrogated. He first left the suspect in the interrogation room, not allowing anyone to pay attention to him, and then told everyone what to do.

Some of the team members didn't understand Hang Jin's way of doing things and muttered in front of Zhao Ziqian: "Team Zhao..."

Zhao Ziqian corrected him: "Call me Lao Zhao."

"Old Zhao!" The team member immediately changed his words and looked around again. He didn't see anyone next to him, so he continued, "What do you mean by this Hangzhou team?"

Zhao Ziqian did not answer the call.

The team member added: "We brought the suspect as he ordered, but he just left it there and ignored him. He didn't want to interrogate him, and he didn't allow us to get close to the suspect. What kind of trouble was he trying to make? Could it be that if we ignore the suspect like this, the real murderer will come out and surrender? "

Zhao Ziqian didn't understand Hang Jin's purpose of doing this, but he believed that Hang Jin knew it well and would be able to solve the case in a short time: "Captain Hang has his own way of doing things. He has just arrived and you are not used to it yet. It will be fine as time passes and you get used to his pace.”

The team member added: "Old Zhao, even if he has his own ideas, he should explain it to everyone. Now everyone doesn't know how to continue working? We can't communicate with him on this matter. You go and talk to him." How about talking about it?”

Zhao Ziqian: "If you are looking for someone to persuade the Hangzhou team, you must be looking for the wrong person when you look for me."

"Other than you, who else can we look for? Look at his arrogance, he doesn't even take you seriously..." The team member still had a lot to say, but before he could say the next words, he was interrupted by an extremely arrogant voice. The voice was interrupted, "I was just telling you why the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment was so slow in solving cases before. It turned out to be because they liked to speak ill of their leaders behind their backs during working hours. It's strange that with such discipline, it can solve cases."

Hang Jin denies the work of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment in one sentence. As a veteran employee, anyone will feel uncomfortable after hearing this, especially Zhao Ziqian, who was the captain before.

But Zhao Ziqian knew very well that he was not as courageous as Hang Jin in solving the case. No matter how uncomfortable he felt, he silently suppressed these discomforts in his heart without showing it on his face at all.

"Team Hang, I'm not..." The team member is indeed not saying bad things about Hang Jin behind his back, but he just doesn't understand Hang Jin's intention. He wants him to make it clear to everyone before doing things, and not to make everyone confused about what he is doing. Okay, "And can you please be more polite? We are all colleagues at work and we must respect each other."

"I hate people who talk about others behind their backs. If you have anything to say in the future, ask me in person or bring it up at a meeting, although I may not listen." Hang Jin is still the arrogant and arrogant Hang Jin, no matter where he is. He will not restrain his temper. He wants to listen to the suggestions given by the team members, but it is not because of the team members, but because the little idiot Chi Yangyang also asked him similar questions before.

Zhao Ziqian knew Hang Jin fairly well and had heard all the more outrageous words. It was not surprising after hearing these words. The team members' faces turned pale. Then he looked at Zhao Ziqian next to him. After such a comparison, he realized that the previous leader had How nice.

Hang Jin added: "Would any of you tell me the personal information of the person in the interrogation room?"

The team member answered first: "His name is Liu Jipin, he is 51 years old, and his current job is the top leader of the Yongming Building Property Management Office."

Hang Jin looked at him sharply.

The team members felt a little guilty: "Team Hang, what did I say wrong?"

Hang Jin didn't even bother to give the team members a look of disdain. He didn't like the leader from the bottom of his heart because he didn't work hard and talked about the leader behind his back. He turned to look at Zhao Ziqian: "Don't tell me, you only know a little bit of what he knows."

"Liu Jipin, 51 years old, a native of Cangshan District, Jiangbei, works as the general manager of the Yongming Building Property Management Office. His wife divorced him ten years ago, and their child was awarded to his wife. Now he lives alone. People who know him say that he is very kind, and he is a volunteer at the Cangshan District Welfare Institute, and has won several advanced citizen awards." Zhao Ziqian said quite confidently, because he felt that the information he had was comprehensive enough, so he thought that he would forget it. Hang Jin couldn't bear to praise him, but he would look at him differently in his heart.

But the fact is...

"What else?" Hang Jin raised his eyebrows obviously dissatisfied.

"Not yet." Zhao Ziqian spoke softer and softer. He could think that the information could be sorted out. What part was missing that made Hang Jin so dissatisfied?

"Twenty years ago, there were three consecutive jumping incidents in Yongming Building. After that, Liu Jipin took over the position of general manager of property management of Yongming Building. He did this for twenty years..." At this point, Hang Jin looked at Zhao Zi respectively. Team Qianhe, "In the future, when investigating cases, look more at the stories behind the incidents. Don't be so stupid that you can only see what others show you."

Zhao Ziqian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He knew this news back then, but why didn't he think that this case could be related to the case twenty years ago.

Although it may not necessarily be related, it never hurts to have a clear understanding of the background of the crime location. Zhao Ziqian silently ticked Hang Jin again in his heart. It seemed that his decision was right this time.

The team member's face had the word "confused" written in capital letters, and he felt that he was increasingly unable to keep up with Hang Jin's pace.

"Don't be stunned. Now follow me to interrogate the suspect unexpectedly." After leaving the words, Hang Jin took the lead in walking to the interrogation room with his long legs. Zhao Ziqian followed him closely and walked two steps to see him. The team member stood there without moving. He returned and gave the team member a tug, "What are you still doing? Go ahead and do whatever you need to do."

"Oh..." The team member came back to his senses and suddenly felt a little annoyed. He was clearly dissatisfied with Hang Jin just now, but when Hang Jin really appeared in front of him, he couldn't even let out a complete fart. .

trial room.

Hang Jin pushed open the door with great force. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was very powerful, because his strength was so strong that he seemed to have crashed into the door. The person who was under trial shrank back in fear and looked at him with fear. Looking at him.

Under the suspect's gaze, Hang Jin pulled up the stool and sat across from the suspect: "Be honest about the process of your crime."

Liu Jipin said: "I, I didn't kill anyone, what should I explain?"

"Only you have the key to the door on the rooftop of Yongming Building. The door is not broken and the lock is not broken, but someone hid the body on the roof. Who else do you think other than you?" Hang Jin asked very sharply.

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