My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1861: Childhood sweethearts, the first scene of the crime

Chapter 1863: Childhood sweethearts chapter, the first scene of the crime

"You don't know that the bag contains a corpse? Did Liu Jipin ask you to throw that bag on the rooftop?" Hang Jin stared at Zhuang Shiqiang sharply. At present, they are missing the key evidence of murder and only have the video of the corpse. It is indeed impossible to tell who is the real murderer, Liu Jipin or Zhuang Shiqiang.

Now that the two of them are different, who is lying?

Zhuang Shiqiang added: "What kind of character is Liu Jipin? Everyone in Yongming Building knows that he often gambles and beats his wife and children when he loses money, so his wife and children divorced him. He also often threatens me with firing. He asked me to do a lot of things outside of work. After his divorce, there was no one to clean the house, so I became his personal cleaner. I went to his house three days a week to clean up for him. If you don’t like this or that, you don’t treat me as a human being at all.”

Liu Jipin often beat and scolded his wife and children because he lost money in gambling, which led to his wife divorcing him. Zhuang Shiqiang's confession is consistent with the confession of Liu Jipin's ex-wife.

Hang Jin asked again: "It's just a job as a cleaner. This family doesn't want you, just change it. Why do you have to suffer this at Liu Jipin?"

"Captain Hang, you guys don't know that we are hungry. I'm an old man who wants culture but no education, and no skills. If I lose my job, which company will recruit me?" Zhuang Shiqiang's reason seems reasonable.

Hang Jin said: "Then tell me how you threw the bag on the rooftop of Yongming Building?"

Zhuang Shiqiang said again: "On the 10th a month ago, I went to the rooftop to clean during the day. At night, I received a call from Liu Jipin asking me to clean again. In the middle of the night, he asked me to clean the roof of the rooftop. It was a place where several people died. I I was too scared to go, but he threatened me. In order to keep my job, I didn’t dare not go, so I had no choice but to go.”

After a pause, Zhuang Shiqiang continued: "When I rushed there, it was already past 11 o'clock in the evening. The security guards of the building were all napping and did not notice us. Liu Jipin asked me to help him dispose of a bag of garbage. I asked him "What? He told me not to ask any more questions, so I had to carry the garbage bags to the rooftop. He was watching from the side while I was carrying the garbage bags, and I didn't think much about it."

Liu Jipin asked Zhuang Shiqiang to move the black bag, and Zhuang Shiqiang was watching from the side. It is reasonable for Liu Jipin to take a video of Zhuang Shiqiang dumping his body. This makes sense.

So now we only need to find out the evidence of lying between the two of them, in order to further identify the murderer in a targeted manner.

Hang Jin added: "Liu Jipin admitted that Li Yanyan's jumping off the building twenty years ago was related to him, and you knew that he planned the murder. He also said that you have been threatening him with murder over the years, and he gave you a lot of money. He gave all the money to you, and his wife divorced him because he didn’t have any money to take home.”

Zhuang Shiqiang: "Yes, I know that he killed someone. He was the one who planned Li Yanyan's jumping off the building twenty years ago. I accidentally found out about it, so he threatened me. If I dared to leak this matter, I would be punished." It will make me regret it for the rest of my life, and he has been threatening me and taking advantage of me all these years."

"You hold the evidence of his murder in your hands, and you can let him threaten you. Who do you think will believe this?" Both of them spoke in a logical manner, but Hang Jin really couldn't tell intuitively who was lying.

Zhuang Shiqiang added: "Yeah, I don't believe it even if you say it. But I know it's one thing for him to kill someone, and I can't provide evidence that he killed someone. Even if I call the police, it will be useless, and I may lose my job." .”

The case has reached a stalemate again. Hang Jin came out of the interrogation room with a livid face. Seeing his appearance, Zhao Ziqian and others hid far away from him.

But at this time, good news came from the Forensic Medicine Department and the Forensic Science Department. Through their efforts, the crime scene and the murder weapon were found.

The deceased was strangled to death at Liu Jipin's home, and the murder weapon used to strangle the deceased was a tie.

Because the body had decomposed and the murderer had disposed of it before dumping it, no strong evidence was found on the deceased before. However, after many autopsies, Chi Yangyang found a line on the decomposing body of the deceased that was as small as the naked eye. With almost invisible fibers, she immediately sent them to the forensics department for examination and found that the fibers on the deceased's body were consistent with the fiber composition of Liu Jipin's tie at home, and the unwashed blood stains on the tie matched the DNA of the deceased.

Hearing the news, Zhao Ziqian was extremely upset: "I was fooled by that old boy Liu Jipin."

Hang Jin asked, "Where did you find the tie?"

The staff member of the trace department replied: "It's in the closet of Liu Jipin's home. The tie was cleaned, but the evidence was not washed away. Colleagues from the forensic department found it right away."

"Liu Jipin killed someone and then washed the murder tools and put them in the wardrobe at home?" Most people would not be so stupid. Hang Jin said again, "Take someone to immediately collect all the surveillance cameras around Liu Jipin's house and see what has been happening in the past month." People have been to his house.”

The police officer did not keep up with Hang Jin's rhythm and asked his own question: "Team Hang, now that the first scene of the crime and the murder weapon have been found, why do we still need to call in the surveillance around Liu Jipin's home? Who has been there this month? What does it matter if you go to his house?”

"The day we received the report happened to be a month before the deceased died and his body was dumped. Many surveillance cameras on the market automatically cover the surveillance content from a month ago..." After a pause, Hang Jin said again, "Don't To find videos within this month, look for surveillance videos from the day of the deceased’s death and the day before and after. Once found, ask the technical department to find a way to restore the data from a month ago.”

At this point in Hang Jin's words, everyone probably understood what he meant. Zhao Ziqian immediately said: "Team Hang, I will immediately take someone to retrieve the surveillance video, and then let the technical department find a way to recover the data."

Hang Jin said: "Move quickly!"

Monitoring was quickly retrieved, but it took some time for the technical department to recover the data.

It was already five hours later when Hang Jin got the information.

Surveillance video proves that on the day of the murder, Liu Jipin did not go home for a day, and Zhuang Shiqiang went to Liu Jipin's home and stayed there for a long time.

According to Zhuang Shiqiang, he went to Liu Jipin's house to do cleaning work, which sounds reasonable. Coincidentally, the deceased also went to Liu Jipin's house that day, but there was no record of the deceased leaving Liu Jipin's house on any surveillance camera.

The evidence of the murder was found, and the location of the murder was also found...

Hang Jin took the result and sat in front of Zhuang Shiqiang again: "Mr. Zhuang, I have good news to tell you."

Zhuang Shiqiang was still very calm: "Has Captain Hang found the real murderer?"

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