My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1859: Childhood sweethearts, wishful thinking

Chapter 1861: Childhood sweethearts, wishful thinking

"Isn't it always Mr. Hang who's making the wishful thinking? How come it's me who's making the mistake in just a few words?" Jiang Zhen's expression is still calm, which is especially obvious compared with Hang Jin's mood, but upon closer inspection You can see the raised veins on his temples under his hair.

"Ha..." Hang Jin sneered and stared at Jiang Zhen more and more fiercely, "Jiang, put your little thoughts away. You can't think of anyone in the Chi family, otherwise I will let you die." very ugly."

"The game has just begun, don't jump to conclusions so quickly." Jiang Zhen smiled and moved his eyes from Hang Jin to Chi Yangyang's desk, "I will also use your words to reply to you, if you dare to say anything to Yang Yang No, I will make you die ugly."

Damn, his woman, of course he has to be nice to her. When will it be someone else's turn to warn him? Hang Jin feels particularly angry: "It's my job to be nice to her, so I won't bother you to worry about it. "

"It's best." After leaving his words, Jiang Zhen walked sideways from Hang Jin and walked out of Chi Yangyang's office.

Hang Jin watched Jiang Zhen leave from his eyes, and suddenly felt that Jiang Zhen was very different today, very different from the past, but he couldn't tell exactly what was different for a while.

Or it should be said that Jiang Zhen, a man who has always been hiding deeply, is not at all the harmless and kind-hearted person he shows for everyone to see.

When Hang Jin returned to the office, Chi Yangyang was already waiting for him in the office. When she saw him coming in, she asked immediately: "You asked me to come to your office to find you. Where did you go?"

Hang Jin looked at his little idiot and couldn't help but want to tease her: "Where should the leader go to explain to you?"

"I..." Chi Yangyang was confused, "Okay, leader, I am too busy. Can we discuss work now?"

Because he was so familiar with Hang Jin, it was difficult for Chi Yangyang to completely treat him as a leader for a while. When he saw him, he couldn't help but think of him as Hang Jin, and would not think of him at all. is her leader.

From now on, she will pay attention that working hours should look like working hours.

Hang Jin sat down on the office chair, then crossed his legs and said, "Let's talk."

Chi Yangyang nodded: "Okay."

Jiang Zhen has worked in the Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment for many years, but his personal items in the office are very few. A small box contains all his belongings.

After a routine inspection by the security guard, he was released: "Forensic Doctor Jiang, you are welcome to come back often in the future."

Jiang Zhen smiled: "Yes."

He would like to come back often, but that person may not allow it.

It is said that this is a civilized legal society where everyone is equal. However, it is too difficult to be equal in the face of certain powers, and there are still too many pressures.

When he came out of the office, the sun was shining brightly outside. The sunshine was very warm on Jiang Zhen's body, but it could not warm his lonely heart.

He once thought that he had met a girl who could spend his whole life with him, but now it was his wishful thinking. Chi Yangyang's feelings for him had always been that of teacher and student, and he had never thought about it.

But the feelings he shouldn't have took root and sprouted in his heart, growing wantonly. He couldn't cut them off even if he wanted to...

Jingle Bell--

The ringtone of the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang loudly, causing Jiang Zhen to immediately withdraw from his thoughts.

He took out his mobile phone and saw the phone number displayed on the screen. The expression on his face became disgusted. He wanted to throw the phone out and smash it, but he still answered: "I'm sorry, I can't continue to complete what you asked me to do." mission."

Not knowing what was said on the other end of the phone, Jiang Zhen was a little excited: "Since you love her so much, why did you leave her in that way? If she knows the truth, she will hate you forever..."

Jiang Zhen stopped while he was talking. It must have been the person on the other end of the phone who interrupted him. After a while, Jiang Zhen said again: "What I want is very simple, but even such a simple thing is not snatched from me. Why is this?"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Zhen stopped again, and after a while, he said again: "Birth? Haha... No matter how developed this society is, many things are still related to birth. But I don't believe in fate, and I don't believe in anyone. I won’t be polite if anyone stops me.”

After saying that, Jiang Zhen hung up the phone decisively.

He looked up at the sky. The sun was still bright, but it was also very dazzling.

Through the efforts of various departments, Hang Jin quickly collected conclusive evidence.

This time, he interrogated murder suspect Liu Jipin again: "Mr. Liu, the evidence you want is all in front of you, what else do you have to say."

Seeing the iron-clad evidence in front of him, Liu Jipin's whole body went limp, and he slumped on the chair as if he had no bones. He squeezed out two pitiful tears: "I never thought that Li Yanyan would jump off the building."

"You didn't expect it? With just such a sentence, you want to shirk all responsibilities." Hang Jin slapped his palm on the table, "Tell me the truth about your crime process."

Liu Jipin added: "You said she was just a pair of broken shoes worn by others. What happened if I slept with her once? But that woman said I forced her and wanted to sue me. In desperation, I thought of jumping off the building to get her." She killed. Captain Hang, if she hadn’t wronged me, I wouldn’t have killed anyone. I was wronged, wronged.”

"You bastard, who the hell gave you the face to have the nerve to cry out for injustice? You can't even do these things to a fucking beast, and you still cry out for me." This kind of person rapes first and then kills, it is a heinous crime. , and now he was shamelessly shouting that he was wronged. Hang Jin wanted to blow his head off with a punch.

Liu Jipin didn't feel that he was at all wrong and continued to cry out: "Li Yanyan is not an innocent girl. I just forced her to sleep with her and she didn't lose anything. Why am I not unjust?"

"Try to say another damn thing!" Hang Jin really wanted to slap the grandson to death. He raised his hand and smashed the chair on the table, almost hitting Liu Jipin.

"Team Hang, the evidence is all here. Liu Jipin can't get rid of his charges no matter how he quibbles. Why don't you leave it to me for trial next." Zhao Ziqian is more sophisticated and tactful. Knowing Hang Jin's temperament, he will take over at this time. The next work is easier to handle.

"Zhao Ziqian, listen carefully to me. Give me a good trial and make this case clear." Hang Jin put away his sharp eyes, looked at Zhao Ziqian, and said, "Send these recordings to the court in the future. After keeping this grandson in prison for decades, I want to see if he knows how to reflect."

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