My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1860: Childhood sweethearts, is it framed?

Chapter 1862: Childhood sweethearts, is this a frame-up?

The murderer of the rotting corpse case was not found, but the case of jumping from a building twenty years ago was brought up. This was an extra bonus. However, Hang Jin still did not dare to relax for a moment, and led a team of people to search for the murderer of the rotting corpse case.

There are two suspects in the rotting corpse case, one is Liu Jipin and the other is Zhuang Shiqiang. However, the most critical evidence is still missing, how the murderer killed and how he moved the body to the rooftop of Yongming Building.

Just when Hang Jin could not find any evidence, good news came from Zhao Ziqian. Liu Jipin confessed that he planned Li Yanyan to jump off the building and was accidentally found out by the cleaner Zhuang Shiqiang.

Precisely because Zhuang Shiqiang knew that Li Yanyan did not jump off the building by himself, but was designed by Liu Jipin, Zhuang Shiqiang often blackmailed Liu Jipin over the years. Most of Liu Jipin's wages over the years were put into Zhuang Shiqiang's pocket. This is also the reason why Liu Jipin's wife left him with their children. one.

Liu Jipin said: "That old guy Zhuang Shiqiang looks like a decent person, but behind his back Shi Sha knows how many dirty things he has done, and he still lets me wipe his butt all these years."

"Zhuang Shiqiang?" Zhao Ziqian had the impression that he reported the rotten corpse case. At that time, Hang Jin questioned him sharply on the rooftop, but he insisted that he did not kill anyone.

Liu Jipin nodded: "Just a month ago, Zhuang Shiqiang suddenly called me in the middle of the night and asked me to do him one last favor. As long as I did this favor for him, he would never ask me for money again. Ask me to do something again. I wanted to kill this old guy, but I thought that as long as I did one last favor for him, he would stop pestering me, so I went. "

Zhao Ziqian did not interrupt and let Liu Jipin continue.

Liu Jipin added: "He told me at that time that the cleaning tools fell upstairs and asked me to open the door to the rooftop for him. I clearly remember that it was the night of the 10th, because I opened the door for him during the day. The rooftop was cleaned. When should I take the cleaning tools? Why did I have to do it at night? I wanted to refuse him, but he insisted on taking it at night. I always felt that something was wrong, so I opened the door and hid aside. After a while, I saw him dragging a black bag upstairs. I thought the black bag he was dragging seemed heavy, so I went to see it. It was a person. "

Zhao Ziqian asked: "Since you knew that Zhuang Shiqiang dumped his body, why didn't you call the police at that time?"

Liu Jipin said: "Zhuang Shiqiang has evidence that I planned Li Yanyan to jump off the building. If I call the police, he will report me. Do you think I dare to call the police? Zhuang Shiqiang also knows this, so he dares to do this so blatantly in front of me. From that day on, because I had the evidence of his murder, he never dared to ask me for money. Our current situation is that no one mentioned the two murders. "

Zhao Ziqian asked again: "What evidence do you have that Zhuang Shiqiang dumped his body?"

Liu Jipin said: "I have evidence."

Zhao Ziqian asked: "What evidence?"

When he mentioned the evidence, Liu Jipin was a little proud. He might have been thinking that he had been threatened by that old boy Zhuang Shiqiang for decades, but he finally found something and let out a bad breath: "That boy Zhuang Shiqiang is very cunning. If I didn't hold his murder weapon in my hand, To prove it, he would definitely blackmail me, so I secretly took a video of him dumping his body.”

Zhao Ziqian: "Where's the video?"

Liu Jipin: "I saved the video on a USB flash drive."

Zhao Ziqian: "Where is the USB flash drive?"

Liu Jipin did not directly answer Zhao Ziqian's question, but raised a question he wanted to know: "Vice Captain Zhao, does it count as meritorious service if I take the initiative to report? Can I plead with the court to give me a lighter sentence?"

"Liu Jipin, do you know what active reporting means? If you don't explain the matter properly, the court will only impose a harsher sentence." Not to mention that Hang Jin wanted to beat someone, now Zhao Ziqian also wanted to beat someone. Not only did Liu Jipin kill someone without any Regretful, I was still thinking about whether I could get a reduced sentence.

"Vice Captain Zhao..." Liu Jipin was very reluctant, but thinking about it, he seemed to have no chance to make a comeback. Now he could only honestly explain the problem and said, "I put the USB flash drive away and put it in the master bedroom of my ex-wife's house. In the wall."

After receiving the news, Zhao Ziqian immediately called and reported the situation to Hang Jin. After receiving the news, Hang Jin took people to Liu Jipin's ex-wife's home as soon as possible. After explaining his purpose, Liu Jipin's ex-wife asked them to enter the house to look for her.

It took Hang Jin and his team some time to find the USB flash drive.

Because the old boy Liu Jipin was really cunning. Not only did he not put such important evidence in his own home, he even secretly removed a brick from the wall of his ex-wife's bedroom.

He would take out the brick and dig out a hole, hide the USB flash drive inside, and then restore the wall. No wonder they didn't find this key evidence in Liu Jipin's house before.

Liu Jipin's ex-wife was also extremely surprised when she saw this evidence: "Captain Hang, I don't know anything about this matter. I really didn't know that Liu Jipin's shitty stuff was in my house."

Hang Jin said: "Ms. Qian, this matter has nothing to do with you, don't worry. But can you tell me why you divorced Liu Jipin in the first place?"

When the divorce was brought up, Liu Jipin's ex-wife burst into tears: "He works outside and never takes any money to support the family. I am responsible for food, drink, housing and transportation. I asked him where his salary went, and he said he lost it in gambling. He often smells of alcohol when he comes home, and he always beats me and the children to vent his anger. How can I live with such a person. "

In Hang Jin's eyes, a man who beats his wife and children is not worthy of being a human being. He wanted to comfort Liu Jipin's ex-wife, but he was not good at it, so he spoke in a businesslike tone: "I know everything about the situation. If there are still If we need your help, we will still come to you. We hope that Ms. Qian will cooperate with us. "

Liu Jipin's ex-wife nodded: "As long as I know something, feel free to ask."

The evidence of the body dumping was found. Hang Jin returned to the team and interrogated Zhuang Shiqiang immediately: "Zhuang Shiqiang, we have obtained the video of you dumping the body. What else do you have to say?"

But who would have thought that Zhuang Shiqiang would say something else: "Captain Hang, I'm just an uneducated cleaner, but I can't be blamed for murder at will."

Hang Jin raised his eyebrows and said in a stern tone: "Framed?"

"I didn't kill anyone, but you say I did. If it's not a frame-up, what is it?" Zhuang Shiqiang said excitedly, "Yes, I admit that I moved the black bag to the rooftop of Yongming Building, but Liu Jipin asked me to throw it away. I didn’t even know there were corpses inside. If I had known that he was threatening to fire me, I would never have done such a dehumanizing thing for him.”

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