My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1856: Childhood Sweethearts, Time of Death

Chapter 1858: Childhood Sweethearts, Time of Death

"Old Zhao, how's the interrogation going with you and the Hangzhou team?" Zhao Ziqian had just walked to the monitoring room, and police officer Xiao Zhang asked him anxiously, "Did you find out anything?"

Zhao Ziqian shook his head: "Not yet."

Xiao Zhang added: "It seems that the famous Young Master Hang in Jiangbei is nothing more than this."

Zhao Ziqian was about to lower his head to work. When he heard what Xiao Zhang said, he raised his head again. He frowned slightly and looked at Xiao Zhang: "Xiao Zhang, what do you say?"

Xiao Zhang added: "It is said that since Hang Jin took over the Jiangbei Anti-Narcotics Brigade, more drug criminals have been arrested in the past few months than in previous years. Recently, drug dealers are frightened when they hear his name. These Rumors once made us think that Hang Jin was really capable, but now it seems that he just has a strong family background and he has no real abilities. "

"I used to think that you, Xiao Zhang, are serious and responsible in your work. You never make irresponsible remarks behind others' backs. You are a mature and steady person. Today, it seems that I was wrong." Zhao Ziqian smiled and stopped talking. After listening As he said these words, Xiao Zhang's face turned red and white, feeling indescribably embarrassed.

Zhao Ziqian added: "Xiao Zhang, when you don't understand a person, don't hold a positive or negative attitude towards the person just because of one thing. It's not that easy to understand a person."

"Yes, I was reckless." Xiao Zhang said with a blushing face. In fact, he said this because he felt unfair for Zhao Ziqian in his heart. In his heart, Zhao Ziqian is a qualified and good boss. Now it is said that this boss has voluntarily stepped down to make way for someone new. However, who knows what the truth is.

They all know that there is someone behind Hang Jin. As long as Hang Jin wants to sit in Zhao Ziqian's position, then Hang Jin only needs to move his fingers lightly, and Zhao Ziqian will only give up his position obediently, without any room for resistance: "Captain Zhao, I just want to I have a question for you and I hope you can answer me honestly.”

Zhao Ziqian said: "You ask."

Xiao Zhang asked again: "Did you really voluntarily apply for demotion to your superiors this time?"

Zhao Ziqian nodded and affirmed: "Xiao Zhang, I really applied to the Korean Bureau voluntarily."

Xiao Zhang asked again: "Why?"

Zhao Ziqian patted Xiao Zhang on the shoulder and said sincerely: "I have been doing criminal investigation work for many years. I have seen all kinds of criminals. Some of them committed manslaughter. Those kind of people are easy to deal with if they have no intention. However, there is another Such people are perverted murderers who have plans and premeditations. They kill people not because they have any grudge against them, but because they may become his targets just by looking at them in the crowd... Such murderers are extremely vicious, they have no humanity. .”

Mentioning this kind of person, Xiao Zhang also felt chills running down his spine, because he had been exposed to similar cases when he went to see them. The murderer was so perverted that he would kill anyone who looked at him even more, and his killing methods were extremely unscrupulous.

Those cases were solved by Zhao Ziqian with Xiao Zhang and others. Looking at Xiao Zhang's appearance, he knew that Xiao Zhang had thought of that single case. He continued: "As long as such a murderer stays in society for one more day, he will More innocent people will be harmed."

Xiao Zhang nodded: "Yes, such a murderer is very scary. The sooner the case can be solved, the better."

Zhao Ziqian said again: "We haven't solved the corpse case yet. The murderer killed and dismembered the body. It is very likely that he is a perverted killer. I don't want more innocent people to be harmed, so I applied to my superiors to send a more capable person. Lead everyone to solve the case.”

Xiao Zhang apologized and said: "Old Zhao, I judge a gentleman with a villain's heart. Don't worry, I won't do it again in the future."

Hearing what Xiao Zhang said, Zhao Ziqian felt relieved: "Xiao Zhang, whether Captain Hang is a capable person or not, you and I can tell in just one day. As you stay with him for a long time, you will naturally understand who he is. What kind of person is that? If you think about what you said today, you might think you are ridiculous. And I would also like to add that if it weren't for the person he cares about being here, the position of captain of the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment, why would he? Maybe we can hire a great god like him.”

Xiao Zhang nodded: "I understand."

Zhao Ziqian added: "I'm watching from the monitoring room, you go and do your business."

the other side.

After coming out of the interrogation room, Hang Jin didn't even turn around. He went to the forensic department immediately and found Chi Yangyang to understand the situation: "Forensic Doctor Chi, have you come out with the autopsy results?"

While taking off his work clothes, Chi Yangyang said: "The autopsy has been completed, but the results have not yet come out, but the time of death of the deceased has been determined."

"Now I'm just waiting for your report. Can it be faster?" Hang Jin has many ideas that need evidence to confirm. As long as the evidence is obtained, he can bring the murderer to justice.

"Well, don't be too anxious. We will get the results soon. Take a look at this first." It's rare to see Hang Jin in a hurry. Chi Yangyang couldn't help but look at him twice. This man is really different when he works. A picture... She handed a report into Hang Jin's hands, "Here are the doubts I found. Let me tell you about it."

Hang Jin took the report, looked at it and said, "You said it."

Chi Yangyang pointed to a paragraph marked with a red line in the document: "If you only look at the degree of decay on the surface of the body and the current weather conditions, the time of death of the deceased will never exceed five days, which means that the time of death of the deceased was probably five days ago, that is, five days ago. Around the 10th of last month, but our further autopsy results showed that the deceased died a month ago, that is, around the 10th of last month.”

When Chi Yangyang said this, Hang Jin understood almost immediately what she wanted to express: "So your question is what method the murderer used to keep the body of the deceased intact for a long time, until five It started rotting just days ago?”

Chi Yangyang nodded and said: "The body began to rot five days ago, but the time of death was a month ago. Why did the murderer do this?"

"Maybe the murderer just wanted to make it appear that the murderer died five days ago." Hang Jin flipped through the report and read it twice, then said, "Did you find any chemicals on the deceased?"

Chi Yangyang said: "I extracted some fibers from the deceased, but the report has not yet come out."

"Give it to me as soon as the report comes out." Hang Jin took the report and turned around and left. After walking a few steps, he said, "Xiao Siyan, when the report comes out, you personally deliver it to my office."

"Okay." Chi Yangyang watched Hang Jin disappear from her office like a gust of wind, and suddenly felt a little disappointed. However, just as she was packing up the documents, Hang Jin ran back like a gust of wind. Before she could react, he came close to her, kissed her on the face, and ran away like the wind.

Chi Yangyang is confused!

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