My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1855: Childhood Sweethearts, Suspect

Chapter 1857: Childhood Sweethearts, Suspect

There is only one key to open the rooftop door, and this only key has always been in Liu Jipin's hand. No one is willing to approach that door.

Only on the tenth of every month would a cleaner come to the rooftop to clean. It was Liu Jipin who opened and closed the door himself, and the key never left his hand.

Now a rotting corpse suddenly appeared on the rooftop. It would not be unfair to say that he was the most suspected person.

At this time, Liu Jipin felt that even if he had a hundred mouths, he would not be able to explain what was going on: "I don't know who killed the person and moved the body to the rooftop, but what I am sure of is that I did not kill anyone. You must Find out the truth and don’t accuse a good person like me.”

"Are you sure you didn't kill someone?" Hang Jin asked back, with a faint expression. It was hard to tell what he was thinking.

Liu Jipin said: "Captain Hang, please think carefully. Everyone in Yongming Building knows that the only key to the rooftop door is in my hand. If I really killed someone, I would be stupid enough to throw the body in Tiantai, let you find my head in one search? Unless I am really stupid, there is absolutely no way I can do this."

"No, you are not stupid. On the contrary, you are very smart." Hang Jin smiled and said, "Just now you said that everyone in Yongming Building knows that the only key to the rooftop door is in your hand. If there is a case, everyone The first person that comes to mind is you, but as you said, you are not stupid and would not kill someone and dump their bodies here. People will naturally think of this when they suspect you, so your suspicion will be the same. No more... Because of this, it is not ruled out that you may be the murderer. "

"Captain Hang, you are the captain of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment. You said you would not catch the real murderer, but you are here to interrogate me, an innocent person." Liu Jipin said angrily, "If you want to say that I killed someone, then please Show me the evidence, otherwise I have the right to sue you for defamation."

"Innocent?" Hang Jin slammed his hand on the table, "Mr. Liu, you said you didn't kill anyone, so can you please tell me who the third victim who jumped from the rooftop of Yongming Building twenty years ago, Li Yanyan, and you are relation?"

It was a name that no one had mentioned for a long time, but it was a name that Liu Jipin, a profligate person, could never forget. When he suddenly heard these three words, Liu Jipin felt chills all over his body and was so surprised that he could not utter a single word.

Also surprised was Zhao Ziqian, who was standing aside to record. He and Hang Jin knew about the corpse case at the same time, went to the scene together, and returned to the team together. However, Hang Jin, who seemed careless about his work, collected much more information than he did. . Not only did he learn about the incident of jumping off the building, but he also found out the deceased. How could someone not succeed in this way?

Hang Jin said sharply: "Say!"

Liu Jipin was frightened and stammered: "I, I, I...that woman is a mistress who destroys other people's feelings, how can she have anything to do with me. She and I are innocent and have nothing to do with each other. She jumped off the building all because of that. Retribution is to take her away after being poached by her."

"Liu Jipin, I think you won't shed tears without seeing the coffin. You want evidence, right? Then I'll give you the evidence." Hang Jin took out the remote control and turned on the TV on the wall, "Can you remember this? Remember?"

What appeared on the TV was a watch, a men's watch. Twenty years ago, this watch was worth more than 10,000 yuan, which was a sky-high price and could not be afforded by ordinary people.

Liu Jipin was stunned: "I didn't give this watch to her, I didn't give it to her..."

"Did I say that this watch belongs to Li Yanyan? Did I say that you gave it to her?" Hang Jin said coldly, "General Manager Liu, you are asking for it."

Liu Jipin said: "I don't know who this watch belongs to, so I'm just talking nonsense. You can't condemn me because of this."

Hang Jin clenched his fist: "If you confess, you should be lenient and if you are strict, you don't know."

"Captain Hang, is it because I was invited by you that I can't walk out of here innocently? You have to frame me with a crime before you give up, right?" Liu Jipin gritted his teeth, "I told you, If you want to say that I am a murderer, please provide strong evidence, otherwise I will sue you for defamation."

"Mr. Liu, I will personally hand over the evidence you want." Hang Jin stood up, kicked away the chair, turned and left, "I hope your attitude will still be as tough as now. I also hope you can still be as strong as now." Now I am just as indignant that I am innocent."

The autopsy report from the forensic department has not yet been released, and even Hang Jin does not know the specific time of death. The test results of the trace department and forensic department have not yet come out... At present, Hang Jin has too little information in his hands, so it is still difficult to lock in the target.

After coming out of the interrogation room, Zhao Ziqian immediately followed him: "Captain Hang, do you suspect Liu Jipin is the murderer? Do you also suspect that he is related to the jumping incident twenty years ago?"

"Until the autopsy report and on-site evidence report come out, I can't tell who is the real murderer for the time being." Hang Jin stroked his forehead and said, "But Li Yanyan jumping off the building twenty years ago must have something to do with Liu Jipin."

Zhao Ziqian is not sure: "Where did that watch come from? How can that watch prove that Liu Jipin was related to Li Yanyan's death?"

Hang Jin said: "At first, I wasn't sure that Li Yanyan's death had anything to do with Liu Jipin. It was just a matter of deceiving him. Who knew that this old boy was so unscrupulous that he would commit the crime as soon as he deceived him."

Zhao Ziqian asked: "Where did that watch come from?"

"Li Yanyan's relics." Li Yanyan was an ordinary employee of the company back then. She could not afford this watch with ten years of salary, but there was such a watch in her relics. Hang Jin felt something was wrong when he saw the file.

Zhao Ziqian felt ashamed again. He never thought that today's case could be related to the jumping incident twenty years ago.

Hang Jin stopped and looked back at the interrogation room: "If Li Yanyan really has something to do with Liu Jipin, he will definitely feel guilty. You should observe him in the monitoring room and see what he will do."

"Okay, Captain Hang, I'm going to keep an eye on him." After what happened today, Zhao Ziqian and Hang Jin were convinced.

He finally understood why Hang Jin was so good at solving crimes. Hang Jin was not as powerful as he thought, nor could he tell who the murderer was just by looking at the corpse.

Hang Jin also needs evidence when handling the case and requires various departments to cooperate with his work.

Hang Jin's advantage is that he reacts faster than others, his advantage is that he does more homework than others, and he sees further and thinks more than others.

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